Req. Practicals Year 1 Flashcards
What is the setup for investigating frequency of stationary waves?
A weighted wire with two wooden bridges acting as nodes.
What are the control variables for the frequency of stationary waves?
As f = 1/2l root(T/u), any 2 of these being constant will allow the other to be the independent.
What graphs should be plotted for the frequency of stationary waves practical?
Either f against 1/l or f^2 against 1/u; depends on what you measure.
What is the method for the stationary waves practical?
Either keep l constant and find the fundamental frequency at different tensions,
Or keep T constant and find the fundamental frequency for different lengths.
What is the setup for investigating diffraction gratings?
Monochromatic laser going through a diffraction grating onto a screen, allowing zeroth and more orders to be seen.
What is the method for the diffraction grating practical?
Adjust the D between the grating and the screen till lots of orders are visible. Measure 2x between maxima of each order then use tan theta = x/D
What are the safely precautions for the diffraction grating practical?
Never look directly at a beam, avoid reflections, switch the laser off when not in use, work in a bright room and keep your back to the laser.
What is the setup for investigating Young’s double slits?
A laser through two slits, spacing s, a distance D away from a screen.
What is the method for the Young’s double slits practical?
Same as diffraction, vary distance from screen and record fringe spacing w to calculate the wavelength of the light.
What graph do you plot for the g by freefall practical?
t^2 against h, gradient should be 2/g. Derived from SUVAT.
What is the setup for the G by freefall practical?
A ball being dropped from an electromagnet and falling through a trapdoor switch.
What is the method for the G by freefall practical?
3+ readings and average at each height, over as wide a range of heights as possible.
What graph do you plot for the Young’s Mod practical?
F against extension to give EA/l, derived from E = FL/Aextension.
What do you have to measure for the Young’s Mod practical
Length, A from diameter d, extension and force.
What is the method for the Young’s mod practical?
Thin copper wire should be clamped tightly and as long as possible. Add weight until taut, measure initial length, then continue adding weight and measuring extenion.
What graph do you plot for the resistivity of a wire practical?
R on y against l on x, gives a straight line of grad rho/A. Then determine A. Derived from equation.
What is the method for the resistivity of a wire practical?
Find the resistance of different lengths of a resistance wire. So find resistance for a constant d and rho as l varies. Croccy clips
What safety precautions should be taken for the resistivity of a wire practical?
Keep current low to prevent overheating wire. Prevent any short circuits, though voltage will be lowish.
What graph do you plot for the EMF practical?
V on y against I on x will give a line of grad -r and intercept e.
What is the method for the EMF practical?
Change the current in the cell using a variable resistor, record the PD at different voltages. Is v across a resistor connected to a cell with emf.
What can be used instead of a battery in the EMF practical?
A photocell, be sure to keep the light falling on it consistent (i.e at same time of day and don’t get in the way)