Republic Act No. 544 Flashcards
An act to regulate the practice of civil engineering in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 544
The Republic Act No. 544 was approved on
June 17, 1950
R.A. NO. 544 was amended by and approved on
R.A. NO. 1582, June 16, 1956
5 Articles of R.A. NO. 544
I - Title of the Act and Definition of Terms
II - Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers
III - Examination and Registration
IV - Enforcement of Act and Penal Provisions
V. - Miscellaneous Provisions
An act to regulate the practice of the professions of the engineer and architect
ACT NO. 2985 - February, 1921
An act to amend Act 2985
ACT NO. 3159 - March, 1924
An act to repeal and replace Section 24 of R.A. NO. 544
Republic Act No. 1582 - June 16, 1956
R.A. NO. 544 shall be known as
Civil Engineering Law
A person duly registered with the Board for Civil Engineers
Civil Engineer
Composed of a chairman and two members
Board for Civil Engineers
The Board shall be appointed by and upon recommendation of
President of the Philippines, Commissioner of PRC
Members of the Board shall hold office for a term of
Three years after appointment
Any member of the Board may be removed by the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation by the Professional Regulation Commission for
neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice, unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable conduct
Power and Duties of the Board
• Administer oath
• Issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of civil engineering
• Issue certificates of recognition to civil engineers for advanced studies, research, and/or highly specialized training in any branch of civil engineering
• Investigate violations of this Act and the regulations
• Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure appearance of witnesses in connection with the charges presented to the Board
• Inspect at least once a year educational institutions offering courses in civil engineering, civil engineering works, projects or corporations, established in the Philippines
• Adopt a code of ethics in the practice of civil engineering
Qualifications of Board Members
• Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines
• Be at least thirty years of age and of good moral character
• Be a graduate of civil engineering from a recognized and legally constituted school, institute, college or university
• Be a registered civil engineer duly qualified to practice civil engineering in the Philippines
• Have practiced civil engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period of not less than ten years prior to his appointment
• Not be a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or university where civil engineering course is taught, nor have a pecuniary interest in such institutions
• No former members of the faculty of any school, institute or university where civil engineering is taught can become a member of the Board unless he had stopped teaching for at least three consecutive years.