REPTILES Flashcards
Describe how to perform a PE on a reptilian patient
Begin by observing the animal in its enclosure before removing for general disposition, muscoskeletal, resp or GI problems.
What should be documented in a reptile PE?
Body weight and morphemetric measurements , HR, temp, RR
The weight in a reptile is a good indication of?
Hydration status
How do you obtain a temperature in a reptile?
Deep cloacal or surface temp
What does digital palpation of the coelomic cavity check for?
Eggs, cystic calculi, organ enlargement, masses, fluid and assessing gravidity
What does morphometric measurement help in?
Can help with body weight and in nutritional management
Number one thing to do before restraining a reptile ?
ID their weapons and make sure they are non-venomous.
What is the proper technique for restraining a snake?
Place your index finger and thumb around the mandible and support the body by placing a hand q 3 feet. Snakes >5 feet will require two handlers .
What is the proper technique for restraining a Lizard?
Grasp the head firmly with index finger and thumb. Hold front and back legs against the body.
For smaller lizards you can hold body in the palm of your hand.
True or False : It is appropriate to grab a lizard by the tail?
False not a good idea
What is the proper technique for restraining a Croc?
Mouth should be taped shut and hold them at the base of the tail..
What is the proper technique for restraining a juvenile chelonian?
Grasp at the lateral margins of the carapace just caudal to the head and beneath the rear flippers
Adults may require multiple handlers
Husbandry- What is the proper daytime temperature for temperate spp?
Husbandry- What is the proper temperature for temperate spp @ night?
Husbandry- What is the proper daytime temperature for desert dwellers?
Husbandry- What is the proper evening temperature for desert dwellers?
Husbandry- Lighting: In nm what is the strength needed for UVA light for reptiles to do normal daily activities ?
320-400 nm
What is the other type of lighting reptiles need besides UVA and why do they need it?
UVB which is needed to produce vitamin D3 in their skin
UVB 290-320 nm
What is the distance a light source should be away?
18 “
True or False: Light sources should be positioned through the glass?
FALSE - they should not be positioned through the glass because the glass deflects UVB light.
What is the amount of time reptiles need light during summer and winter?
14 hours in summer
12 hours in winter
Excess moisture in reptiles may cause this ?
Inadequate humidity in reptiles may cause these two things?
Desiccation and Dysecdysis
What percentage humidity is needed for sub tropical?
What percentage humidity is needed for temperate?
What percentage humidity is needed for desert species?
True or False: water sources such as soak pans, spray bottles, bottle containers and live plants can increase humidity?
Define ectotherm
An animal that depends on the environment/external sources for body heat
Temperature is maintained in a narrow range, terrestrial animals, can control themselves more.
Wider range of temp gradients typically aquatic
POTR or POTZ definition and what are sources of heat
Preferred optimal temperature range- this is unique to each species.
Radiant heat- bulbs and ceramic
In severely debilitated patients temperature should be kept at the _________ end of their POTR. This is established by____________.
Higher end of the POTR
Establish with radiant heat- bulbs and ceramics - USE CAUTION with surface heaters. Keep a thermometer in the cage.
What are the steps in the initial diagnostic work up of a reptile?
PE, CBC, Biochem, rads, fecal other
What is considered minimum database in a reptile?
HCT, TS, GLUCOSE, CBC , biochem, bacterial blood cultures
What is the blood volume that can be removed from a reptile?
0.5ml/100g of body weight
What is the blood volume of a reptile?
What are the places to perform venipuncture on a chelonian?
Jugular- gold standard
coccygeal,brachial,subcarapacial, interdigitital (leatherbacks) dorsal cervical sinus
Where can you perform venipuncture on a Snake?(two places)
- Caudal- ventral tail vein
Caudal to cloaca 25-50% down the tail at 45-60* angle on ventral midline - Heart - sedation and restraint required 22-33% from snout to vent
Where can your perform venipuncture on a lizard?
Caudal tail vein , ventral abdominal vein, jugular
Where can you perform venipuncture on a crocodilian?
Caudal ventral tail vein if small - med
Supra vertebral medium to large
What is the anticoagulant of choice for reptiles and why?
Lithium or sodium heparin b/c EDTA causes RBC lysis
3 Standard radiographic views for chelonians?
Crainiocaudla/Anterior - posterior
What 3 things make up “reptile ringers”?
1 part LRS
2 Parts 2.5% dextrose
0.45% NaCl
What would be a good choice of fluids for a chelonian with severe shock due to massive blood loss?
Hetastarch diluted 1:2 or 1:3 with 0.9% saline @1/mg/kg q15 mins
Indication of blood transfusion ?
a reptile has a blood volume of less than 5%
PCV >5% treat with these things:
Combo of fluid therapy, Fe supplementation, supportive care
Three appropriate fluids that can be used in reptiles for fluid therapy ?
Reptile Ringers
True or False: Oxyglobin is a good choice for sea turtles?
False - limited use in sea turtles and desert tortoises without adverse affects. O.K in healthy desert tortoises will cause dis -colored MM
Which routes are acceptable to administer fluids in SEVERELY COMPROMISED chelonians ?
IV or IO allows rapid rehydration, also needed for administering blood, colloids, and fluids >5% dextrose
Routes of fluid administration ? Which route is least stressful and best for bolusing?
Jugular , IC,sq,oral ,Cervical Sinus
cervical sinus for boluses and it is the least stressful and allows for repeated access .
When would you use Intracoelomic fluid therapy? Where do you inject this through?
Maintenance , injected through inguinal fossa in chelonians, right side of abdomen in lizards and lower third of body in snakes
Other routes of fluids include?
Subcutaneously- poor absorption,but is easily done
Orally -can be done in mild or moderate dehydration
Soaking -can soak in Luke warm water 24 hours for rehydration and reduction of epibiota
Intra cloacal
Do not exceed this volume of fluids per day?
2-3% of body weight
Fluid Maintenance in a reptile is ?
Be sure to do this before administration?
15ml/kg/day and up to 30ml/kg/day
Warm fluids
Which drugs would be used for short term induction of a reptile?
Hint 1 combo of two
Other Michael Jackson
Ketamine + Medetomidine and reverse with atipazole
Propofol - diluted with 2 parts saline to one part Propofol
Long term anesthetic plan?
Sevo, quicker than iso provide thermoregulatory support, monitor with Doppler, Pulsox, ECG
What is important 24 hours post anesthesia?
Dry dock post 24h
Secondary Nutritional Hyperparathyroidism clinical signs and cause?
Muscle tremors, tetany, fibrous osteodystrophy, pathologic fractures, tooth loss
DT diet prolonged deficiency in ca or VIT d , excess P and environmental also inadequate exposure to UV light
Secondary Nutritional Hyperparathyroidism Dx
Low normal Ca, rads show loss of cortical density
Secondary Nutritional Hyperparathyroidism treatment
Correct diet, fluids, Ca gluconate PO, Vit D, Calcitonin?
Hypovitaminosis A clinical signs and cause?
Bilateral blepharoedema, dt squamous metaplasia , pneumonia, ocular and nasal discharge
Cause = diet
Seen in young or fast growing chelonians
Hypovitaminosis A Diagnosis
VIT a assay of liver , blood test
Hypovitaminosis A TX
Oral VITA or subq injection using an oil based product
Gout Clinical signs and cause ?
Variable to Renal disease, lytic joint lesions, urate crystals swollen joints and reduced mobility
Water deprived and high protein diets
Gout Tx
husbandry low purine diet high moisture foods, mist and regular access to water
Probenacid-increases uric acid excretion
Allopurinol - decrease hepatic production
Thiamine deficiency clinical signs and cause?
Cause frozen fish diet
Thiamine def treatment
Four environmental health issues related to poor husbandry
- Impactions- from inappropriate substrate
- Abscesses
- Aural Abcesses- history of H2O change
- Secondary bacterial or fungal
How to prevent zoonotic potential of salmonellosis
Sanitation program- hand washing, bleach, keep reptiles away from human food and water preparation areas. Not recommended as pets for infants and immuno comprimised patients
What are 5 important things in obtaining a history on a reptile patient ?
Signalment, background ,environment, nutrition , reproduction
Which is the only reptile with a diaphragm ?
Use caution when handling other reptiles
Which two species have complete tracheal rings?
Crocs and chelonians
True or false : All reptiles have a 3 chambered heart?
False crocs do not
Venomous snakes have how many rows of teeth?
2 rows on the upper arcade
Non-venomous have 4 rows of teeth
What percentage of dextrose can go sub-q?
What effects passage time of contrast in reptiles?
Best anti parasitic in reptiles?
Fenbendazole for rounds and Protozoa but contraindicated in some cause bone marrow suppression, praziquantel and pyrantelpamoate
Disadvantage of using Medetomidine /ketamine
Contraindicated in patients with hepatic or renal function use lower end of dose
Which radiographic view will allow for visualization of both lung fields?
Which would be the best choice for skin closure in a reptile ?
Horizontal or vertical mattress
Which are the best two locations to perform venipuncture on a tortoise?
Brachial vein or Jugular
What percentage of body weight is the required nutritional need in reptiles?
How long should you leave sutures in a reptile?
4-6 weeks
What is the maximum amount of time you can administer NSAIDS to reptiles?
Should not exceed 3 days and must have adequate renal function prior
True or false: Honey works well following debridement due to it being very basic?
False it is acidic
What is UVA light for?
Where is the Doppler probe placed?
Thoracic inlet between the distal cervical region and the proximal front leg
Gout Dx
Urate crystals within joints
Impaction Cause and Tx
from inappropriate substrate.
Tx medically: enemas, parenteral fluids, laxatives
Mineral Oil, water via stomach tubes. Sx removal.
Aural abcesses cause and tx
Immunosupression and infrequent water change
Aerobic gram negative bacteria
Tx- lavage with proper anitmicrobial