Reproductive- UWORLD Flashcards
119- Q 3. What is rectocele?
posterior vaginal wall prolapse
: may cause constipation as enlarged rectum may trap feces
( uworld has pretty good picture to explain this)
119- Q 4. How does untreated PID can cause infertility?
scarring of fallopian tubes
-> ectopic pregnancy or infertility
119- Q 11. How to describe endometrial polyp vs. endometrial hyperplasia
- endometrial polyp: OUTGROWTH of endometrial tissue from surface of endometrium
- endometrial hyperplasia: abnormal proliferation of endometrial GLAND compared to stroma
119- Q 17. Describe uterine curretage finding in ectopic pregnancy
NO villi, but still endometrial change (high vasculature, edematous stroma) due to progesterone release
119- Q21. How prostatectomy may result in erectile dysfunction?
prostate plexus is nerve plexus surrounding prostate. CAVERNOUS NERVE (branches off prostate plexus) mediates erection.
prostatectomy may damage prostate plexus and thus cavernous nerve
119- Q 23. How increased estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy result in gallstone?
- high estrogen -> high HMG-CoA reductase -> high cholesterol synthesis/secretion
- high progesterone -> hypomobility of gallbladder
BOTH contribute to increased incidence of gallstone during pregnancy
- Fertility is one of F for gallstone
119- Q 26. what artery runs through spermatic cord? From which artery does it branch off?
gonadal artery
branch off from abdominal aorta
119- Q 35. Uterine artery is branched off from what artery?
internal iliac artery
bilateral ligation of internal iliac artery is indicated for postpartum hemorrhage
120- Q 12. Fetal abstinence syndrome
- what is it
- risk of factors
- symptoms
- fetus experiencing opioid withdrawal symptoms due to maternal opioid withdrawal
- maternal opioid use, maternal psychiatric disorders, poor prenatal care
- hypertonia, diarrhea, sweating, tremors, tachypnea
- this question was tough. Question did not provide history of maternal opioid use. It just provide other risk factors (HepC, history of schizophrenia , poor prenatal care) and symptoms (hypertonia, diarrhea, sweating, tremors)
120- Q 19. Fetal placental aromatase deficiency
- phenotype of fetus
- phenotype of mom
- fetus
: ambigious genitalia (if female) due to excess androgen - mom
: hirschitism due to androgen transferred back from fetus to maternal circulation
120- Q 29. alpha fetoprotein is secreted from what three structures of fetus?
yolk sac
GI tract
120-Q 29. maternal serum alphafetoprotein screening test
- what conditions (3) are associated with high AFP
- what conditions (2) are associated with low AFP
- high AFP
1. neural tube defects
2. ventral wall defects (omphalocele, gastrochisis)
3. multiple gestations - low AFP
1. trisomies (21 and 18)
2. dating error ( maternal history of irregular menses)
120- Q 30. skin retraction with breast cancer suggests infiltration of cancer cells into what structure of breast?
suspensory ligament (cooper ligament) -> infiltration of cancer cells leads to fibrosis and retraction of overlying skin
120- Q 31. flank pain with fever after hysterectomy. what structure is most likely injured?
ureter runs right below uterine artery
120- Q 31. ureter injury during hysterecomy: will patient have issue with urination?
highly unlikely, unless both ureters got damaged
120- Q 38. serum glucose state of fetus after delivery from mom with gestational diabetes
- maternal diabetes -> high glucose crosses placenta
- > islet cell hyperplasia in fetus (insulin does NOT cross placenta) -> hyper insulin state
=> after delivery, baby no longer receives glucose from mom, but insulin stays for few days, leading to transient HYPOglycemia
# 121- Q 11. Mullerian agenesis vs. androgen insensitivity \: key differences (2)?
- papable mass (testes) in labia marjora in androgen insensitivity, but not in Mullerian agnesis
- normal pubic hair in Mullerian agensis, but not in androgen insensitivity
121- Q 13. Does sertoli/leydig cell tumor occur in female?
yes. it is one type of ovarian cancer
presents with virilization and male hair pattern in female (don’t get confused with PCOS)
Also clitoromegaly (excess adnrogen -> excess estrogen) => clitoromegaly is NOT present in PCOS
121- Q17. most common site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma?
: may present with hemoptysis
121- Q 21. What is imperforate hymen? How does it present clinically?
obstructive lesion caused by incomplete degeneration of fibrous band connecting walls of vagina
- > no outlet of uterus
- > PALPABLE MASS (blood clot) on digital rectal exam
- uworld has good picture for this
121- Q 30. What is amniotic fluid embolism?
- > enters maternal circulation
- > occlusion of maternal pulmonary circulation
- > hypoxia and cardiopulmonary arrest (ARDS)