Reproductive- FA Flashcards
HER-2 has worse prognosis than Estrogen receptor positive in breast cancer. What molecule is HER-2? function?
tyrosine kinase receptor
=> promotes cell growth and proliferation
trastuzumab is antibody that targets HER-2, inhibiting cell growth
: antibody mediated cytotoxicity
Difference between partial vs. complete abruptio placentae?
complete: concealed hemorrhage
partial: apparent hemorrhage
- indications
- side effects
- androgen partial agonist
- endometriosis (reducing dysmenorrhea by negative feedback to FSH/LH-> inhibiting mestural cycle), hereditary angiodema
- heptatoxicity, hirsutism, masculization, also pseudomotor cerebri (so random)
Most effective emergency contraceptive?
copper IUD: local inflammation toxic to sperm and ova
Gubernaculum consists of which two ligaments in female? what is its function in male?
female- ovarian ligament and round ligament
*ligaments in upper region of uterus
male- holds testes within scrotum
Above which artery does the round ligament travel?
artery of Sampson
: tiny vessels that form anastomosis of uterine and ovarian artery
Leydig cell tumor
- histologic finding
- phenotypes- kid vs. adult
- Reinke crystals: eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions
- adult: gyenocomastia (estrogen from testosterone via aromatase)
- kid: precocious puberty (testosterone)
What is treatment for seizure prevention in preeclampsia? what is definitive treatment?
seizure prevention- 1st line: IV MgSO4, 2nd line: BDZ
definitive treatment: immediate delivery
*In fact, definitive treatment for all hypertensive complications of pregnancy (pre/eclampsia, HELLP) is immediate delivery of fetus
Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): explain each
- 46 XX DSD
- 46 XY DSD
- 46 XX DSD- ovary present, ambiguous external, virilization, excess androgen
- 46 XY DSD- testes present, ambiguous external (or female). Androgen insensitivity
- Bottomline: GONAD INTACT, EXTERNAL GENITALIA MESSED UP. It is matter of ANDROGEN (female- too much, male- too less)
Common theme of Klinefelter and Turner?
Hypergonotrophic hypogonadism
Klinerfelter: level of
- LH
- estrogen
- testosteron
- FSH: high
- LH: high
- hypergonatrophic
- testosteron: low (Leydig not functioning)
- estrogen: high -> gynecomastia
- this is bit complicated. But bottomline is that
Dysgenesis of semiferous tubules
-> decreased inhibin -> high FSH -> more AROMATASE synthesis by FSH -> relative increase of estrogen by PERIPHERAL TISSUE
What estrogen form is predominant in ovary? What about adipose tissue?
17-beta estradiol (highest potency)
vs. adipose tissue: where estrone is predominant (2nd potency)
prolactin vs. oxytocin: which one induces milk letdown?
- indication
- side effects
- SERM, estrogen antagonist in HYPOTHALAMUS
- > reduced negative feedback -> increased FSH/LH
- > ovulation
- indicated for PCOS (anovulation)
- side effects: visual disturbance, hot flashes
Why tamsulosin is helpful in treating BPH without causing systemic vasoconstriction?
selective alpha agonist for alpha1-A/D
alpha1-B receptor is in vasculature: so no vasoconstriction
phenotype of 5alpha-reductase deficiency in male?
- internal genitalia
- external genitalia
internal genitalia intact
ambiguous external genitalia UNTIL PUBERTY
After puberty, testosterone can promotes masculinization
Role of DHT during
- early development
- late development (after puberty)
- early development
: external genitalia development, prostate DEVELOPMENT - late development (after puberty)
Blood smear finding in HELLP syndrome?
Low platelet => platelet used up for thrombi
-> shistocyte -> hemolysis
Describe gross features of fetal alcohol syndrome. These defects are due to defect in what embryological step?
- smooth philtrum
- thin vermilon border (upper lip)
- microcephaly (holoprosencephaly for severe form)
- small palpebral fissures (small eye opening)
due to cell migration defect
hCG level in ectopic pregnancy?
lower than expected rise in hCG
blood at urethral meatus. diagnosis?
urethral injury
Two different mechanisms that may cause
- anterior urethra damage
- posterior urethra damage
- anterior urethra damage: perineal straddle injury
: falling onto bicycle bar
-> bicycle bar press urethra against pubic symphysis
-> damage ANTERIOR side of urethra by pubic symphysis - posterior urethra damage: pelvic fracture
pelvic bone on posterior side can damage urethra from back
(there is good figure in picture folder)
- ovary
- ectocervix
- endocervix
- transformation zone
- ovary: simple cuboidal
- ectocervix: squamous
- endocervix: columnar
- transformation zone: squamocolumnar, most common area for cervical cancer. Pap smear should have this cell type to be valid
Different mechanisms for contraception by using
- progestin
- antiprogestin
- progestin: thick cervical mucus, preventing sperm entrance => contraception before fertilization
- antiprogestin: inhibition of maintaining thick uterus wall => contraception after fertilization (termination of pregnancy)
Name of antiprogestrin for emergency contraception?
*Uli= sounds like URgenet
Ploidy and chromatids for
- spermatogonium
- spermatozoon
- spermatogonium: 2N,2C (diploid)
- GONIum= GOINg to be sperm. so before meiosis
- spermatozoon: 1N,1C (haploid)
What type of epithelium lines the uterus in the proliferative phase? In the secretory phase?
proliferative phase: columnar
secretory phase: coiled glands
prostate is derived from what embryological structure?
urogenital sinus
- gland= sinus
What is the gene responsible for proper organization along the dorsal-ventral axis?
What is the gene responsible for lengthening of limbs?
FGF, through stimulating mitosis of mesoderm
FGF= fibroblast GROWTH factor -> limb GROWTH
Chorionic villi: name and location of two parts? role of each?
- cytotrophoblast: highly mitotic, cells division, inner layer
Cytotrophoblast, Cells - syncytiotrophoblast: beta-hCG, outer layer
SYNcytiotrophoblast, SYNthesizes hormone - hormone outside, cells inside
Phenotypes of endometriosis
- dyschezia: pain with defecation
- dysmenorrhea
- dyspareunia: pain with sex
- retroverted uterus: adhesion
- PAINFUL things in endometriosis
most common site of endometrial tissue growth in endometriosis?
What is amniotic band syndrome? what type of error in organ morphogenesis?
entrapment of fetal parts (hands, feet) in fibrotic amniotic bands
this is example of disruption: secondary breakdown of PREVIOUSLY NORMAL structure
notochord arises from which embryological layer?
- way to remember: notochord stimulates differentiation of overlying ectoderm into neural plate. So it is gotta be one layer below= mesoderm
What is Peyronie disease ?
abnormal penile curvature caused by a tunica albuginea fibrous plaque => erectile dysfunction
clear cell carcinoma of the vagina: due to exposure to what teratogen in utero?
*also causes congenital Müllerian anomalies
what is Metrorrhagia ?
frequent or irregular mesnturation
What GI maliganancy is associated with ovarian cancer?
Lynch syndrome
- also associated with endometrial and skin cancer
Twinning: define when it occurs
- Dichorionic/ Diamnionic
- Monochrionic/ Diamnionic
- mono/mono
- mono/mono, conjoined
- Dichorionic/ Diamnionic
1. 2 eggs/ 2 sperms
2. before morula (day4) - Monochrionic/ Diamnionic
: between morula and blastocyst (4-8 days) - mono/mono
:after blstocyst (8-12 days) - mono/mono, conjoined
: too late: embryonic disc is formed, >13 days
During the third week of fetal development, what structure forms the allantois? Into which part of the fetus does it then extend? what does it become eventually?
yolk sac -> allantois -> it extends to urogenital sinus
- > allantois becomes urachus, , duct between bladder and umbilicus
- FA p. 572
During which week of development can the first male/female characteristics be distinguished?
10 wks, when genitalia shows to have characteristics
A woman receives antibiotics for mastitis but does not improve. Why are you worried?
Inflammatory breast cancer is often mistaken for mastitis (or Paget disease), so you should do an urgent workup for this diagnosis
What is triad of Meigs syndrome? what sensation pts complain?
- ovarian fibroma
- ascites
- pleural effusion
patients complain pulling sensation in groin
Which part of 3rd and 4th brachial pouch give rise to inferior and superior parathyroid respectively?
dorsal wings
Pregnant mom is exposed to a teratogen that lead shielding could have blocked. What birth defects could occur?
Microcephaly and intellectual disability
: this teratogen is X-ray
urethra is derived from what embryological layer?
What hormone is produced by thecoma? What is a common presentation?
- estrogen (it is like benign version of granulosa cell tumor)
- Although thecoma sounds like theca interna cell neoplasm, it is actually granulosa like
- pts commonly present with postmenopausal uterine bleeding
From which branchial arch subset is the cricothyroid muscle derived?
- all intrinsic muscles of larynx EXCEPT CRICOTHYROID is derived from 6th
What germ layer gives rise to the adrenal cortex?
mandibular hypoplasia and facial anomalies: diagnosis? what defect in embryology?
Treacher Collins syndrome
: due to failure of first brachial arch migration
micrognathia, glossoptosis, cleft palate, and airway obstruction: diagnosis? what defect in embryology?
Pierre Robinson sequence
: due to failure of first brachial arch function
- similar defect with Treacher Collins, yet completely different phenotypes
How may varicocele result in infertility?
limited blood drainage
- > increased scrotum temperature (blood is warm!)
- > decreased spermatogenesis
What is common site of metastasis in choriocarcinoma? how does it spread (lymph? or blood?)
lung -> may cause hemoptysis
spread hemtogenously
- one of 4 exceptions of carcinoma
- Choriocarcinoma
- follicular cell carcinoma of thyroid
Both complete hydatidifrom mole and choriocarcinoma can result in high hCG in lab. How to differentiate these two?
complete hydatidifrom: cystic swelling of chorionic villi
choriocarcinoma: no chorionic villi
* think like this: in choriocarcinoma, neoplasm is pretty advanced and chorionic villi is gone
Barr body
- what is it
- describe histologic finding
- what disease?
- inactivated X chromosome
- dumbbell shaped extension nucleus
: looks like tiny spot is coming out from nucleus, localizing in the edge (google it) - Klinefelter
- No Barr body in Turner. just one X is missing
Which nerve mediates erection, emission, ejacuation
erection: Parasympathetic, Pelvic
emission: Sympathetic, Hypogastric
ejacuation: Somatic, Pudendal
Point SHoot, SPoon
Two types of ovarian cyst? Each is associated with what other conditions?
- follicular: associated with hyperestrogen (so endometrial hyperplasia)
- many follicles are making cyst. Remember estrogen is required to mature follicles and induce ovulation. So hyperestrogen leads to make more follicles
- theca-lutein cyst: Due to gonadotropin stimulation. associated with choriocarcinoma or hydatidiform moles
- Luteinized follicles are making cyst. Remember choriocarcinoma or hydatidiform moles are associated with trophoblast, which exists only when fertilization occur, thus leuteinized follicles