Reproductive System (Test 3) Flashcards
What gene is responsible for regression of Müllerian ducts during sex differentiation in males?
the sry gene
When does capacitation occur normally?
Upon exposure to the fluid environment of the female reproductive tract.
What is the pharmacological mechanism of currently available medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra?
Inhibiting the action of phosphodiesterase type 5.
What is the target cell of LH secreted by the anterior pituitary?
Leydig cells.
What enzyme catalyze the reaction in which testosterone is converted into Dihydrotestosterone?
5α reductase
How many haploid oocytes and polar bodies are formed upon the completion of meiosis in women?
One haploid oocyte and two polar bodies.
In each menstrual cycle a cohort of follicles will be stimulated to develop but usually only one follicle will ovulate. Why does this follicle become dominant?
It is the first follicle in this cycle to convert androgens secreted by thecal cells to estrogens, which have a negative feedback on gonadotropins.
What is the proper sequence of events in a menstrual cycle?
Estrogen peak, LH peak, first polar body, ovulation.
What determines the length of time between from ovulation to menses in a non-pregnant cycle?
The life span of the corpus luteum.
Which hormonal changes take place during pregnancy?
hCG peaks at around 70 days then declines, progesterone and estradiol increase.
What will happen if the Sertoli blood barrier in the testis is damaged?
There most likely will be an immune reaction and sperm antibodies will form which may interfere with sperm function.
What is the function of Wolffian duct?
In the developing fetus, the continued presence of Wolffian ducts will lead to male sexual development.
What does the first meiotic division results in during spermatogenesis?
Secondary spermatocytes.
What does the transport of sperm into the vas deferens depends on?
The pressure exerted by the Sertoli cells which are continuously secreting fluid.
What is the mechanism of erection in the penis?
Arteries releasing nitric oxide which relaxes the arterial smooth muscle thereby facilitating blood flow into the corpora cavernosal.
How do hormones control spermatogenesis in males?
Pulsatile secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus stimulates FSH and LH release from the anterior pituitary. LH acts on Leydig cells to stimulate secretion of testosterone, while FSH acts on Sertoli cells to stimulate spermatogenesis.
What is the correct sequence of stages during oogenesis?
Oogonium, primary oocyte, secondary oocyte, ovum.
What is responsible for completion of the first meiotic division in the female?
Midcycle LH surge
Which hormones are produced by the corpus luteum after the ovum is expelled from the follicle?
Estrogen, progesterone, inhibin.
Which hormone prevents the regression of the corpus luteum during the early stages of pregnancy?
hCG produced by the conceptus.
What is the major hormone responsible for inducing contractions during parturition?
Which hormone is released at the highest level at the delivery time?
How many copies of chromosomes per cell are in primary oocytes stage?
During the menstrual cycle (if fertilization does not occur), which day make the transition from follicular phase to luteal phase?
What is the function of inhibin?
Acts on the pituitary to inhibit the secretion of FSH.
Which hormone does the Leydig cells in the testis primarily secrete?
What is the physiological event that characterizes menopause?
Primary ovarian failure.
Is ovulatory phase among the changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle?
What is the function of the Sertoli cells in the testes?
Secretion of luminal fluid, providing nutrients to developing sperm cells, secretion of the anti-Muellerian hormone, secretion of androgen-binding protein and secretion of inhibin.
From where the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) is secreted?
What is the earliest hormonal indicator of pregnancy?
Increase in chorionic gonadotropin. hCG peaks at around 70 days then declines, progesterone and estradiol increase.
Which enzyme facilitates the reaction that converts testosterone to estrogen in the brain?
Why is the lifespan of the corpus luteum expanded during early pregnancy?
The conceptus produces human chorionic gonadotropin.
Which hormone controls the milk ejection reflex?
Which hormone controls the milk synthesis?
What is the sequence of developmental stages during spermatogenesis?
spermatogonia - primary spermatocytes - secondary spermatocytes - spermatids - spermatozoa
Is spermiation part of the developmental stages during spermatogenesis?
No. Spermiation refers to the release of mature spermatozoa from the Sertoli cells.