Reproductive Physio Flashcards
what happens first in female pubertal development?
thelarche- breast budding (coincides with increase in estrogen)
then adrenarche - pubic hair
when does menarche occur?
first menses- between 11-14, average 12.5 (later than 2.5 years after beast development is abnormal)
when is puberty considered precocious? what is a concern?
6 for girls, 9 for boys
when does no pubertal development warrant investigation?
13 years old and no breast development
What difference in tanner stages between tissues is abnormal?
> 2
What is the first sign of male pubertal development
increase in testicular volume >3 ml (increased FSH); tanner stage 2
Normal menstrual cycles depend on _____ feedback provided by estrogen to the hypothalamus and pituitary
important tanner stages for breasts
3- adult but smaller
4- nipple froms secondary mound
during what tanner stage does pubic hair become coarse and curly and extend to pubis?
tanner 3
lab evaluations for precocious puberty
- bone scan (looking for advanced skeletal maturation)
- brain MRI
- labs w/ and w/o stimulation (FSH/LH/testosterone/DHEA)
when does menarche occur?
first menses- between 11-14, average 12.5 (later than 2.5 years after beast development is abnormal)
pathway of sexual differentiation
genetic sex (chromosomes) gonadal sex (testes/ovaries) genital sex (external genitalia) gender sex (behavior)
what is required for testicular development?
SRY on Y chromosome
what is required for ovary development?
two X chromosomes (still get female ducts & genitalia b/c default pathway is female, don’t have Y, progression to female structures occurs when male hormones are absent)
when does the female germ cell arrest?
during meiosis 1, substage of prophase
what is the product of male vs female meiosis?
Male- 4 daughter cells/germ cell (spermatogenesis)
Female- 1 daughter cell/germ cell + polar body
what does normal sperm development require?
reduced body temperature
what are some defects in genetic sex?
- aneuploidy- # chromosomes
- mosaicism- different genotypes in different cells
- chimerism - fused zygotes
- structural errors- unequal recombination
T/F Sexual dimorphism of phenotypic sex due to male vs female hormones/receptors
False- due to differences in the amounts of hormones and patterns of secretion
what happens if, while genital ducts are maturing they encounter testosterone? antimullerian hormone?
what produces each?
w/ testosterone from leydig cells (normally from testes), keep wolffian ducts
w/ antimullerian hormone from sertoli cells- degrade mullarian ducts
what happens if, while genital ducts are maturing they encounter no testosterone or antimullerian hormone? (aka have no testes)
no testosterone- wolffian ducts regress
no AMH- keep mullarian ducts, develop fallopian tube, cervix, upper vagina
what does 5 alpha reductase do?
converts testosterone to more potent DHT, which is important for male genitalia development via androgen receptors
what does finesteride (propecia) block?
5 alpha reductase; DHT has mitogenic effect on prostate gland, can cause benign prostatic hypertrophy
if encountered by fetus, can prevent male external genitalia development
differentiation of external genitalia?
- genital tubercle- citorus/glans penis
- urogenital folds- labia minora/ventral penis
- labioscrotal folds- labia majora/scrotum
male psudohermaphroditism and example
if testes + some/all female tract, female external genitalia
e.g. androgen resistance - no public hair, undescended testes
what is turner’s syndrome?
2nd x chromosome is inactivated, get streak gonads instead of ovaries
female pseudohermaphroditism
if ovaries + some/all of male tract+ male external genitalia
e. g. adrenal hyperplasia/virilizing ovarian tumor in mom
- clitoral hypertrophy, get fusion of urogenital sinus
- androgens lead to advanced skeletal age
describe kleinfelter’s syndrome
XXY - phenotypic male w/ no seminiferous tubule development, low testosterone, long legs, flat topped pubic hair
where does spermatogenesis occur?
seminiferous tubules
what do germ cells become?
spermatogonia in male, oogonia in female
what do coelomic epithelium cells become?
sertoli cells in male, granulosa cells in female (nurse cells)
what do mesenchymal cells become?
leydig cells in males, theca cells in females (hormone cells)
what converts testosterone to estadiol?
what converts testosterone to DHT?
5 alpha reductase
what does testosterone do during fetal development?
vas deferens
seminal vesicles
what does DHT do during fetal development?