Reproductive - Pathology (Part 2) Flashcards
What tumor marker would you order on a patient if you suspect an endodermal sinus (yolk sac) tumor?
What is the most common type of germ cell tumor in women?
Teratoma (more than 90% of tumors); mature teratomas are the most common benign ovarian tumors in women
Is there a difference in the prognosis of a patient with an immature teratoma compared to a mature teratoma?
immature teratomas are malignant whereas mature teratomas or dermoid cysts are benign
What kind of tumor contains cells from two or three germ cell layers?
A woman presents with palpitations, sweating, weight loss, and a low thyroid-stimulating hormone level; what ovarian pathology could be responsible?
Struma ovarii, in which functional thyroid tissue within a teratoma can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Which benign non-germ cell ovarian tumor is frequently bilateral and has a fallopian tube-like epithelium?
Serous cystadenoma, which compose 20% of non-germ cell tumors
Which malignant non-germ cell tumor represents 50% of ovarian tumors and is frequently bilateral?
Serous cystadenocarcinoma
Which benign non-germ cell tumor has multilocular cysts lined with mucus-secreting epithelium?
Mucinous cystadenoma; this can often look like intestinal tissue
Which malignant ovarian non-germ cell tumor can progress to pseudomyxoma peritonei?
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
What is pseudomyxoma peritonei?
An intraperitoneal accumulation of mucinous material from an ovarian or appendiceal tumor
Which benign ovarian non-germ cell tumor resembles bladder epithelium?
Brenner tumor
(remember: Brenner is Benign and looks like Bladder)
Which benign ovarian non-germ cell tumor contains bundles of spindle-shaped fibroblasts and can cause Meigs’ syndrome?
Ovarian fibroma
What triad is associated with Meigs’ syndrome?
Ovarian fibroma, ascites, and hydrothorax
A patient with an ovarian non-germ cell tumor has small follicles filled with eosinophilic secretions on histopathology. What are these called and what tumor do they signify?
Call-Exner bodies, indicative of granulosa cell tumors
How can the presentation of a granulosa cell tumor differ based on age?
Granulosa cell tumors secrete estrogen; in childhood, this can result in precocious puberty, whereas adults may see abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, or carcinoma
What is the most important risk factor for ovarian cancer?
Family history, since there is a strong genetic component to development of the disease
What histologic appearance is seen in a Krukenberg tumor of the ovary?
Signet cell adenocarcinoma, which produces mucin
Krukenberg tumor is an ovarian tumor that has its origin in what organ system?
Gastrointestinal system, usually as gastric cancer
What serum marker would you follow in a patient with any form of ovarian cancer?
CA-125 is a general marker for ovarian cancer
Name two genetic risk factors for developing ovarian tumors with a non-germ cell origin.
Being positive for BRCA-1 mutation or HNPCC (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) genes
What vaginal cancer develops secondary to cervical carcinoma?
Vaginal squamous cell carcinoma develops from cervical squamous cell carcinoma
Diethylstilbestrol exposure can lead to what type of vaginal carcinoma?
Clear-cell adenocarcinoma
A girl younger than 4 years of age has a vaginal mass that shows spindle-shaped tumor cells positive for desmin staining; what is the diagnosis?
Sarcoma botryoides; a variant of rhabdomyosarcoma
A sexually active female presents with vaginal pain, and on exam you note a tender mass in the labia majora; this is suspicious for what disorder?
Bartholin’s gland cyst, a rare lesion that may be a result of a prior infection
Sarcoma botryoides is a variant of what type of malignancy?
What is the most common breast tumor among women younger than 25 years of age?
Fibroadenoma, a benign tumor
A 20-year-old woman has a small, mobile, firm breast mass with well-defined borders; what is the most likely etiology?
Fibroadenoma, the most common tumor in women younger than 25 years of age
A 24-year-old woman notes a breast mass that becomes more tender during menstruation and asks you if this means she has breast cancer; what is your reply?
The age and description of the breast tenderness are consistent with a fibroadenoma, which is a benign breast mass
What neoplasm would be likely in a woman with serosanguinous discharge from her nipple but without a palpable breast mass?
Intraductal papilloma, which grows in the lactiferous ducts, often below the areola
What is the relationship between an intraductal papilloma and the development of breast cancer?
There is a small increase in the risk of carcinoma (1.5-2 times increased risk)
What is the likely diagnosis of a breast mass removed from a 55-year-old woman that is a large, bulky tumor composed of connective tissue and cysts with leaf-like projections?
Phyllodes tumor (remember: phyllodes means leaf-like)
What is the prognosis of a woman with a phyllodes tumor of the breast?
Although typically regarded as a benign breast tumor, some may become malignant
What are the two types of breast tissue from which breast carcinoma can arise?
Mammary duct epithelium or lobular glands
Which cellular markers that affect both treatment and prognosis should you test for in a patient with a new diagnosis of breast cancer?
Hormone receptor expression (estrogen, progesterone receptors) and erb-B2 or HER-2, an epidermal growth factor receptor
What is the single most important prognostic factor in malignant breast cancer?
Axillary lymph node involvement
Name four risk factors for breast malignancies.
Increased estrogen exposure, obesity (which also results in increased estrogens), increased number of total menstrual cycles, and advanced age at the first live birth
What type of breast carcinoma should you suspect if a biopsy shows ductal tissue filling the lumen that does not cross the basement membrane?
Ductal carcinoma in situ, an early malignancy that arises from ductal hyperplasia
What type of breast carcinoma should you suspect if you note a rock-hard mass on exam and a biopsy shows a fibrous mass with small, interspersed, glandular, duct-like cells?
Invasive ductal carcinoma
What type of malignant breast tumor is most invasive and has the worst prognosis?
Invasive ductal carcinoma; it is also the most common (75% of breast malignancies)
How can a comedocarcinoma be distinguished from ductal carcinoma in situ?
Comedocarcinoma is a subtype of ductal carcinoma in situ, notable for caseous necrosis within the duct
A woman presents to your office and on breast exam you note that she has a mass and the overlying skin looks like an orange peel; what is the cause of these dermatologic findings?
This is inflammatory breast carcinoma with the classic peau d’orange appearance, caused by malignant involvement of the dermal lymphatics
Which type of breast carcinoma should you suspect in a woman with bilateral masses when biopsy reveals orderly rows of cells?
Invasive lobular carcinoma, which is often bilateral and multiple
Which histologic type of breast carcinoma is a fleshy tumor with lymphocytic infiltration and a good prognosis?
A woman presents to your office complaining of a chronic nonhealing eczematous patch on her nipple; what do you expect to see on biopsy?
Paget cells (large epidermal cells with a clear halo around the nucleus) on biopsy; she has Paget’s disease of the breast
What work-up should be done in a patient with Paget’s disease of the nipple?
Work-up for underlying carcinoma of the breast
Name four histologic types of fibrocystic breast disease.
Fibrotic, cystic, sclerosing adenosis, and epithelial hyperplasia