Reproductive - Pathology (Part 1) Flashcards
What levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone would you expect in a patient with an XY genotype who has defective androgen receptors?
Both testosterone and luteinizing hormone would be elevated (congenital androgen insensitivity)
A patient has elevated testosterone levels; what laboratory test can help you distinguish between a defect in the androgen receptor and the use of exogenous testosterone?
An luteinizing hormone level will be elevated with an androgen receptor defect and will be decreased with exogenous testosterone; also, a patient with complete androgen insensitivity will be externally phenotypically female
What conditions can result in an elevated testosterone level and a decreased luteinizing hormone level?
The use of exogenous steroids and a testosterone-secreting tumor
How can levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone help you distinguish between primary hypogonadism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism?
Both have low testosterone; however, primary hypogonadism (gonad failure) has an elevated luteinizing hormone, whereas hypogonadotropic hypogonadism has a low luteinizing hormone level
What is the term for a mismatch between the phenotype of internal (gonads) and external genital structures?
Pseudohermaphroditism, a disagreement between the phenotypic (external genitalia) and the gonadal sex
What type of internal and external sex organs are present in cases of male pseudohermaphroditism?
The testes are present, but the external genitalia are female or ambiguous
What type of internal and external sex organs are present in cases of female pseudohermaphroditism?
The ovaries are present, but the external genitalia are virilized or ambiguous
What in utero events can cause female pseudohermaphroditism at birth?
Excessive exposure to androgenic steroids during early gestation; caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia or exogenous androgens
What is the most common etiology of male pseudohermaphroditism?
Androgen insensitivity syndrome; formerly known as testicular feminization
A normal-appearing female presents to your office with secondary sex characteristics but no sexual hair, and on exam she has a blind pouch vagina and no palpable uterus; what condition should you suspect?
Androgen insensitivity syndrome, a mutation in the androgen receptor leading to no response to androgens
How can one distinguish between androgen insensitivity syndrome and sex chromosome disorders?
In androgen insensitivity syndrome testosterone, estrogen, and luteinizing hormone will all be elevated, while in sex chromosome disorders testosterone and estrogen are low
You diagnose a patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome; what should be done to prevent malignancy?
Surgical removal of the testicles
In someone with androgen insensitivity syndrome, where in the body are the testes often found?
Most commonly in the labia majora; they can also be found in the abdomen or pelvis
What is the genotype and phenotype for someone with androgen insensitivity syndrome?
The genotype is (46,XY), and the phenotype is externally female
What is the phenotype of the external genitalia of someone with reductase deficiency?
It is ambiguous until puberty (Penis )
What are the levels of testosterone, estrogen, and luteinizing hormone in a patient with reductase deficiency?
Testosterone and estrogen are normal; luteinizing hormone is normal to increased (dihydrotestosterone and testosterone provide negative feedback)
Why do individuals with reductase deficiency undergo genital growth at puberty?
Increased levels of testosterone at puberty trigger growth of the external genitalia despite the lack of reductase
What reaction is blocked in patients with reductase deficiency?
The conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is needed for secondary sex characteristics
What is the histologic appearance of a hydatidiform mole? What is the appearance on gross pathology?
Cystic swelling of the chorionic villi and the proliferation of the chorionic epithelium (trophoblast); grossly, it has a honeycombed uterus or cluster of grapes appearance
A hydatidiform mole is the most common precursor of what malignancy?
What is the genotype of a complete hydatidiform mole?
46,XX (or 46,XY)
A woman presents with abnormal uterine bleeding, highly elevated human chorionic gonadotropin, and an abnormally enlarged uterus; what would you expect to see on sonogram?
Hydatidiform mole, which classically has a snowstorm appearance with no fetus on ultrasound
Which type of hydatidiform mole has chromosomes that are triploid or tetraploid: a partial mole or a complete mole?
A partial mole will commonly have a 69, XXY genotype
Which type of hydatidiform mole may contain fetal parts: a partial mole or a complete mole?
A partial mole
(remember: PARTial mole contains PARTS)
Is a patient who has extremely elevated human chorionic gonadotropin and large uterus size more likely to have a complete or a partial mole?
A complete mole; partial moles typically have milder elevations in human chorionic gonadotropin and normal uterus size
What is the origin of the genetic material in a complete hydatidiform mole?
A complete mole contains exclusively paternal DNA; two sperm fertilize an empty egg
What is the origin of the genetic material in a partial hydatidiform mole?
This type of mole has DNA from both the mother and the father due to the fertilization of one egg by two sperm; it can be 69,XXX or 69,XXY
What is the treatment for hydatidiform mole?
Dilatation and curettage; human chorionic gonadotropin level is checked frequently and methotrexate is used if choriocarcinoma develops
How does the risk of malignancy differ between complete and partial moles?
Complete moles have a 15% to 20% risk for malignant trophoblastic disease and progress 2% of the time to choriocarcinoma; partial moles have a low risk of malignancy () and rarely progress
What is the most common cause of recurrent miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Low progesterone levels associated with no response to ;-human chorionic gonadotropin
What is the most common cause of recurrent miscarriages in the first trimester?
Chromosomal abnormalities, such as a robertsonian translocation
What is the most common cause of recurrent miscarriages in the second trimester?
Bicornuate uterus, resulting from incomplete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts during uterine development
A pregnant woman is noted to have a blood pressure of 140/90, swollen ankles and eyes, and protein in her urine; what is the diagnosis?
This is classic triad of preeclampsia (hypertension, proteinuria, and edema) which affects 7% of pregnancies
What condition should you think of when a pregnant woman who has been monitored for preeclampsia develops seizures?
How can you distinguish between preeclampsia and a molar pregnancy in a pregnant woman with new-onset hypertension?
Preeclampsia occurs from 20 weeks gestation to 6 weeks postpartum; symptoms before 20 weeks may be due to a molar pregnancy
Name four conditions that predispose a woman to preeclampsia or eclampsia.
Hypertension, chronic renal disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders
A pregnant woman is seen in the emergency room with elevated blood pressure, a platelet count of 90, elevated liver function tests, and elevated indirect bilirubin; what is the diagnosis?
Preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome variant
HELLP stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver function tests, and Low Platelet count.
What is thought to be the initial insult that leads to the increased vascular tone seen in preeclampsia?
Poor dilation of the spiral arteries causes placental insufficiency, which leads to increased vascular tone as a means of improving perfusion
What is the only definitive treatment for preeclampsia?
Delivery of the fetus
What lab findings would you expect to see in a pregnant woman with proteinuria who develops headache, blurred vision, and hyperreflexia?
Thrombocytopenia and hyperuricemia; she may have preeclampsia or eclampsia
In a stable mother with a preterm fetus that is not yet viable, what is the treatment for preeclampsia?
Bed rest, salt restriction, and treatment of hypertension
Which two drugs can be used for seizure prophylaxis or treatment in pregnant women with preeclampsia or eclampsia?
Magnesium sulfate and diazepam
The mortality associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension is most often due to what two conditions?
Cerebral hemorrhage and adult respiratory distress syndrome
A woman presents with painful vaginal bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy and you suspect the placenta is no longer attached to the uterine wall; what is the diagnosis?
Abruptio placentae
(remember: Abrupt detachment)
What are two complications of abruptio placentae?
Fetal demise and disseminated intravascular coagulation in the mother