reproductive health Flashcards
What is reproductive health?
Reproductive health is the overall well being of a person in which the people in a society are both socially, mentally, physically and emotionally healthy and have positive behavioural aspects.
As a healthy mind leads to a healthy body
why is the overall mental, physical and social well being also important in reproductive processes? why did WHO promote the concept of World health organization?
The overall well-being is important because it is the overall health [physical health, mental health, social health, emotionally] that affects the whole entire reproductive health of the individual.
Therefore, WHO has put its outmost focus on the topic of reproductive health which means that a person should be emotionally, mentally, physically and socially healthy as well.
what is family planning?
The concept of family planning is to spread awareness to illiterate rural people and orthodox families about the different guidelines about child caare and to prevent them from having misconceptions about reproduction related informations.
Its basically to spread the required information about the child birth and child care.
Its also to give out information about chilc care, abortion, surrogacy, artificial insemination and adoption.
List the important facts and aspects of family planning and reproductive health?
Family planning was adopted in 1951
-Another RCH reproductive and child health care programme which was started in 1997
What are some of the problems regarding the deterioration of reproductive health
PROBLEMS- Early/child marriage Personal hygiene health of ladies lack of awareness STDs misconceptions myths
what are the reasons for population explosion?
The reasons for population explosion is:
- Mother mortality rate gradual decrease
- Infant mortality rate decrease
- Lack of education/ sex education
- Child labour- the family views the child as the earning member
- child marriage
- The death rates are decreasing and the birth rates are increasing
What are the steps to stop this
- to stop this, we can spread awareness about stopping child marriage, early marriage and throwing light on topics like personal hygiene and giving the poor and rural families better information about sex education and
- prevent them from having any misconceptions and myths about sex
-also guide them to use ecofriendly contraceptives
- what characteristics does a ideal contraceptive have
- It should be user friendly/ bio friendly
- It should be easily available and economically feasible
- it should be effective and reversible ‘‘not re-usable’’ as there might be infections then.
- It should not be interfering with the sexual desire
- It should not have any side effects
Name the types of contraceptive methods?
[surgical methods are mostly permanent.
What causes increased reproduction and birth rates?
The increased health capacity and better facilities and living conditions leads to increase in number of reproduction.
What is the role of family planning and what is its functions
The concept of family planning is to spread awareness to people about the reproduction related topics to create a reproductively healthy society without any misconceptions and myths.
- The Reproductive and child health care aims to provide care and welfare for the infant
we should motivate the rural people and people from small families to have a maximum of 2 children and not more than that.
we should spread the word and slogan of ‘‘hum do hamare do’’
to aware people that marriage year should be more than 18-21 years
in the city of mumbai many people have adopted the system of 1-child system thats why most of the families have a single child in mumbai
Why sex education should be promoted in schools as well
- In schools, teenager students should be given proper information about sex-related topics
- Students in school should avoid discussing about misconceptions and myths about sex
- There should be proper information about adolosence.
- the students should be given proper information about reproductive organs and related changes
- should be given proper information about sexual practices and information about proper hygiene.
- They should also be given proper information about the sexually transmitted diseases.
-Mechanical methods includes- in male: condoms in females: diaghrm, cervical caps, intra uterine devices [IUDs] Chemical method- -Spemicidals -oral pills -Implants Injections Natural methods- Rhythm period, to abstain coitus interruptus lactational amenorrhea Surgical methods- Vasaectomy, tubeectomy , Costration- in this we cut and remove the testis so that no fertilization occurs, and ovaroectomy
what are natural methods?
- natural methods includes the rhythm period also called as periodic abstinence in which the male and female does not undergo conception during the 10-17 days as this phase is also called the ovulation or fertility phase as the chances of fertilization and implantation is very high
- The second method is that of the lactational amenorrhea in which the male and female partner are not able to undergo coitus during the period of parturition and the intense lactation period, as there is lack of menstruation, though it does not have any side effects, cuz in this no pills and medicines are required but this method is also not 100% effective
- The third method, is coitus interruptus in which during the coitus just as the insemination is about to start the male partner withdraws its penis away so that insemination does not happen.
what are some of the barrier methods? for both males and females?
The aim of the barrier method is that it is used to block the entry of sperms into the female genital tract an also to prevent insemination and prevents the ova and sperms to physically meet each other
The barrier methods in males includes the condoms which is made of a rubber latex sheath and is used to block the insemination.
- They are used to cover the penis in the male and the cervix in the female, so that the ejaculated semen won’t enter the female genital tract.
- Nirodh is a widely used brand of condoms.
- Over the recent years, the usage of condoms has increased because of it is used to cure many STDs and AIDS.
- they are disposable and self inserted which gives privacy to the user
what are some of the barrier methods for females?
Some of the barrier methods for females includes the diaghragm, cervical caps and vaults which are used to cover the cervix during coitus to avoid insemination of semen into the female reproductive tract, other barriers also includes foams, jellies, spermicidal creams [ creams that kills the entering sperms on the way itself] , the female condoms are made up of the rubber sheath.
what are intra-uterine devices?
intra-uterine devices are devices which are inserted into the skin only by skilled medical professionals and expert nurses. they are inserted into the uterus through the vagina
These IUDs are also present as non-medicated IUDs for example: lippes loop.
There are some copper releasing IUDs too that consists of the T-shaped Cu-T, Cu-7, and the multiload-375] and the hormone releasing [progestasert, LNG-20],
- -IUDs increases phagocytosis- killing of sperms, suppresses sperm motility and reduces the fertilizing capacity of sperms
- It makes the cervix hostile to sperms
- It also makes the uterus unsuitable for implantation.
what are oral administration of pills?
- oral pills are those contraceptives which consists of either progesterone-estrogen pills or only progestrone pills.
- Pills are taken in the form of tablets and they and to be taken for a daily of 21 days in which the first 7 days needs to be the menstrual phase,
- they helps to inhibit ovulation and implantation and alters the cervical mucus which retards the entry of sperms.
- its effective with much less side effects, the most renowned oral contraceptive is saheli which contains a non-steroidal preparation.
- the saheli pill is also called ‘‘ONCE-A-WEEK’’ pill and is very effective with very few side effects.
what are injections and implants?
Injections are implants have progesterone in it or the combination of progesterone or estrogen, the implants are implanted under the skin in the underarm , and their effective periods are much longer effective periods
- Administration of IUDs or progesterone only pills of combination of estrogen- progesterone combinaton taken within 72 hours of coitus helps to diminish pregnancy and are termed as emergency pills or i-pills, these type of pregnancy usually happens because of rape or sexual assault. in this case emergency contraceptives are used.
what are surgical methods?
surgical methods js a permanent way to terminate pregnancy, and is also called as sterilization
it block the gamete transport
- sterilization in males is called vasaectomy in which the vas deferens of the males is removed or a small is incision is done and then its all tied up, which inhibits fertilization
- sterilization process in females is called tubectomy in which the fallopian tube of the female is either withdrawn or incised and then tied up, usually surgical methods are irreversible and they are 100 percent effective
- there is also a process called costration in which the testis are removed thus terminating fertilization and pregnancy.
- ovaroectomy is the process in which the ovaries are removed or withdrawn thus leading t no ovulation and no pregnancy
what are some important things to keep in mind while choosing a suitable contraceptive? what are some ill effects that can happen after using contraceptive methods?
while choosing a suitable contraceptive, one must consult a medical professional or expert nurses for this purpose
- one must also bear in mind that the usage of contraceptives is not the natural regular requirement of reproductive health and its actually against the natural reproductive processes [conception/ pregnancy]
- These methods are used to either delay pregnancy or space pregnancy due to personal reasons.
- The widespread use of these method is used to check uncontrolled population explosion
some ill effects that can happen by using contraceptive methods are-
- nausea
- abdominal pain
- irregular menstrual bleeding
- breakthrough bleeding
- breast cancer if not diagnosed and treated properly.
What is MTP?
MTP stands for medical termination of pregancy, it is the voluntary and intentional way to terminate pregnancy before full term, this is also called induced abortion.
- around 45-50 million MTPs are performed every year around the world
- the topic of the acceptance to legalize MTP and abortion is going through a small pace in most countries due to social, religious, legal and ethical issues
- The indian government legalized MTP in 1971 with some strict implications on its misuse.
- such restrictions for some indiscriminate illegal female foeticides which are reported very much in india.
- The MTPs legally is also used to terminate unwanted pregnancies caused by unprotected coitus, sexual assault, rapes and other cases
- there are cases in MTPs can be fatal to both the mother and the growing foetus.
at what time are MTPs considered safe?
MTPs are usually considered safe in the first 12 weeks [first trimester] ,
second trimesters abortions are much more dangerous, there are some illegal trends observed in which majority of the MTPs are performed by unqualified quacks which are not safe and fatal to the life of the mother and the unborn.
What is amniocentesis? why is it illegal?
amniocentesis is the process by which we can find out the sex of the baby by taking out some of the amniotic fluid and checking the chromosomal sequence in it which results in determining the sex of the unborn
frequently if the foetal turns out to be a female its aborted by doing MTP which results in millions of female foeticides
this is totally against wat is legal and hence its unsafe for both the mother and the growing foetus,
what are some of the methods by which unprotected intecourse?
To prevent unprotected coitus and risk factors of abortions is by doing by proper counselling to the small families and orthodox families about the side effects and causal factors of abortion and also to have better health-care facilities.
What are STDs and how can it be prevented
STDs stands for sexually transmitted diseases which are also known as venereal diseases which are spreaded through unprotected sexual intercourse some of the most common STDs are- - gonorrhea - syphilis - chlamydiasis -genital warts -genital herpes disease. -trichomoniasis - hepatitis-B - HIV -AIDS -STIs among these HIV infection, hepatitis-B, and genital herpes is the most dangerous and are not curable while the others are curable
-HIV and hepatitis-B can be spread through already used injections , surgical instruments, etc
- in infected parents the transfusion of blood can also happen between the blood of the mother and the blood of the foetus thus leading to the disease called erythoblastosis foetalis.
The early symptoms of contraceptive diseases includes
- nausea
- smelly fluid discharge
- slight pain
- itching
if not diagnosed properly or if the person is asymptomatic or early minor symptoms are ignored then complications might be faced by the infected person
for example: pelvic inflammatory disease, abortions, still-births, ectopic pregnancies, infertility or cancer nodules in the reproductive tract. the early diagnosis of this is the primary concern for the reproductive health programmes.
which age is the most vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases?
although all the age groups are vulnerable to these infections , but the incidences are more common among people in the age group of 15-24 years
but to any infection there is a cure so no need to panic
what are some of the ways by which we can avoid STDs?
- we should avoid having intercourse with unknown and multiple partners
- we should always use condoms and contraceptive methods during coitus.
- in case of doubts, we should always consult a qualified medical professional and expert nurses for early detection and get complete treatment if diagnosed with an infection.
what is infertility? what are some of the reasons for the infertility of both males and females?
infertility is the inability of the couple to conceive or give birth to a child , a large no. of couples including the indian couples are infertile even after having unprotected sex multiple times
the reasons of infertility could be congenital disorders, physical, drugs, immunological or even psychological disorders. mostly the society disregards the female as the one whos childless when its actually the fault of the male
There are several sperm health care centres in big cities or infertility clinic and test-tube baby centres, there are several medical corrective treatments that can help the infertile couples to have children.
The techniques through which the infertile couples can have children too is the assistive reproductive technology
Name the different types of assistive reproductive technologies.
- in-vitro fertilization [vitro- outside the body in similar conditions of that]
- in -vitro fertilization is followed by embryo transfer.
- Test-tube baby, ova from a healthy female is taken and sperm from a healthy male is taken and are collected and fused together to form the zygote under the suitable conditions in the laboratory.
- ZIFT [Zygote intra-fallopian tube transfer]
- IUT [ intra-uterine transfer]
- GIFT - [gamete intra fallopian tube transfer]
- ICSI - [intracytoplasmic sperm injection]
- AI [ artificial insemination] also known as intrauterine insemination.
what is in-vitro fertilization?
in-vitro fertilization is a process in which the fertilization takes place outside the body in lab, and in which the ovum from a healthy female and the sperm from a healthy male is taken and then fused together to form the zygote in the zygote-stimulated environment in the laboratory. followed by embryo tranfer into the infertile woman’s body.
- In-vivo fertilization is also a way in which the infertile couples can have children too and it takes place inside the human body and not in a laboratory setting
-ZIFT - zygote intra fallopian tube transfer
in this the ova from a healthy female/donor and the sperm from a healthy male/donor is taken and then they both are fused together in the zygote stimulated laboratory setting and then the embryo with 8-16 or at the morula stage it is inserted back into the infertile woman
-IUT - in this the same process is used but this time in the 16-32 celled blastocyst stage it is inserted into the uterus of the infertile woman
-GIFT [Gamete-intra fallopian tube transfer]
it is the transfer of the ovum from a healthy female donor to the fallopian tube of another female who is infertile but has the right conditions for the growth of the embryo
-ICSI [ intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection]
is another specialized procedure to form an emrbyo in the laboratory and in this the sperm is directly injected into the ovum
- AI [artificial insemination] in this process, sometimes the male is not able to inseminate because of low sperm count or lesser gamete production .
so in order to resolve this problem the semen is extracted from a healthy male donor and is artificially introduced either to the vagina or into the uterus.
when it is transferred into the uterus it is called [intra-uterine insemination IUI]
why are there limited number of Assistive reproductive technology centres in our country? and why is legal adoption a much better method for infertile couple?
- Though there are many methods by which the infertile couples can have children, such techniques requires a high precision and requires specialized professionals and expensive instrumentations
therefore these facilities are only available in few cities and mostly only in big cities.
also the ART techniques are not easily affordabe and economically feasible to the rural people, thats why its not widely used. - emotional, religious and social factors also plays a great role in the deteration of this method.
Since the ultimate aim of all these methods is to have children, then legal adoption is the best alternative as there are a whole lot of malnutritioned orphans and destitute children which if not taken good care of might not attain their maturity
so legal adoption is the best method plus also advised by the government for those looking for parenthood.