Reproductive Cyclicity Definitions Flashcards
What is estrus vs estrous (or oestrus vs oestrous in British English)?
estrus is a noun while estrous is an adjective; estrous describes the behaviour. the cycle cannot be described as estrus
what is estrus commonly referred to as?
What is an estrous cycle?
the period btwn 1 estrus & the next
What is monovular vs polyovular?
monovular produce only 1 oocyte per estrus cycle while poly ovular produce more than 1 oocyte per estrus cycle
What is monotocous vs polytocous?
monotocous have only 1 offspring because they produce only 1 oocyte while polytocous have more than 1 offspring
What is estrus?
the time period during which the female is sexually receptive, a state or period of heightened sexual arousal & activity, usually coinciding w/ ovulation
what is anestrus?
an interval of sexual inactivity btwn 2 periods of estrus in female mammals that breed cyclically. anestrous (adj.)
What is diestrus?
in female mammals, a short period of sexual quiescence btwn 2 estrus periods, during which the uterus is prepared for a fertilized ovum
what is metestrus?
period of sexual inactivity that follows estrus. the period of growth of the corpus luteum (early luteal phase)
What is monestrous?
having 1 estrus cycle per year or season
what is polyestrous?
having several estrus cycles during a single breeding season, ovulating more than once a year
what is proestrus?
the period immediately before estrus in female animals, characterized by luteolysis, development of the endometrium, & maturation of the ovulatory ovarian follicles
What is the antrum?
(L. a cave), cavity; a nearly closed cavity or bulge. in the ovary this refers to the follicular fluid-filled space w/in the follicle
What is the atretic follicle?
an ovarian follicle that ceases to mature & degenerates. also called “atresia” referring to the process of degeneration of the ovarian follicle
What is the corona radiata?
layer of follicle cells of the cumulus oophorus that are attached directly to the zona pellucida of the oocyte. (the first layer of follicular (granulosa) cells outside the zona pellucida). a sub-population of granulosa cells.
What is the corpus luteum?
(L. corpus = body, luteum = yellow); the gland that develops from the collapsed walls of an ovarian follicle after ovulation that act as an endocrine organ supporting pregnancy. Renier de Graaf first observed it in the ovary of a cow as a yellow structure. Corpora lutea (pl.)
What is the corpus albicans?
(L. corpus = body, albicans = whitish); a degenerating corpus luteum in ovary
What does cortical mean?
(L. corticalis - at the outside (like the bark of a tree)); usually used in counterpoint w/ medulla meaning core
What is the cumulus oophorus?
(L. cumulus = a little mound, G. oon = egg + phorus = bearing); part of the wall of an ovarian follicle (granulosa cells) surrounding the ovum (oocyte)
What is the cumulus-oocyte complex (COC)?
oocyte surrounded by cumulus cells
What is the follicle?
(L. folliculus = little bag, dim. of L. follis). a structure which develops in the ovary & contains a developing egg (oocyte)
What is the follicular fluid?
fluid found in the antrum of a tertiary follicle. secreted by cells in the wall of the follicle (granulosa cells). this fluid is released along w/ oocyte at ovulation
What is surface epithelium?
(previously germinal); cellular component covering the surface of the ovary, it is continuous w/ mesothelium covering the mesovarium. note that germinal is a historical misnomer, as it is not the actual site of germ cell formation
What does medullary mean?
(from L. medius = in the middle) relating to the medulla; pith, marrow, inner portion of an organ. usually used in counterpoint w/ cortex (cortical) meaning the outer layer
What is the mesovarium?
peritoneal attachment of the ovary formed from a fold of the broad ligament that attaches the ovary
what is the Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS)?
glycoprotein hormone produced by the Sertoli cells of the male testis during fetal development that causes regression & atrophy of the Mullerian ducts; aka anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)
What is ovulation?
release of the oocyte from the mature follicle
What is the primordial follicle?
present in the ovary from birth, located in the cortex of the ovary beneath the tunica albuginea. the primordial follicle is the oocyte & single flattened layer of follicular cells
What is the primordial germ cell?
generative cells (mitotic) occupying the gonadal ridge of the developing mesonephros which after entering meiosis become the oocyte (female) or sperm (male)
What are stromal cells?
in the ovary, cells surrounding the developing follicle that form a CT sheath (theca folliculi). this layer then differentiates into 2 layers (theca interna, & theca externa). this region is vascularized & involved in hormone secretion
What is the theca externa?
stromal cells forming the outer layer of the theca folliculi surrounding the developing follicle, consisting of CT, smooth muscle & collagen fibers, blood vessels, lymph vessels, & nerves
What is the theca interna?
stromal cells forming the inner layer of the theca folliculi surrounding the developing follicle. this vascularized layer of cells responds to LH synthesizing & secreting androgens which are processed into estrogen
What is the tunica albuginea?
dense CT layer lining lying btwn germinal epithelium & cortical region of the ovary
what is parity?
condition of having given birth
What does multiparous mean?
having given birth two or more timesWa
What does nulliparous mean?
a female that has never given birth
what does primiparous mean?
given birth the 1st time only