Reproductive Biology Flashcards
Number of sows that can be mated to one boar when mating in a harem:
80-90 sow
60-70 sow
20-30 sow
40-60 sow
60-70 sow
Birth weight of lamb
3,0-5,5 kg
2,5-5,0 kg
1.5-4.0 kg
1,5-2,0 kg
1.5-4.0 kg
Typical number of kittens in a litter:
1-2 kitten
4-10 kittens
10-12 kitten
4-10 kittens
Sexual (and breeding) maturity of pigs:
12-21 month
5-6 (8-9) month
3-12 month
8-14 month
5-6 (8-9) month
Typical number of offspring in horse:
Sexual (and breeding) maturation of the goose:
35-38 (40-45) week
30-35 (40-45) week
35-38 (50-55) week
25-28 (30-35) week
35-38 (40-45) week
Gestation length in sows:
120 day
110 day
105 day
114 day
114 day
Ideal (expected) reproduction (reproductive performance) of poultry:
-hatchable proportion of the annual number of breeding eggs produced (approx. 55%)
-hatchable proportion of the number of breeding eggs produced per year (approx. 80%)
-hatchable proportion of the number of breeding eggs produced per year (approx. 60%)
-hatchable proportion of the number of breeding eggs produced per year (approx. 40%)
hatchable proportion of the number of breeding eggs produced per year (approx. 80%)
Ideal (expected) reproduction (reproductive performance) of a horse:
3-4 foals every four years
2-3 foals every four years
2 foals per year
2-3 foals every two years
2-3 foals every four years
The number of mothers that can be inseminated from the ejaculate of a bull in diluted fresh semen and artificial insemination (AI):
5-15(20-100) cows
25-35 (80-300) cows
15-20 (50-200) cows
35-40(60-250) cows
15-20 (50-200) cows
Birth weight of a calf
35-65 kg
25-50 kg
8-25 kg
15-35 kg
25-50 kg
Gestation length in bitches:
53 day
63 day
66 day
59 day
63 day
Gestation length in ewe:
160 day
140 day
150 day
130 day
150 day
Typical litter size of swine:
6-18 (8-14)
6-14 (8-10)
6-14 (8-10)
6-18 (8-14)
Gestation period in female chinchillas:
111 (108-114)
115 (108-114)
113 (108-114)
109 (107-111)
111 (108-114)
Gestation length in female red and Arctic foxes:
54-56 day
48-50 day
52-54 day
50-52 day
52-54 day
The heritability (h2) of the horse’s performance in competition:
Sexual (and breeding) maturity of the horse:
26-28 month (3-5 year)
16-18 month (3-5 year)
13-15 month (2-4 year)
13-14 month (3-4 year)
16-18 month (3-5 year)
Ideal (expected) reproduction (reproductive performance) of sheep:
-three lambings every four years, 6-8 lambs
-three lambings every three years, 3-6 lambs
-three lambing every two years, 3-6 lambs
-two lambings a year, 2-4 lambs
three lambing every two years, 3-6 lambs
Ideal (expected) reproduction (reproductive performance) of a rabbit:
-10 litters a year, 70-90 rabbits
-two litters a year, 10-20 rabbits
-5 litters a year, 50-60 rabbits
-eight litters a year, 50-80 kittens
eight litters a year, 50-80 kittens
Sexual (and breeding) maturation of the laying hen:
8-13 (11-13) week
18-20 (22-24) week
3-6 (4-9) week
12-16 (16-18) week
18-20 (22-24) week