Reproductive Flashcards
Term for early puberty?
Precocious puberty
Gonads start working, activation by FSH and LH
Stimulated usually by aldosterone
Production of androgens by adrenal cortex
Hair growth
Appearance of breast tissue primarily due to estradiol activity from the ovaries
First period
First sperm
Due to FSH and LH via testosterone
Appearance of pubic hair
Primary due to androgens from Adrenal glands
Axillary hair, apocrine body odour, acne
Where is GnRH released from and where does it act?
Goes to act on anterior pituitary (gondatrophin cell)
What hormones inhibit the release of FSH, LH and GnRH in the female?
Androgens –> Esteogens (prim estradiol)
Inhibin only inhibits gonadotropin cell
What cells release Inhibin
Granulosa cells
What releases progesterone
Corpus Luteum
What releases androgens
Theca cells
Estradiol and progesterone cause…
Estradiol effects :
Breast development
Growth acceleration
Skeletal maturation
What is the negative feedback loop induced by LH in a male?
Causing leydig cells to release testosterone which inhibits GnRH release
What is the negative feedback loop induced by FSH in a male?
Causes the Sertoli cells to release Inhibin B which inhibits the gonadotropin cell
Effects of testosterone
Increased muscle mass
Penile growth
Deepened voice
Hair growth
Sequence of puberty in girls
- Breast development
- Peak height velocity reached
- Menarche
- Shortly after is termination of puberty
Pubarche before menarche
The earlier you go into puberty the less time you have for prepubescent growth
At which testicular size do boys start making testosterone
Followed by development of pubic hair and then sperm
What is the main reason for the height difference between males and females
Later onset and completion of puberty
Males - 16 yo
Females - 14 yo
What is the general age for precocious puberty in males and females
Less than 8 in girls (means menarche at about 10.5)
Less than 9 in boys
General age for delayed puberty in males and females ?
Over 13 for breast development and no period within 3 years of breast development
Over 14 with no testicular development or no development of muscular strength within 5 years of gonadal development
How is precocious puberty classified?
IPP (incomplete)