Reproductive Flashcards
What develops from the Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct?
- Seminal vesicles
- Ejaculatory duct
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
What is the female remnant of the mesonephric duct?
Gartner duct
What are the structures that develop from the Mullerian duct?
- Fallopian tubes
- Uterus
- Upper 1/3 of vagina
What is the male remnant of the Mullerian duct?
Appendix testis
Where embryologically does the prostate originate from?
Urogenital sinus
What does the urogenital sinus differentiate into in males?
Bulbourethral glands
Patient has a small mass on the anterior midline of her neck that can elevate when she protrudes her tongue. What is this mass likely a remnant of embryologically?
Thyroglossal duct
*Distal end forms the thyroid gland, proximally the duct degenerates
Patient presents with a lateral neck mass anterior to the sternocleidomasteroid muscle that does NOT move with swallowing. What is this?
Pharyngeal cleft cyst due to a persistent cervical sinus embryologically
*Contrast with thyroglossal duct cyst where the mass DOES move with swallowing and is in the midline
What is the first major site of hematopoiesis? When does hematopoiesis begin?
Yolk sac is the first major site
Begins after 3 weeks of development
Give the correct sequence of hematopoiesis embryologically with time of occurrence
1) Yolk sac - 3rd week
2) Liver - 1 month
3) Spleen & lymphatic organs - 2-4 months
4) Bone marrow - after 7.5 months
Cause of hypospadias
Failure of the urethral folds to fuse
Cause of epispadias
Faulty positioning of the genital tubercle
Fetal male sex is determined by what hormone?
*Determines the development of male EXTERNAL genitalia from the genital tubercle, urogenital sinus, and labioscrotal swelling
When is sex of an embryo determined?
At fertilization
Role of testosterone in male differentiation of embryo
Stimulates development of SEED
- Seminal vesicles
- Ejaculatory duct
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
What is used as a sex indicator during ultrasound examination in a pregnant woman?
Genital tubercle
What week do gonads become structurally male or female? What about external genitalia?
Gonads: Week 7
External genitalia: Week 12
What specifically is the MIF (Mullerian inhibiting factor) suppressing development of?
Paramesonephric duct to prevent female INTERNAL sex organs from developing
What hormone is primarily responsible for endometrial changes in the menstrual cycle?
- Proliferative & secretory phases
- *Estrogen is only for the proliferative phase
What does FSH promote in females?
What does LH stimulate in females?
At low doses of estrogen, what hormone does it inhibit?
*High doses stimulate LH for ovulation
What hormone does hCG resemble and why?
It’s alpha glycoprotein subunit is identical to LH!
*hCG targets the ovary and rescues the corpus luteum, preventing its degeneration and allowing it to continue secreting progesterone and estrogen until placenta fully develops
In pregnancy, what placental hormone is the equivalent of growth hormone?
Human placental lactogen (hPL)
*Concentration is proportional to fetal mass, ensures adequate delivery of nutrients to the fetus
Which hormone sharply increases around week 28 of gestation and why?
CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone)
*Initiating role in labor and stimulating fetal cortisol production needed for fetal lung maturation
Which week does pre-eclampsia occur typically?
~20th week of gestation, to even 6 weeks postpartum
*HTN together with proteinuria, edema, or end-organ dysfunction
Reason for pre-eclampsia
Impaired remodeling of maternal spiral arteries during placentation, causing placental hypoperfusion
*Incomplete invasion of cytotrophoblasts
During menopause, what happens to the levels of estrogen, LH, FSH, and GnRH? Why?
*Estrogen can no longer provide negative feedback on hormones
Function of Inhibin hormones?
Negative feedback inhibition on FSH release from the pituitary
If a patient has a 35 day cycle, what exact day will they ovulate on?
Day 21
*35-14 = 21
**Ovulation (beginning of luteal phase) is always 14 days before menstruation
***Luteal phase is constant (always 14 days), follicular phase can be variable
Why is the luteal phase so consistent in time whereas the follicular phase can be quite variable?
Due to the lifespan of the corpus luteum
*Luteal phase is always 14 days
For most of a woman’s life, her oocytes are arrested in what cell division cycle?
Prophase I
- first meiotic division
- *Second meiotic division only after fertilization by sperm
What phase is an ovulated oocyte in?
Metaphase II (meiosis 2)
*During a monthly cycle, a primary oocyte becomes unattested from prophase I and completes meiosis I to form a secondary oocyte and polar body
**Secondary oocyte is formed this way and is ovulated
What week does hCG peak?
10 weeks gestation
What produces hCG (2 answers)?
Blastocyst and later the placental syncytiotrophoblast
What scenario would show increased FSH, decreased LH, and decreased GnRH?
Treatment for infertility
*Give GnRH analogues to prevent spontaneous LH surges and delay ovulation to increase the yield of mature oocytes
**Analogues suppress GnRH production
Where are most ectopic pregnancies located?
Ampulla of fallopian tube
List 3 causes of ectopic pregnancy
1) PID (multiple sexual partners)
2) Prior ectopic pregnancies
3) Smoking
History of a 1st degree relative with breast cancer is associated with increased risk of what other cancer?
Epithelial ovarian cancer
Erythema (eczematous changes) around the nipple could indicate what?
Pagets disease of the nipple
*Underlying adenocarcinoma within the squamous epithelium of the skin in the nipple and areola
Histology stains that demonstrate Pagets disease of the nipple
Cytokeratin +
What would be the diagnosis in a young patient with a small, mobile, firm nodule within the breast which fluctuates in size due to estrogen?
Which tumor presents with skin changes of the nipple - lymphedema (peau d’orange)
Inflammatory carcinoma
What is inflammatory carcinoma frequently confused with and why?
Mastitis due to the lymphedema from the tumor cells invading lymph channels in the dermis
*Patients get prescribed antibiotics that do nothing
Major systemic complication of ovarian carcinoma
Low & high risk HPV strains for cervical carcinoma development
6 & 11 = low risk
16, 18, 31 = high risk
Which nerve can be damaged due to stretching in childbirth? What does is normally innervate?
Pudendal nerve
- Sensory: Perineum
- Motor: External urethra & anal sphincters
_____ nerve is blocked with a local anesthetic during childbirth using the __________ as a landmark for injection
Pudendal nerve
ischial spine
Anatomical name for Douglas pouch in women
Rectouterine space
Lab finding in PCOS
2x amount of LH
Lowered FSH
What produces Inhibin B in females? What’s Inhibin B’s role?
Granulosa cells
Inhibits FSH release from pituitary gonadotrophs
Karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome
47, XXY
Signs of Klinefelter syndrome (5)
- Gynecomastia**
- Small testes
- Infertility (absence of spermatozoa)
- Long arms & legs
- High pitched voice
List 1 key characteristic of the following:
- Down syndrome
- Patau syndrome
- Edwards syndrome
- Turner syndrome
- Down syndrome: Epicanthal folds
- Patau syndrome: Microcephaly
- Edwards syndrome: Rocker-bottom feet
- Turner syndrome: Webbed neck
What is the predominant vaginal microbiota in healthy women?
- Gram + anaerobic rods
- *Breaks down glycogen to lactic acid
Normal pH range of vagina
HER2 + has what kind of receptor? What protein would show to have high activity?
Tyrosine kinase receptor
Elevates RAS & MAPK
What does HELLP stand for?
Hemolytic anemia
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
*Subset of severe pre-eclampsia
What is the difference between gestational hypertension & pre-eclampsia?
Gestational hypertension does NOT have proteinuria
Torsion of the spermatic cord causes strangulation of what vessels?
Gonadal arteries, which originate directly off of the aorta
How can secondary syphillus present?
Bronze colored diffuse maculopapular rash involving entire body, including palms and soles & mouth
*Diagnose with RPR (rapid plasma reagent)
Microscopic appearance of invasive ductal carcinoma
Desmoplastic stromal response surrounding invasive glandular structures
Microscopic appearance of colloid (mucinous) carcinoma
Abundant mucin secretion
Microscopic appearance of invasive lobular carcinoma
Single file distribution of invasive cells
Microscopic appearance of medullary carcinoma
Sheets of large, anaplastic tumor cells surrounded by lymphocytes & plasma cells
Common presentation of invasive ductal carcinoma
Palpable, fixed mass
What mutation is typically seen in medullary carcinoma?
*Usually triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-)
Physical examination reveals a cystic structure in the scrotum, which transilluminates the entire scrotum. What is the etiology of the finding?
*Due to incomplete fusion of the process vaginalis
In males, what is the process vaginalis?
Evagination of the parietal peritoneum, descending through the inguinal canal before descent of the testis
**Normally, distal end remains patent as the tunica vaginalis
Predisposing risk factors for vulvovaginitis? What causes it?
Candida infection
- Diabetes
- Antibiotics
- Increased estrogen (from pregnancy, BC, estrogen)
- Immunosuppression