Reproductive 1 Flashcards
Sonic hedgehog gene
Produced at base of limbs in the zone of polarizing activity. Involved in patterning along the anteroposterior axis and CNS development. Mutations - holoprosencephaly.
Wnt-7 gene
Produced at the apical ectodermal ridge (thickened ectoderm at the distal end of each developing limb).
Necessary for the proper organization along the dorsal-ventral axis.
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) gene
Produced at the apical ectodermal ridge. Stimulates mitosis of underlying mesoderm, providing for lengthening of limbs. “Look at that Fetus, Growing Fingers.”
Homeobox (Hox) genes
involved in the segmental organization of embryo in a craniocaudal direction.
Code for transcription factors.
Mutations -> appendages in the wrong locations.
Embryologic derivatives - Surface ectoderm
M - mammary glands E - Epidermis A - anal canal below the pectinate line L - lens of eye S - sweat glands
P - parotid
E - epithelial linings of the oral cavity
A - adenohypophysis (from Rathke pouch)
S - sensory organs of ear, and olfactory epithelium
Embryologic derivatives - Neural tube
NON-PEA Really Simple!
N - neurohypophysis
O - oligodendrocytes
N - neurons (CNS)
P - pineal gland
E - ependymal cells
A - astrocytes
R - retina
S - spinal cord
Embryologic derivatives - Neural crest
M - Melanocytes O - Odontoblasts T - Tracheal lining E - Enterochromaffin cells L - Leptomeninges
G - Ganglia (PNS) A - Adrenal medulla S - Schwann cells S - Spiral membrane E - Endocardial cushions S - Skull bones
Embryologic derivatives - Mesoderm
M - Mesothelioum (peritoneum, pericardium, pleura)
E - External layer of adrenals (cortex)
S - spleen (derived from foregut mesentery)
O - Osseus tissue (bone), ovaries + upper vagina
D - dermis
R - Renal tissue
M - Muscle + testes
C - cardiovascular structures + lymphatics, Connective tissue, u B - Blood i N - Notochord i G - Gut tube wall
Embryologic derivatives - Endoderm
P - pancreas/ parathyroid/ parafollicular (C) cells
L - lungs/ liver
A - anal canal (above the pectinate line)
G - gallbladder
U - urethra
E - eustachian tube, epithelium of gut tube
T - thymus
V - vagina (lower)
Mesodermal defects
Mesodermal defects= VACTERL: Vertebral defects Anal atresia Cardiac defects Tracheo-Esophageal fistula Renal defects Limb defects (bone and muscle)
Warfarin - Teratogenic outcomes
In war: Bones break - Bone deformities Bleed - fetal hemorrhage Abort missions - abortion, horrible sights - ophthalmologic abnormalities
Maternal diabetes
Caudal regression syndrome (anal atresia to sirenomelia), congenital heart defects (eg, VSD, transposition of the great vessels), neural tube defects, macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycemia, polycythemia
Monozygotic Twinning - timing of cleavage:
S: 0-4 days -> seperate chorion amd amnion
C: 4-8 days -> shared chorion
A: 8-12 days -> shared amnion
B: 13+ days -> shared body
1 egg + 1 sperm (vs. 2 eggs + 2 sperms)
The inner layer of chorionic villi.
Cytotrophoblast makes Cells
Syncytiotrophoblast synthesizes hormones.
Lacks MHC-1 expression - dec chance of attack by maternal immune system.
The outer layer of chorionic villi; synthesizes and secretes hormones, eg, hCC (structurally similar to LH; stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone during the first trimester).
Maternal circulation (things transferred to the embryo)
H - Hormones O - O2/H2O N - Nutrients I - IgG E - electrolytes D - drugs
V- Viruses
Fetal circulation (things transferred to the mother)
H - Hormones
U - Urea, and waste
C - CO2
H - H2O
Aortic arch derivatives - 1st
Part of the maxillary artery (branch of external carotid).
Aortic arch derivatives - 2nd
Stapedial artery and hyoid artery.
Aortic arch derivatives - 3rd
Common Carotid artery and proximal part of the internal Carotid artery.
Aortic arch derivatives - 4th
On left, aortic arch; on right, the proximal part of the right subclavian artery.
Aortic arch derivatives - 6th
The proximal part of pulmonary arteries and (on left only) ductus arteriosus.
1st pharyngeal arch - CARTILAGE
Maxillary processe (maxilla and zygomatic bone)
Mandibular processe (mandibule bone amd Meckele cartilage)
Malleus and incus, sphenoMandibular ligament.
1st pharyngeal arch - MUSCLES/NERVES
T - Temperalis
M - Masseter
P - Pterygoids
M - Mylohyoid
D - Digastric (ant belly)
T - Tounge (ant 2/3)
T - Tensor veli paltini
T - Tensor tympani
2nd pharyngeal arch - MUSCLES/NERVES
Muscles of facial expression, Stapedius, Stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric
SSD + facial expression.
2nd pharyngeal arch - CARTILAGE
Reichert cartilage:
Stapes, Styloid process, Stylohyoid ligament, the lesser horn of hyoid.
“3 S’s make me a little horny”
3rd pharyngeal arch - /CARTILAGE
Greater horn of hyoid
4th- 6th pharyngeal arches - CARTILAGE
A - Arytenoids C - Cricoid C - Corniculate C - Cuneiform T - Thyroid
4th- 6th pharyngeal arches - MUSCLES/NERVES
4th arch: most pharyngeal constrictors; cricothyroid, levator veli palatini. CN X - sup. laryngeal branch (swallow).
6th arch: all intrinsic muscles of the larynx except cricothyroid. CN X recurrent/ inferior laryngeal branch (speak).
3rd - 4th pharyngeal arches form the:
post, 1/3 of the tongue.
Pierre Robin sequense
G - glossoptosis
O - obstruction of the airway
M - micrognathia
P - palate cleft
Treacher Collins syndrome
C - craniofacial abnormalities (zygomatic bone and mandibular hypoplasia} H - hearing loss A - airway compromise i N - neural crest dysfunction e D - dominant (AD)
1st pharyngeal pouch
Middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, mastoid air cells.
endoderm-lined structures of the ear.
2nd pharyngeal pouch
The epithelial lining of palatine tonsil.
3rd pharyngeal pouch
Dorsal wings - inferior parathyroids.
Ventral wings - thymus (“Threemus”)
4th pharyngeal pouch
Dorsal wings - superior parathyroids.
Ventral wings: ultimopharyngeal body (ultimo-4-nigeal) parafollicular (C} cells of thyroid. (para-4-licular)