Reproduction part 4 Flashcards
What is diaphragm?
It is a barrier contraception. It has a dome shaped rubber/silicone cap with elastic rim that is placed over the cervix to cover it.
More effective when used with spermicide. Forms a barrier to prevents sperm from entering the cervix as it can’t pass through the material & thus prevents fertilisation.
Is the diaphragm relatively cheap and reusable or not?
The diaphragm is relatively cheap and reusable. Around 2 years
Diaphragm has a _____success in preventing pregnancy. What is the percentage?
Moderate success in preventing pregnancy 88 to 94% success in preventing pregnancy
What are the disadvantages of the diaphragm?
The diaphragm does not protect against STIs. It needs to be left inside the vagina for at least six hours after sexual intercourse before being removed. It increase risk of bacterial infection.
Spermicide is a ______ contraception.
Spermicide is a chemical contraception.
Spermicide is in f___,c____,j____,f___ , s______or t_____ forms.
Spermicide is in foam, cream, jelly, film, suppository or tablet forms
What is the spermicide for and what does it do?
Spermicide is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. Chemical inactivates or kills sperm, preventing them from meeting the ovum and thus prevents fertilisation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using spermicide?
Advantages: Relatively cheap
Disadvantages: Very low success in preventing pregnancy (72-82%) Irritates the reproductive organs. Does not protect against STIs and increases risk of to it
What is the copper intrauterine device?
It is a small device, made up of “T-shaped” plastic frame with copper wires wound around it, that is inserted into the uterus by health care provider.
What are the primary mode of action and the secondary mode of action of the copper intrauterine device?
Primary mode of action: Copper ions are released from the device which inactivates or kills sperm and hence prevents fertilisation.
Secondary mode of action: Device causes inflammation of the endometrium and thus prevents implantation of the embryo.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the copper intrauterine device?
Advantages: Very high success (99%) in preventing pregnancy
Effective for 10 to 12 years
Disadvantages: Relatively expensive (but may be cheaper in the long run)
Does not protect against STIs
Increased bleeding and cramping initially, but lessens over time.
May be dislodged (expulsion)
Increases risk of infections (pelvic inflammatory disease),ectopic pregnancies and sterility.
What is the oral contraceptive pill?
It is a hormonal contraception. It contains synthetic hormones and there are two types of pill. One of it is a combination pill (which has both oestrogen and progesterone) while the other pill only has progesterone, and is called the progesterone-only pill. It is to be prescribed by doctor and must be taken daily with two types of combination. Either 21 pills + 7 days of no pills or 21 pills + 7 placebo pills.
What is the purpose of having 7 placebo pills for the oral contraceptive pill?
This is to allow woman to form a habit of eating the contraceptive pill and prevent the woman from forgetting the number of days where she had eaten no pills.
Why should the woman not be having pills for the 7-day period?
This is because woman will have withdrawal bleeding during the 7-day bleeding (not menstruation)
What is the purpose of the oral contraceptive pill?
Synthetic progesterone and oestrogen prevent ovulation.
Synthetic progesterone thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from passing through the cervix ands hence prevent fertilisation.
Synthetic progesterone leads to the thinning of the endometrial lining and hence prevents implantation of the embryo.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the oral contraceptive pill?
Advantage: High success in preventing pregnancy. Disadvantages: Has to be taken daily or it will not be effective. Expensive in the long run.
Does not protect against STIs
May cause hormonal side effects.
What is vasectomy?
Vasectomy is a surgical contraception. It is a surgical procedure to permanently sterilize the man where the sperm ducts are cut and tied.
What will happen after vasectomy is done?
Prevents fertilisation as the man’s ejaculate will not contain sperm. Testes still produce sperm but are unable to pass through the sperm duct to reach the urethra. The male is still able to have an erection and ejaculate.
What is tubal ligation?
Tubal ligation is a surgical contraception. It is a surgical procedure to permanently sterilize the woman where the oviducts are cut and tied.
What does the tubal ligation do?
It prevents fertilisation as the sperm is unable to travel up to meet the ova, which are prevented from travelling down the oviducts. Ovulation and menstrual cycle still occur normally.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of surgical contraception?
Advantage: Very high success in preventing pregnancy.
Disadvantage: Expensive, permanent, does not protect against STIs and possible complications during surgery.
The effectiveness percentages indicate the number out of every 100 woman who experienced an _____ pregnancy within the ____ year of typical use of each contraceptive method.
Unintended pregnancy
First year
Why would couples choose to use less effective methods?
Cost, Invasiveness of certain methods, religious principles, willpower required for certain methods, certain methods result in reduced enjoyment of sexual intercourse, misconceptions about effectiveness of certain methods and how they work.
Male birth control can only prevent ______.
Male birth control can only prevent fertilisation. It can’t prevent ovulation and implantation as it can only be done in the female body.