Reproduction Part 1 Flashcards
What is reproduction and why is reproduction is necessary?
Reproduction is the biological process by which new individuals (offspring) are produced.
It facilitates heredity (the transfer of genetic information from generation to another) and is necessary for the survival of a species over time.
Reproduction is necessary for the survival of a species. Without reproduction, a species would go extinct.
What is Asexual reproduction?
Asexual reproduction is the process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring (output of a system) from one parent (input of a system), without the fusion of gametes.
What is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is the process involving the fusion of nuclei (containing genetic materials e.g. DNA) (inputs of a system) to form a zygote (output of a system), producing genetically dissimilar offspring.
A new individual formed through sexual reproduction is genetically dissimilar as it receives a unique combination of genetic information from its mother (via the ovum) and its father (via the sperm). This results in variation between individuals.
Revision package definition: Sexual reproduction is the process involving fertilisation, the fusion of the nuclei of the sperm and the ovum to produce a zygote, producing a genetically dissimilar offspring.
What are the differences between Asexual & Sexual reproduction?
There are no fusion of gametes for asexual reproduction while there are fusion of gametes for Sexual reproduction.
The offspring’s genetics relative to parents’ are identical for asexual reproduction while the offspring’s genetics relative to parents’ is dissimilar for sexual reproduction.
The relative speed for asexual reproduction is quicker while the relative speed for sexual reproduction is slower.
Asexual reproduction requires one parent while sexual reproduction requires one or two parent.
It is one for plants as there are self-pollination flower.
it is two for humans.
Sexual reproduction is more advantageous in ______. Why?
Sexual reproduction is more advantageous in a changing environment, as variation (offspring is dissimilar from parents) allows species to survive as there is a higher chance for them to be adapted to new environments, leading to evolution.
Asexual reproduction is more advantageous in ______.
Asexual reproduction is more advantageous in a stable environment conditions, as clones are already suited to survive in it the faster mode of reproduction allows the species to quickly populate favourable habitats.
What are sexual characteristics?
Sexual characteristics are traits which distinguish between the sexes (males and females).
What are the primary sexual characteristics?
Primary sexual characteristics refer to organs of the reproductive system involved in sexual reproduction which are present at birth.
What are secondary sexual characteristics?
Secondary sexual characteristics refer to sex distinguishing traits, which appear during puberty as a a result of the effect of sex hormones.
What is another term for sex organs?
What is another term for sex cells?
What is the males sex organs/gonads?
singular: Testis
What is the females sex organs/gonads?
Singular: Ovary
What is the males sex cells/gametes?
What is the females sex cells/gametes?
Singular: Ovum
What is the males sex hormones?
Mainly Testosterone
But also have oestrogen and progesterone
What is the females sex hormones?
Mainly Oestrogen and progesterone but also have testosterone
What is the testes and what is its function?
Testes (singular:testis) are the male gonads
They produce sperm (male gamete) and testosterone (the sex hormone responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in males)
What is the function of the epididymis?
Epididymis (singular:epididymis) store sperm and allow them to mature.
What is the function of scrotum?
Scrotum hold testes outside the body. To maintain a lower temperature for optimum sperm development (35-36 degrees celcius)
What is the function of the prostate gland?
*seminal vesicles and *Cowper’s glands produce slightly alkaline (pH7.2-8.0) nutrient rich seminal fluid.
Seminal fluid mixes with sperm to form semen to promote the survival of sperm and provides a medium for sperm to swim in.
What is the function of the sperm duct?
The sperm duct helps to conduct sperm from the testes to the urethra by peristalsis during ejaculation.
What is the function of the urethra?
The urethra transports sperm and urine out of the body, but not simultaneously.
What is the function of the penis?
The penis is an erectile organ that enters the vagina and deposits semen during sexual intercourse.