Reproduction 4 - Pelvis and Perineum 2 Flashcards
What are the 2 triangles the perineum can be divided into?
Urogenital triangle
Anal triangle
What is A?
Pubic symphysis
What is B?
Ischial tuberosity
What is C?
What is D?
Urogenital triangle
What is E?
Anal triangle
Which bony prominences separate each of the triangles?
Ischial tuberosities
A thin sheet of deep fascia stretches between right and left sides of the pubic arch, below the pubic symphysis.
What is the name given to this fascia?
Perineal membrane
What is support to the organs of the perineum provided by?
Support to the organs of the perineum is provided by the muscles of the perineum and fascial planes – there are some anatomical variations between the male and female perineal muscles
List the muscles and fascia of the perineum?
- External anal sphincter
- Superficial transverse perineal
- Deep transverse perineal
- External urethral sphincter
- Bulbospongiosus
- Ischiocavernosus
For external anal sphincter:
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Constricts anal cavity during peristalsis, resisting defication, supports and fixes perineal body
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For superficial transverse perineal muscle:
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Support and fix perineal body (pelvic floor) to support abdominal pelvic viscera and resist increased intra-abdominal pressure
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For deep transverse perineal:
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Support and fix perineal body (pelvic floor) to support abdomninal pelvic viscera
- Resist increased intra-abdoinal pressure
- Compress urethra to maintain urinary continence
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For external urethral sphincter:
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Compress urethra to maintain urinary incontinence
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For bulospongiosus (male):
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Compresses bulb of penis to expel last drops of urine/semen
- Assist erection by compressing outflow via deep perineal vein and by pushing blood from bulk into body of penis
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For bulbosponiosus (female):
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- “Sphincter” of vagina assists in erection of clitoris
- Compressed greater vestibular gland
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For ischiocavernosus (male):
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Maintains erection of penis by compressing outflow veins and pushing blood from root of penis into body
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
For ischiocavernosus (female):
- main actions
- innervation
- Main actions
- Maintains erection of clitoris by compressing outflow veins and pushing blood from root of clitoris into body
- Innervation
- Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
Branches of what nerve supplies all muscles of the perineum?
Branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
What are the potential consequences if the perineal body is damaged/ruptured during childbirth?
Significant bleeding, long term pain or dysfunction
What are the 2 layers of fascia important as additional support for the pelvic organs within the perineum?
These are the levatores ani and coccygei muscles and parietal fascia, making up the pelvic diaphragm.
What makes up the pelvic diaphragm?
Levator ani and coccygei muscles
and parietal fascia
What structures pierce through the pelvic diaphragm?
Anal canal
Is the urethra longer in males or females?
The urethra is longer in males compared to females due the number of structures it has to traverse
What is A?
What is B and below b?
uretheral internal sphincter/ Prostatic urethra
What is C?
Membranous urethra
What is D?
Deep perineal space
What is E?
Bulb of penis
What is G?
External urethral orifice
What is H?
Spongy urethra
What is I?
What is J?
Pubic symphysis