repro huge review - minus pregnancy foetus and giving birth and gametogenesis and peritoneum Flashcards
what makes up the testes
seminiferous tubules, made up of sertoli cells (site of spermatogenesis)
what surround seminiferous tubules
tunica albuginea - leydig cells secrete testosterone (lipid)
Blood supply to testes
abdominal artery- gonadal artery
venous drainage
right - right testicuar to IVC
left- left testicular to left renal to IVC
pampimiform plexus
lymph drainage of testes
para aortic
scrotal lymphatic drainage
inguinal lymph notes
spermatic cord made up of
3 fascia layers (internal, cremasteric, external0
3 arteries (testicular, to vas, cremasteric)
3 veins (testicular, to the vas, cremasteric0
3 nerves (ilioinguinal, cremasteric, sympathetic)
vas deferens
layers of scrotum
S skin
D dartos fascia and muscle
E external spermatic fascia (EO muscle)
C cremasteric fascia and muscle (IO)
I internal spermatic fascia (transverse abdominus)
T tunica vaginalis
T tunica albuginea
cremasteric muscle supply
cremasteric artery vein and nerve
functions of prostate
prevent urine escaping, produce alkaline solution
BPH and prostate cancer location
transitional zone BPH
peripheral zone cancer
what goes through prostate as well as urethra
vas deferens, joined by ejaculatory duct before, bringing fructose rich solution from seminal vesicle
ejaculate make up
65% seminal fluid
25% prostate
10% testes
penis blood supply
internal iliac artery, smaller vessels can get blocked by atherosclerosis giving erectile problems
Erection nerve control
vasodilation PNS
vasoconstriction to terminate erection SNS
nervous system for ejaculation
external os pre and post baby
pre is hole, post is slit
uterus in pregnancy
push up on stomach - acid reflux
push down on bladder - frequency
push back on LI - constipation
full of glycogen for lactobacillus, lactic acid. Less oestrogen = less glycogen = less respiration altering ph
What is pouch of douglas
recto uterine pouch, fluid build up can cause shoulder tip pain due to parabolic gutters irritating diaphragm supplied by phrenic nerve C3,4,5
peritoneal ligaments
Broad ligament- mesometrium, mesosalpinx, mesovarium
Suspensary ligament to the ovary - covers blood vessels and nerves to uterus
Round ligament and ligament to ovary- remnants of gubernaculum
blood supply female repro system
uterine artery (internal iliac), ovarian artery (abdominal aorta), pam-uniform venous plexus
important in hysterectomy
ureter travels under uterine artery - must not damage ureter
lymph nodes of uterus drain to
para aortic sinus
lymph nodes of cervix drain to
internal/external iliac and sacral
normal uterus position
anteverted and ante flexed (less than 180 degrees)
journey of egg
1- burst through peritoneal membrane of ovary, fimbrae in fallopian tubes
2 - goes through infundibulum, ampulla (fertilisation/ectopic pregnancy), isthmus (ciliated cells help)
fallopian tubes features
infection can spread from fallopian tubes into peritoneal cavity eg STI, contain peg cells (secrete factors to nourish and maintain egg), and ciliated cells
ovarian cancer
egg bursts through ovary causing trauma
cervical cancer
columnar epithelium of cervix exposed to acidic environment of vagina in transitional zone, this exposed area is not used to this unlike stratified squamous cells, metaplasia occurs
ovarian cysts
fluid filled lesions, pain due to stretching of peritoneum, rupture, direct pressure and torsion. DO not burst due to seeding
Ectopic pregnancies
felt as severe pain on side of implantation, confused with appendicitis. Rupture - uterine and ovarian arteries can cause haemorrhage
endometrial tissue which is normally found lining inside of uterus is found elsewhere, possibly pouch of douglas
embryonic development of girl or boy
start with primordial germ cells
SRY from Y chromosome = testes and vas deferens and epididymis
No SRY (XX) - gonads develop into ovaries and uterus tubes and vagina
following this external genitalia will develop (either penis/scrotum or vulva)
urogenital and GI tract development
3 systems from hindgut (tube from yolk sac folding), dilated end (cloaca)
Cloaca has no surrounding mesoderm, no blood supply, so causes orifice
Urogenital ridge - area of intermediate mesoderm, produces kidneys and gonads
how do primordial germ cells get to urogenital ridge
come from allantois into wall of yolk sac and migrate along retroperitoneum to urogenital ridge
Duct differentiation
paramesonephric (mullerian) and mesonephric (wollfian)
Men - SRY causes androgens, testis produce Mullein inhibiting hormone, paramesonephric ducts regress. Androgens support development of mesonephric ducts - vas deferens and epididymis. Testis migrate down gubernaculum
Women - no SRY, no androgens, no MIH, paramesonephric ducts develop and mesonephric ducts degenerate. PM ducts move towards each other and fuse to form one tube, meets urogenital sinus, produces uterus and vagina
what can go wrong in duct differentiation
exogenous androgens but no testis to produce MIH = both ducts develop
Androgen insensitivity syndrome = testosterone receptors don’t work so both ducts degenerate as MIH still present
external genitalia production
genital tubercle, folds and swellings in both genders
Male - genital tubercle elongates, genital folds fuse to form spongy urethra, driven by androgen dihydrotestosterone
Female - no fusion, genital swelling grows to labia majora and minor, genital tubercle forms clitoris
male - testis are retroperitoneal, descend down gubernaculum (attaches gonads to future scrotum), takes layers of muscle wall with it
Female - ovary descends down gubernaculum, has some remnants (round ligament and ligament to ovary)
what influences puberty
pineal gland; melatonin
47kg in girls - leptin will sense amount of adipose to sense if adequate for reproductive life
puberty scale
Tanner scale