Repro - Anatomy (Gonadal Drainage & Female Reproductive Anatomy) Flashcards
Pg. 563-564 in First Aid 2014 Pg. 514-515 in First Aid 2013 Sections include: -Gonadal drainage -Female reproductive anatomy -Female reproductive epithelial histology -Female sexual response cycle
What is the venous drainage route of the left ovary/testis?
Left ovary/testis –> left gonadal vein –> left renal vein –> IVC
What is a commonality in venous drainage shared between the ovary/testis and adrenal?
Left ovary/testis –> left gonadal vein –> left renal vein –> IVC; Just as the left adrenal vein drains to the left renal vein before the IVC (not happen for right ovary/testis or adrenal)
What is the venous drainage route of the right ovary/testis?
Right ovary/testis –> right gonadal vein –> IVC
On which side is a varicocele more common, and why?
Because the left spermatic vein enters the left renal vein at a 90 degrees angle, flow is less continuous on the left than on the right –> left venous pressure > right venous pressure –> varicocele more common on the left
What is the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries/testes?
Ovaries/testes –> para-aortic lymph nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the distal vagina/vulva/scrotum?
Distal vagina/vulva/scrotum –> superficial inguinal nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the proximal vagina/uterus?
Proximal vagina/uterus –> obturator, external iliac, and hypogastric nodes
What is another name for the infundibulopelvic ligament? What structures does it connect? What structures does it contain?
Suspensory ligament of the ovaries; Connects ovaries to lateral pelvic wall; Contains ovarian vessels
What structures does the cardinal ligament connect? What structures does it contain?
Connects cervix to side wall of pelvis; Contains uterine vessles
What is ligated during oophorectomy, and why?
Ligate vessels (ovarian vessels contained in infudibulopelvic ligament) during oophorectomy to avoid bleeding
What ligament contains ovarian vessels? What structure is at risk of injury during ligation of ovarian vessels? Briefly describe the course of this structure.
Infudibulopelvic ligament; Ureter courses retroperitoneally, close to gonadal vessels. At risk of injury during ligation of ovarian vessels.
What ligament contains uterine vessels? What structure is at risk of injury during ligation of uterine vessels in hysterectomy?
Cardinal ligament; Ureter at risk of injury during ligation of uterine vessels in hysterectomy
What structures does the round ligament of uterus connect?
Connects uterine fundus to labia majora
Of what is the round ligament of the uterus a derivative?
Derivative of gubernaculum
Where does the round ligament travel? What structure is it found above?
Travels through round inguinal canal; Above the artery of Sampson; Think: “Round ligament travels through round inguinal canal”