Representing Connectivity Flashcards
What is a connectivity matrix?
A matrix that represents a network (also called a graph).
Connectivity matrix is commonly called an ‘adjacency’ matrix.
What types of Brain Connectivity exist?
Brain connectivity refers to the network of neural connections in the brain. It includes:
* Structural Connectivity: Physical links between neurons or brain regions, often represented by anatomical pathways. * Functional Connectivity: Statistical relationships between neural activities in different regions. * Effective Connectivity: Causal influence one neural system exerts over another.
A 3-neuron ring is a cyclic directed network where each neuron connects to the next in ring. What’s its adjacency matrix?
assume rows are ‘from’ and columns are ‘to’
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
What is an Adjacency Matrix?
An adjacency matrix, also called connectivity matrix, is a square matrix used to represent a graph or network. In brain connectivity:
* Rows and columns represent neurons or brain regions. * Entries (0 or 1) indicate the absence (0) or presence (1) of a connection. * It provides a compact representation of the network’s structure.
What’s the Adjacency Matrix representation of a 3 neuron ring?
A 3-neuron ring is a circular network where each neuron connects to the next. The adjacency matrix for this network is:
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
What’s a recurrent neural network?
In a recurrent network, neurons have feedback loops, possibly including self-connections.
One possible adjacency matrix is:
1 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
What is the Adjacency matrix of a feed forward neural network with three neurons where neuron 1 projects to 2 and 3?
A feedforward network involves a single neuron projecting to two others. The adjacency matrix is:
0 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
* Neuron 1 projects to Neurons 2 and 3. * Neurons 2 and 3 have no outgoing connections.
Describe the network in the following adjacency matrix:
1 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
- Neurons have self-connections (diagonal 1s).
- Neuron 1 connects to Neuron 2.
- Neuron 2 connects to Neuron 3.
- Neuron 3 connects back to Neuron 1.
What is a weighted graph?
It’s a network where edges have weights (usually real numbers).
What’s a directed graph?
It’s a graph where edges are directed from nodes in a specific order. Directed graphs are usually not symmetrical.
Make the adjacency matrix for this network.

Note: this is an undirected network

What is the ‘in-degree’ of a node in a network?
node = neuron
The number of incoming-connections
Given an adjacency matrix, how can you calculate the in-degree for all nodes?
assume the matrix is unweighted
By summing the matrix columnwise.
Because each column represents the incoming connections into a neuron.