Reporting the Results of Operations Flashcards
Change in Accounting Estimates
A change in estimate based on new information
ASC 250 (Accounting Changes and Error Corrections) Definition
This statement defines various types of changes and the manner of reporting each type.
ASC 225 Definition of “Unusual” in relation to an Extraordinary Item
The underlying event or transaction should possess a high degree of abnormality and be of a type clearly unrelated to, or only incidentally related to, the ordinary and typical activities of the entity, taking into account the environment in which the entity operates.
Other comprehensive income includes which three items (changes must happen in each item)?
1) Foreign currency translation adjustment2) Change in pension prior service cost and unrealized gains or losses3) Unrealized gains and losses on certain investments in debt and equity securities
The debtor’s accounting treatment fro troubled debt restructuring using the Transfer of Assets in Full Settlement method is described how?
The excess of the carrying value of the debt settled over the fair value of the assets transferred to the creditor should be recognized as a gain on debt restructuring.
Explain some of the differences from GAAP under IFRS for preparing income statements
Some of the differences are that the recording of extraordinary items is prohibited, comparative statements are required, and expenses may be reported by natural (object) or by function.
Income Statement Single-Step approach definition
A single-step approach lists all revenues together and then lists all expenses together regardless of the sources.
What are the three types of Accounting Changes discussed in ASC 250?
The three types of accounting changes are changes in accounting principals, changes in accounting estimates, and changes in reporting entity.
ASC 225 Definition of Extraordinary Item
Item must be both unusual and infrequent
ASC 225 Definition of Comprehensive Income
Comprehensive Income is net income plus other comprehensive income
Troubled Debt Restructuring Definition
A restructuring of a debt constitutes a “Troubled Debt Restructuring” when a creditor, for economic or legal reasons related to the debtor’s financial difficulties, grants a concession (by agreement or imposition of law or a court) to the debtor that it would not otherwise consider.
Describe what IFRS does allow for the reporting of comprehensive income?
IFRS allows the reporting of comprehensive income in one combined statement of income and comprehensive income or as two statements: an income statement and a statement of comprehensive income.
Income Statement Multi-Step Approach Definition
This approach is called multi-step because of the number of “steps” or sub-totals between the beginning net sales number and the calculation of income from continuing operations.
Give one example of a change in Accounting Principle
Changing from FIFO to LIFO inventory method.
Definition of discontinued operations according to ASC 225
The definition of a discontinued operation is a component unit with a set of operating and cash flows that are clearly distinguishable from the rest of the entity for operational and financial reporting purposes.