NFP Accounting Flashcards
How would cash flow from a bookstore of a public university be shown on a statement of cash flows?
Cash flows from a public university’s bookstore would be cash from operations.
On the statement of activities for a private university, expenses are reported by?
Permanently restricted funds
Permanently restricted funds are those which the donor restricts in such a way that the organization will never be able to use the support itself.
The cost of construction of a university dormitory would be shown on a cash flow statement as what type of activity?
Investing Activity
Private not-for-profit organizations should report a statement if cash flows using which method(s)?
SFAS 117 states that either the direct or indirect method may be used.
Temporarily restricted net assets
Subject to a time or task requirement to use funds in a particular way.
Name three examples of infrastructure assets.
SFAS 117 requires which financial statements for private not-for-profit organizations?
Statement of financial positionsStatement of activitiesChange in net assetsStatement of cash flows
SFAS 117 states that there are which three classifications of net assets?
UnrestrictedTemporarily restrictedPermanently restricted
According to SGAS 35, cash flow statements for public universities must be presented how?
Cash flow statements must be presented and the direct method is required.
The format for the cash flow statements for cash from operations (indirect method) begins with which item?
Operating income (or loss)
SFAS 116 states that contributed services should be recognized if the services meet what two qualifications?
1) Require specialized skills2) They would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donationWhen recognizing donated services that entity would record the fair market value of the service as a contribution and an expense.
Is a management’s discussion and analysis report for public colleges required?
The management’s discussion and analysis is required and should precede the financial statements.
Interest paid on capital debt and leases must be reported on public colleges’ cash flow statement as?
Cash from capital and related financing activities
FASB Statement No 117, Financial Statements of Not-For-Profit Organization, focuses on?
Focuses on the entity concept and views not-for-profits as a single unit rather than prior concepts that viewed the entity as being made up of component parts.
What does SGAS 35 require public colleges to use?
SGAS 35 requires an economic resources measurement focus and accrual accounting.
Three types of contributions under SFAS 116
UnrestrictedTemporarily restrictedPermanently restricted
Public universities must disclose separately in their cash flow statements which activities?
Capital and noncapital related financial activities.
According to SFAS 117, the financial statements for not-for-profit entity should focus on?
SFAS 117 required that financial statements focus on basic information for the organization as a whole.
Statement of Activity purpose
The statement of activity is designed to provide information about changes in the organization’s net assets.