Replacement Feeding Flashcards
What is the recommended first choice of feed for infants?
Breastmilk is the recommended first choice of feed for infants due to its numerous health benefits for both the baby and the mother.
When might replacement feeding (formula feeding) be necessary?
Replacement feeding, or formula feeding, may be necessary in certain circumstances where breastfeeding is not feasible or safe, such as when the mother is unable to breastfeed or if there are medical reasons prohibiting breastfeeding.
What is the importance of educating parents about the risks associated with formula feeding?
t is crucial to educate parents about the risks associated with formula feeding to ensure they make informed decisions about infant feeding. This includes understanding potential health implications for the baby and the mother.
What should be considered when assessing the family’s ability to safely formula feed?
When considering formula feeding, it is essential to assess the family’s ability to safely prepare and provide formula, including access to clean water, proper sanitation, and sufficient resources to afford formula and feeding equipment.
Why is it important to promote and support breastfeeding despite the availability of formula feeding?
Breastfeeding offers unparalleled health benefits for both infants and mothers. Therefore, every effort must be made to promote and support breastfeeding, while also acknowledging and addressing situations where formula feeding becomes necessary
The following conditions must be met for safe replacement feeding at home:
Safe water and sanitation assured.
* Reliably provide sufficient infant formula for 12 months.
* Prepare infant formula freshly and cleanly with every feed.
* Exclusively give infant formula for the first 6 months of a infant’s life.
* Supportive family.
* Access to health care that offers comprehensive child health services.
What is the primary basis for most formula feeds?
Most formula feeds are primarily based on cow’s milk, which undergoes various alterations to approximate the composition of breast milk.
Can cow’s milk be modified to perfectly replicate breast milk?
No, despite modifications, cow’s milk cannot fully replicate the unique properties of breast milk.
What forms are available for formula feeds?
Formula feeds are available in two main forms: as powder, which needs to be mixed with water before feeding, and as ready-to-feed preparations, which require no additional preparation.
What is the aim of altering cow’s milk in formula feeds?
The aim of altering cow’s milk in formula feeds is to approximate the nutritional composition of breast milk as closely as possible to support infant growth and development.
Why is it emphasized that no modification of cow’s milk can fully reproduce breast milk?
It is important to emphasize that no modification of cow’s milk can fully reproduce breast milk to highlight the unique and irreplaceable nutritional and immunological benefits provided by breast milk.
Consider the
following when deciding on which formula to use:
- Standard term formula are suitable for term or larger preterm infants.
- Preterm formulas for infants under 35 weeks (or less than 2000-2500g).
- Specialised formula i.e. amino-acid based or hydrolyzed formula may be needed
in malabsorption or allergy. Nutrient dense formula can be considered in infants
who are growth faltering. - Socioeconomic status of the family.
- Local availability of the milk products
When is cow’s milk considered suitable for infants?
Cow’s milk is not suitable for newborn infants but can be introduced as a beverage after 12 months of age
Why is cow’s milk not recommended for newborn infants?
Cow’s milk is not recommended for newborn infants because it lacks essential nutrients in the proper proportions needed for infant growth and development. Additionally, cow’s milk can be difficult for infants to digest and may increase the risk of certain health issues such as iron deficiency anemia and gastrointestinal discomfort.
What are the nutritional concerns regarding cow’s milk for infants?
Cow’s milk contains higher levels of protein and minerals such as sodium and potassium, which can strain a newborn infant’s immature kidneys and may lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalances. Additionally, cow’s milk lacks adequate amounts of certain essential nutrients like iron and vitamin E needed for optimal infant growth and development.
Fluid requirements in term infants
Day 1 – 60 ml/kg
Day 2 – 75 ml/kg
Day 3 – 96 ml/kg
Day 4 – 132 ml/kg
Day 5 – 150 ml/kg
Continue at 150ml/kg thereafter for the first month of life.
What is the recommended starting feed volume for preterm infants weighing less than 1500g on day 1 of life?
For preterm infants weighing less than 1500g, the recommended starting feed volume on day 1 of life is 24ml/kg.
How should feed volumes be increased for preterm infants in the neonatal period?
Feed volumes for preterm infants should be increased by 30-40ml/kg per day. This gradual increase helps support the infant’s nutritional needs and growth.
At what rate should feed volumes be increased until reaching the target volume for preterm infants?
Feed volumes for preterm infants should be increased until reaching 150-200ml/kg. This rate of increase ensures adequate nutrition and supports optimal growth.
How should feed volumes be adjusted for preterm infants considering the nutritional content of feeds and infant growth?
Feed volumes should be adjusted according to the nutritional content of feeds, as preterm formulae vary in calorie and protein content. Additionally, feed volumes should be monitored and adjusted based on the infant’s growth to ensure they are receiving adequate nutrition.
Why is it important to gradually increase feed volumes for preterm infants?
Gradually increasing feed volumes for preterm infants helps minimize the risk of feeding intolerance and supports optimal growth and development. This approach allows the infant’s gastrointestinal system to adapt to increasing volumes of feeds while ensuring adequate nutrition.
What is the energy content (kcal) per 100 ml of breast milk and most modified and partially modified milk?
Breast milk and most modified and partially modified milk contain 67 kcal/100 ml.
What is the energy content (kcal) per 100 ml of special preterm formulas?
Special preterm formulas contain 80-85 kcal/100ml.
What are the recommended daily requirements of energy intake for preterm infants?
The recommended daily requirements for preterm infants range from 110–135 kcal/kg/24 hours.
What are the recommended daily requirements of energy intake for term infants?
The recommended daily requirements for term infants range from 100–115 kcal/kg/24 hours.
How can the required energy intake be achieved for infants using formula feeding?
By using the appropriate volume of correctly mixed formula, infants can receive the required energy intake according to their actual body weight and the energy content of the formula.
What is an important consideration regarding powdered infant formula?
Powdered infant formula is not sterile and may contain pathogens, posing risks if improperly prepared, handled, or used.
Why is it crucial to inform caregivers about the potential risks associated with powdered infant formula?
Caregivers need to be aware of the potential risks associated with inappropriate preparation, handling, and use of powdered infant formula, as it can lead to serious illness in infants.
Why is it necessary to check the reconstitution methods of various formula brands before educating caregivers?
Different brands of powdered infant formula may have varying reconstitution methods (e.g., different ratios of water to powdered formula), necessitating verification of preparation methods before educating caregivers to ensure proper formula preparation.
What feeding method should caregivers be encouraged to use at home, and why?
Caregivers should be encouraged to cup feed their infants at home, as bottles and teats are difficult to clean and can increase the risk of infants developing diarrhea due to contamination.
How can caregivers mitigate the risks associated with using powdered infant formula?
: Caregivers can mitigate risks by following proper preparation, handling, and feeding practices, including using sterile water, measuring formula accurately, preparing formula immediately before feeding, and cup feeding instead of using bottles and teats. Additionally, caregivers should be vigilant about hygiene and sanitation during formula preparation and feeding.
Frequency of feeding in term infants
demand feed or 3-hourly feeds to start with i.e. 8 feeds a day
Frequency of feeding in pre-term infants
: 2 or 3-hourly feeds i.e. 8-12 feeds per day
What feeding approach is recommended for infants?
Infants should be allowed to feed on demand, rather than being encouraged to “finish every feed.”
Why is it important to allow infants to feed on demand?
Allowing infants to feed on demand supports their natural feeding cues and helps regulate their appetite, fostering healthy eating habits and growth.
What should be ensured while allowing infants to feed on demand?
It is important to ensure nutritional adequacy, particularly in preterm infants transitioning from tube or cup feeding to breastfeeding.
What feeding methods might be necessary for preterm infants transitioning to breastfeeding?
Preterm infants transitioning to breastfeeding may require nasogastric tube or cup feeds initially, depending on their clinical condition and gestational age. Expressed breast milk is typically used for these feeds.
How does allowing infants to feed on demand support their development?
Allowing infants to feed on demand supports their physiological and emotional needs, promotes bonding between the infant and caregiver, and facilitates optimal growth and development.
When should preterm infants, regardless of feeding method, be given a multivitamin supplement?
Preterm infants, whether breastfed or formula fed, should be given a multivitamin supplement. Typically, multivitamin drops are started daily when full volume feeds are reached and continued until solids are introduced
What is the rationale behind giving preterm infants a multivitamin supplement?
Preterm infants have increased nutritional needs due to their immature systems and may require additional vitamins and minerals to support their growth and development.
When is it recommended to start iron supplementation in preterm infants?
Iron supplementation should be started from 1 month of age in preterm infants to prevent later iron deficiency anemia, as they have increased iron needs and may be at higher risk of iron deficiency.
Why is iron supplementation important for preterm infants?
Iron supplementation is important for preterm infants to prevent iron deficiency anemia, which can have long-term consequences on their cognitive and motor development.
What considerations should be made when giving supplements to preterm infants?
When giving supplements to preterm infants, it’s important to follow healthcare provider recommendations and monitor for any signs of intolerance or adverse reactions. Additionally, ensuring appropriate dosage and administration methods is crucial for their safety and effectiveness.
At what age is the introduction of complementary foods generally not recommended for the general population?
The introduction of complementary foods is generally not recommended before 6 months of age for the general population.
Are these recommendations applicable to special groups such as preterm infants?
No, these recommendations are not intended for special groups such as preterm infants. Individual recommendations must be made based on the infant’s development, including positioning, behavior, and oral skills.
What approach is suggested for introducing complementary foods to infants?
It is recommended to introduce small amounts of iron-rich foods, one at a time, starting with cereals, pureed fruits, and vegetables.
How should the introduction of complementary foods progress?
The introduction of complementary foods should gradually progress to a full mixed diet, incorporating a variety of foods to ensure adequate nutrition and development.
What factors should be considered when introducing complementary foods to infants?
When introducing complementary foods, factors such as the infant’s readiness, developmental milestones, and individual preferences should be considered. Additionally, attention should be paid to ensuring that iron-rich foods are included in the diet to support healthy growth and development.
What are helpful signs indicating appropriate feeding and growth in infants?
A helpful sign is when the infant is content after a feed, coupled with a satisfactory weight gain as per the growth chart.
What steps should be taken if an infant is experiencing failure to thrive?
If an infant is failing to thrive, several steps should be taken:
- Examine the infant to exclude any underlying diseases or medical conditions.
- Assess the adequacy of milk intake and the infant’s energy and protein intake.
- Exclude abnormal losses, such as vomiting or diarrhea, as well as factors like infection, acidosis, metabolic disturbances, or congenital or acquired conditions that could contribute to poor growth.
Why is it important to examine an infant experiencing failure to thrive?
It is crucial to examine the infant to identify and exclude any underlying diseases or medical conditions that may be contributing to the failure to thrive.
What factors should be considered when assessing the adequacy of milk intake?
When assessing the adequacy of milk intake, factors such as the frequency and duration of feeds, feeding patterns, and signs of satiety or hunger should be considered.
Why is satisfactory weight gain an important indicator of infant health and nutrition?
Satisfactory weight gain is an important indicator of infant health and nutrition as it reflects proper growth and development, indicating that the infant is receiving adequate nutrition for their needs.
Why is cup feeding preferable to bottle feeding?
Cup feeding is preferable to bottle feeding because a cup is far easier to clean, reducing the risk of bacterial contamination and promoting better hygiene.
What is the recommended feeding duration for infants?
No normal infants should be fed for longer than 20 minutes to prevent overfeeding and promote healthy feeding habits.
What advice should be given regarding the cleanliness of cups, bottles, and teats?
It is important to thoroughly clean cups, bottles, and teats after each use using hot, soapy water and a bottle brush to remove any milk residue. Rinse thoroughly and air dry to prevent bacterial growth.
How should sterilization of feeding equipment be performed?
Feeding equipment such as cups, bottles, and teats should be sterilized before first use and then regularly thereafter. This can be done by boiling the equipment in water for at least 5 minutes or using a sterilizer according to manufacturer instructions.
What are the recommendations for the storage of reconstituted milk and feeding temperature?
Reconstituted milk should be stored in a clean, covered container in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours. Before feeding, milk should be warmed to body temperature by placing the container in warm water, ensuring it is not too hot for the infant.
What common mistakes should mothers be warned about regarding infant feeding?
Mothers should be warned about common mistakes such as making feeds too strong or too weak, as this can affect the infant’s nutrition and health. It is also important to educate mothers about the difference between thirst and hunger cues in infants to avoid overfeeding.