Newborn Examination Flashcards
normal axillary temperature
36.5- 37 C
Normal abdominal wall temperature
36- 36.5 C
normal heart rate
120- 160 bpm
normal respiratory rate
40- 60 bpm
normal blood glucose levels
2.6- 4 mmol/L
normal skin
-infantile haemangioma
-erythema toxicum
-pustular melanosis
-milia, miliaria
- naevus flammeus (‘Port wine”, stain)
- naevus simplex (‘stork bite”, “angel’s kisses”)
abnormal skin
-staph skin sepsis
head examination
head circumference
shape/ appearance
satures and fontanelles
swellings and bruising
head circumference
plot on fenton chart (together with birth weight and length)
shape/ appearance
sutures and fontanelles
- coronal
-anterior fontanelle
*wide/ fused/ overlapping sutures
*full or sunken fontanelles (anterior fontanelle and posterior fontanelle)
swellings and bruising
-subgaleal/ subaponeurotic haemorrhage (SAH)
-cutis aplasia
face examination
mouth and jaw
-low set vs normal
-ear formation: variants may be associated with hearing loss and or renal disease
-sinus/ pits/ skin tags
-widely spaced
- palpebral fissures: normal or narrow
-conjuctiva: bleed/ purulent
-pupil response and red reflex
patency of nares: if any concern of atresia/ stenosis, must pass feeding catheter bilaterally
mouth and jaw
-lips: sucking blisters, cleft
-assess suck and palpate hard and soft palate: Epstein’s pearls, cleft
-tongue: macroglossia, posteriorly placed tongue in Pierre- Robin sequence