Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts Flashcards
Why were concerns raised about the health of the military in the 1860s?
Many of the soldiers ended up contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
What arguments were presented in 1862 that led to the passing of the first Contagious Diseases Act of 1864?
Jo D
What were the terms of the first Contagious Diseases Act 1864?
Applied to specific garrison towns and ports in England and Ireland:
- Authorised police to arrest women on the street that they suspected to be prostitutes, to register them and ensure they attended a medical examination.
- If found to be diseased they could be detained for up to three months for treatment or until they were cured.
How was the first Contagious Diseases Act received?
What were the terms of the second and third Contagious Diseases Act?
How did the Contagious Diseases Acts affect women? Give detailed examples.
Why was Elizabeth Wolstenholme important?
How successful had the repeal campaign been before 1869? Explain your answer.
Why was the Ladies National Association important in the campaign for repeal?
How significant was the Leadership of Josephine Butler in the campaign for repeal? Give examples of what she did/her strengths/weaknesses
J=Joe B
What other examples of leadership can you find and why were they important in the campaign for repeal? (you can think about leadership generally as well).
What were the regional electoral leagues and how did they campaign for repeal?
What campaigning methods were used and how effective were they? Give specific examples.
Why was the leadership of James Stansfeld important?
When were the acts repealed and how?
What was the most significant factor in the campaign for repeal? Consider leadership, the role of Parliament and different organisations