_ are expressions that have no bearing on the meaning of what someone says
it is a type of coping mechanism that speakers use to deal with difficulties in a speaking situation
repair strategy
When a speaker realizes that the listener does not grasp what has been said, the speaker “repairs” the situation by restating the idea in a different way
a speaker would use examples to make sure that the listener understands the concept being discussed. it also maintains the interest of the audience
using examples
a speaker would use phrases like, “excuse me?” and “i think I missed that. could you repeat what you said?” if he or she does not quite hear what has been said, or if he or she is unable to fully understand it
seeking clarification
a speaker can repeat or reiterate what has been said. sometimes, the speaker would even ask the audience to repeat what he or she had said. They do this to emphasize a point given
a speaker can modify the way of delivering the message by either removing or adding something.