Repair of Cells Flashcards
implies complete reconstitution. Tissues with high
proliferative capacity (e.g., hematopoietic system, gastrointestinal epithelium, etc.) can continuously renew themselves and
regenerate after injury, provided their stem cells are not
destroyed and provided they have an intact connective tissue
may restore some normal structure, and therefore function,
but may also leave some deficits. Healing in this setting involves
some combination of regeneration and scar formation (fibrosis).
The relative contribution of the two processes depends on the
capacity of the injured tissue to regenerate, the extent of injury
(i.e., how much matrix is damaged), and the extent of fibrosis
driven by the mediators of chronic inflammation.
Control of Normal Cell Proliferation
and Tissue Growth
• Increased cell proliferation can be accomplished by shortening
the cell cycle or by recruiting quiescent cells into the cell cycle.
• Increased baseline cell numbers may reflect increased proliferation, decreased cell death, or decreased differentiation.
• Differentiated cells that cannot proliferate are called terminally
differentiated cells. In some tissues, differentiated cells are not
replaced (e.g., cardiac myocytes); in others, they die but are continuously replaced by new cells generated from stem cells (e.g.,
skin epithelium).
• Cell proliferation can involve physiologic (e.g., hormonal) or
pathologic stimuli (e.g., injury, mechanical forces, or cell death).
• Proliferation and differentiation are controlled by soluble and/or
contact-mediated signals, and these signals may be stimulatory
or inhibitory.
Cell proliferation can involve physiologic or
pathologic stimuli
hormonal, injury, mechanical forces, or cell death
• Continuously dividing (labile) cell
proliferate throughout life,
replacing those that are destroyed (e.g., surface epithelia and
marrow hematopoietic cells). Typically, mature cells derive from
stem cells (see later discussion) with unlimited capacity to proliferate. The progeny of mature cells have the capacity to differentiate into several cell types.
Quiescent (stable) cells
normally involved in low-level replication but are capable of rapid division in response to stimuli
Quiescent (stable) cells are found in
liver, kidney, fibroblasts, smooth muscle, and endothelial cells
Nondividing (permanent) cells
cannot undergo division in postnatal life. Destruction
of such cells typically leads to either glial proliferation (brain) or
scar (heart), although limited re-population from a small group
of stem cells has been demonstrated
Nondividing (permanent) cells example
Neurons, Cardio myocyte
Mature skeletal muscle
does not divide but has regenerative capacity through the differentiation of
intrinsic satellite cells.
Stem Cells
Stem cells are characterized by their self-renewal capacity and by
their capacity to generate differentiated lineages.
• Asymmetric replication
With each cell division, one cell retains
self-renewing property while the other enters a differentiation
Stochastic differentiation:
The stem cell pool is maintained by
balancing divisions that generate two stem cells with those that
create two cells that differentiate.
Embryonic Stem Cells
Isolated from the inner cell mass of normal blastocysts, embryonic
stem (ES) cells are pluripotent
Pleuripotent Embryonic stem cell
that is, they have the capacity to
generate all cell lineages
Multipotent Stem cells
pluripotent cells can give rise to
multipotent stem cells, which have more restricted developmental
potential and eventually produce differentiated cells that form
adult tissue
ES cells can be maintained in vitro
cell lines or induced to differentiate along a variety of cell lineages
ES cells lineages
• ES cells identify signals required for normal tissue differentiation.
• ES cells generate animals congenitally deficient in specific genes
(knockouts) by inactivating or deleting a gene in an ES cell and
then incorporating the modified ES cell into a developing blastocyst. Similarly, replacement of a wild-type gene with a specific
mutation (knock-in) can be performed. The power of the methodology has been further expanded by the ability to express gene
deficiencies in only selected cell or tissue types, and by the ability
to turn genes “on” and “off” at will in adult animals (conditional
gene deficiency).
• ES cells potentially repopulate damaged organs.
ES cells generate animals congenitally deficient in specific genes by inactivating or deleting a gene in an ES cell and
then incorporating the modified ES cell into a developing blastocyst.
replacement of a wild-type gene with a specific mutation
gene deficiency
to turn genes “on” and “off” at will in adult animals
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Functionally similar to ES cells, induced pluripotent stem (iPS)
cells have been generated by “reprogramming” adult differentiated
cells through transduction of genes encoding ES cell transcription
How are Induced and Generating Pluripotent Stem cells differentiated
This is to be distinguished from generating pluripotent
stem cells from adult differentiated cells by transferring their nucleus to an enucleated oocyte
Such nuclear transfer techniques are
inefficient, and the resulting stem cells do not have high fidelity for
gene expression, probably due to vagaries in histone demethylation
in the transferred nuclei.
The iPS cells, on the other hand, faithfully
generate cells of all three germ layers and can be genetically
manipulated. This suggests that they may become a source of
patient-specific stem cells that can not only repair damaged tissues
but also potentially replace congenitally defective cells
Adult (Somatic) Stem Cells
Adult (somatic) stem cells have been identified in many mature
tissues (e.g., bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, skin, liver, pancreas, and adipose tissue). Typically they have a more limited
capacity to differentiate.
ASCs are located in a niche
bulge area of hair follicles
Somatic stem cells give rise to rapidly proliferating
amplifying cells
Transit Amplifying cells lose the capacity
asymmetric division and
become progenitor cells with a limited developmental potential.
Somatic stem cells are typically responsible for generating the
mature cells of the organ in which they reside, thereby
maintaining normal tissue homeostasis; they also have variable
potential to differentiate more broadly and to repopulate tissues
following injury
cell differentiates
from one type to another;
developmental plasticity
the capacity to transdifferentiate into multiple lineages
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that would normally only contribute to blood cell elements are capable of transdifferentiating
in vitro into
neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and other
adult cell lineages
Bone marrow contains pluripotent HSCs
all blood cell elements, as well as multipotential marrow stromal
cells (MSCs) capable of differentiating into bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, or endothelium, depending on the tissue to which they migrate.
Liver stem cells
residing in the canals of Hering (junction between
hepatocytes and the biliary system) give rise to bipotent
progenitors called oval cells
Liver stem cells are active only if
direct hepatocyte proliferation is not possible (e.g., in fulminant hepatic failure
The brain contains which stem cells
neural stem cells
neural stem cells
capable of generating
neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendroglial cells, although the extent to which these are integrated into neural circuits is unclear.