租车旅行 Renting a Vehicle For A Trip Flashcards
What is the Chinese term for ‘solve’?
解决 - jiě jué
How do you say ‘solve the problem’ in Chinese?
解决问题 - jiě jué wèn tí
What does ‘个人问题’ mean?
personal problem
Translate to English: 你的个人问题解决了吗?
Have you solved your personal issue?
Translate to English: 你什么时候解决个人问题?
When will you solve your personal issue?
What is the Chinese term for ‘take care of a child’?
带孩子 - dài hái zi
How do you say ‘I’m learning how to take care of a little child’ in Chinese?
我在学习带小孩 - wǒ zài xué xí dài xiǎo hái
What does ‘我想当医生’ mean?
I want to be a doctor
What is the prefix meaning ‘pre-‘ in Chinese?
预 - yù
What does ‘预约’ mean?
make an appointment
What is the Chinese term for ‘property management fee’?
物业费 - wù yè fèi
Translate to English: 中国没有小费文化.
China doesn’t have a tipping culture.
What does ‘市民’ refer to?
citizen (of one city)
What is the term for ‘immigrant’ in Chinese?
移民 - yí mín
Translate to English: 深圳是一个移民城市.
Shenzhen is an immigrant city.
What does ‘移民局’ mean?
immigration bureau/office
Fill in the blank: 你要支付 _______ 的服务费.
百分之十 - bǎi fēn zhī shí
What is the Chinese term for ‘gas station’?
加油站 - jiā yóu zhàn
What does ‘高级’ mean?
What is the term for ‘love’ or ‘be in love’ in Chinese?
恋爱 - liàn ài
What does ‘异地恋’ refer to?
long-distance relationship
Translate to English: 我不接受异地恋.
Wǒ bù jiēshòu yìdì liàn
I don’t accept long-distance relationships.
What is the Chinese term for ‘husband’?
丈夫 - zhàng fū
What is the Chinese word for ‘kilometer’?
公里 - gōng lǐ
What does ‘米’ mean?
What is the term for ‘centimeter’ in Chinese?
厘米 - lí mǐ
Fill in the blank: _______ - nanometer.
纳米 - nà mǐ
What is the meaning of 本 (běn)?
original, root
What does 本人 (běn rén) mean?
oneself, myself
Translate 本校 (běn xiào)
the school I am in
What is the meaning of 本公司 (běn gōng sī)?
the company I am in
What does 本国 (běn guó) refer to?
the country I am in
Translate 本市 (běn shì)
the city I am in
What is the meaning of 本省 (běn shěng)?
the province I am in
What does 本地 (běn dì) mean?
local area, local place
Translate 本地人 (běn dì rén)
local people, natives
How do you say ‘I am a local person’ in Chinese?
我是本地人 (wǒ shì běn dì rén)
What does 外地 (wài dì) mean?
other places, nonlocal area
Translate 外地人 (wài dì rén)
nonlocal people, outsiders
What is the meaning of 外国 (wài guó)?
foreign country
What does 外国人 (wài guó rén) refer to?
Translate 手推车 (shǒu tuī chē)
handcart, wheelbarrow
What does 全 (quán) mean?
whole, all
Fill in the blank: 烤全羊 (kǎo quán ______) means roasted whole sheep.
What is the meaning of 整 (zhěng)?
whole, entire
Translate 整只羊 (zhěng zhī yáng)
whole sheep
What does 整只鸡 (zhěng zhī jī) mean?
whole chicken
What is the meaning of 整个 (zhěng gè)?
whole, entire
Translate 小汽车 (xiǎo qì chē)
small car
What does 私家车 (sī jiā chē) mean?
private car
What is the meaning of 私课 (sī kè)?
private lesson
Translate 私人 (sī rén)
private, personal
What does 私人公司 (sī rén gōng sī) refer to?
private company
What is the meaning of 私人原因 (sī rén yuán yīn)?
personal reasons
Translate 个人原因 (gè rén yuán yīn)
personal reasons
What does 私家花园 (sī jiā huā yuán) mean?
private garden
What is the meaning of 私信 (sī xìn)?
private message
Rúguǒ nǐ yǒu shé me shìqíng, sīxìn wǒ
If you have anything to discuss, send me a direct/personal message
What does 自私 (zì sī) mean?
Translate: 他很自私。
He is very selfish
What is the meaning of 无私 (wú sī)?
What does 费 (fèi) mean?
fee, cost
Translate 费用 (fèi yòng)
cost, expense
What does 水费 (shuǐ fèi) refer to?
water bill
What is the meaning of 电费 (diàn fèi)?
electricity bill
Translate 燃气费 (rán qì fèi)
gas bill
What does 电话费 (diàn huà fèi) mean?
telephone bill
What is the meaning of 学费 (xué fèi)?
tuition fee
Fill in the blank: 交 (jiāo) means to ______.
submit, to pay
Translate 交作业 (jiāo zuò yè)
to submit homework
What does 交报告 (jiāo bào gào) mean?
to submit a report
What is the meaning of 交学费 (jiāo xué fèi)?
to pay tuition fees
Translate 交钱 (jiāo qián)
to pay money
What does 交水费 (jiāo shuǐ fèi) mean?
to pay the water bill
What is the meaning of 交罚款 (jiāo fá kuǎn)?
to pay a fine
Translate 买车险 (mǎi chē xiǎn)
to buy car insurance
What does 市场 (shì chǎng) mean?
What is the meaning of 超级 (chāo jí)?
Translate 超级市场 (chāo jí shì chǎng)
What does 超人 (chāo rén) refer to?
What is the meaning of 收费站 (shōu fèi zhàn)?
toll station
Translate 速度 (sù dù)
What does 高速 (gāo sù) mean?
high speed
What is the meaning of 高速路费 (gāo sù lù fèi)?
highway toll
Translate 高速费 (gāo sù fèi)
highway toll fee
What does 超速 (chāo sù) mean?
Translate: 你超速了。
You are speeding
What does 包括 (bāo kuò) mean?
to include
Translate: 这个包括什么费用?
What fees are included in this?
What is the meaning of 型 (xíng)?
type, model
Translate 血型 (xuè xíng)
blood type
What does O型 (O xíng) refer to?
Type O
What is the meaning of 型号 (xíng hào)?
model number
Translate: 你的电脑是什么型号的?
What is the model number of your computer?
What does 借书 (jiè shū) mean?
to borrow a book
Translate 还书 (huán shū)
to return a borrowed book
What is the meaning of 借钱 (jiè qián)?
to borrow money
Translate 还钱 (huán qián)
to return money
What does 有借有还,再借不难 mean?
If you borrow and return, it will be easy to borrow again.
What does 有借不还,再借很难 mean?
If you borrow but don’t return, it will be hard to borrow again.
What is the term for ‘designated driver’ in Chinese?
代驾 (司机) - dài jià (sī jī)
How do you say ‘to find a designated driver’ in Chinese?
找代驾 - zhǎo dài jià
What does ‘叫代驾’ mean?
to request a designated driver - jiào dài jià
Translate ‘Have you called for a designated driver?’ to Chinese.
你叫代驾了吗?- Nǐ jiào dài jià le ma?
What does ‘当代驾’ mean?
to work as a designated driver - dāng dài jià
What is the term for ‘to provide designated driver services’?
跑代驾 - pǎo dài jià
How do you say ‘to work during the day’ in Chinese?
白天上班 - bái tiān shàng bān
What does ‘晚上当代驾’ mean?
to work as a designated driver at night - wǎn shàng dāng dài jià
What is the Chinese term for ‘part-time’?
兼职 - jiān zhí
What does ‘全职’ mean?
full-time - quán zhí
Translate ‘to do part-time designated driver work’ into Chinese.
兼职跑代驾 - jiān zhí pǎo dài jià
What does ‘兼职当代驾’ mean?
to work part-time as a designated driver - jiān zhí dāng dài jià
Fill in the blank: ‘晚上兼职当代驾’ means ‘to work part-time as a designated driver at _______.
What does ‘代替’ mean?
to substitute for, to replace - dài tì
Translate ‘I can go to the meeting for you’ into Chinese.
我可以代替你去开会。- Wǒ kěyǐ dài tì nǐ qù kāi huì.
What is the Chinese term for ‘to apologize’?
道歉 - dào qiàn
What does ‘期’ mean?
period, time limit - qī
What is the term for ‘long-term’ in Chinese?
长期 - cháng qī
Translate ‘short-term’ into Chinese.
短期 - duǎn qī
What does ‘过期’ mean?
to expire - guò qī
What is the meaning of ‘到期’?
to reach the deadline - dào qī
What does ‘婚期’ refer to?
wedding date - hūn qī
What is the term for ‘delivery date’ in Chinese?
产期 - chǎn qī
Translate ‘holiday’ into Chinese.
假期 - jià qī
What is the question ‘When is your wedding date?’ in Chinese?
你的婚期是什么时候?- Nǐ de hūn qī shì shénme shíhòu?
What does ‘你的产期的什么时候?’ mean?
Nide chanqi de shi shenme shihou?
When is your delivery (due) date?
What is the term for ‘long-term residence permit’ in Chinese?
长期居留证 - cháng qī jū liú zhèng
Translate ‘People’s Republic of China’ into Chinese.
中华人民共和国 - Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
What does ‘外国人永久居留身份证’ mean?
Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Permit - wài guó rén yǒngjiǔ jūliú shēnfènzhèng
What is the term for ‘permanent residence permit’?
永久居留证 - yǒngjiǔ jūliú zhèng
What does ‘居住证’ mean?
residence permit - jūliú zhèng
What is the term for ‘Shenzhen residence permit’ in Chinese?
深圳居住证 - Shēnzhèn jūliú zhèng
yīngguó gōngmín;
British citizen