Renal regulation of K, Ca, Mg Flashcards
K concentrations
-cells are very sensitive to changes in K concentrations
-increases in levels (hyperkalemia) can cause cardiac arrest, decreases (hypokalemia) can also be critical
Normal plasma K levels
4.2 mEq/L
-if increased more than 3-4 mEq/L can cause cardiac arrest
Extracellular vs. intracellular K levels
Extracellular: 2%
Intracellular: 98%
Steps to K adjustments
1.Transport K between extra and intracellular K stores (fast response)
2. Adjusting the changes in plasma K concentrations is by renal excretion (slow response)
Insulin release
-causes shift of K into the cell
Aldosterone impact on K
-shifts K into the cells
Beta-adrenergic stimulation
-shifts K into the cells
-Epi increases K uptake
shifts K into the cells
-shifts K out of cells
-due to reduction of Na/K pump function
Cell lysis
-shift K out of cells
-occurs due to severe muscle injury
Strenuous exercise
-shift K out of the cells
-due to skeletal muscles will release K
Increased extracellular fluid osmolarity
-shift K out of cells
-due to cells becoming dehydrated and intracellular K goes up and cells will send K out
What effects K+ excretion?
1.filtration rate- decreased GFR will lead to hyperkalemia
2. Tubular reabsorption (mainly proximal tubules)
3. K secretion in late distal and collecting tubules (important for day-to-day adjustments)
>principle cells important for secretion. If intake of K is high, K secretion increases even more than the filtered amount
K Excretion
-Secretion by principle cells which make up the majority of epithelial cells in late distal and collecting tubules
Steps of K excretion
- Uptake from interstitium into the cells by Na/K pump
- Diffusion of K into the lumen (membrane is permeable to K by using K channels)
Factors of K excretion
-Na/K pump
-concentration gradient
-permeability of luminal membrane
Factors affecting K secretion
1.Increased extracellular K
2.Increased aldosterone
3.increased tubular flow rate
4.acidosis (increased extracellular H+)
Increased extracellular K
-important factor and works very quickly when plasma concentration of K is increased
-3 mechanisms:
1.stimulates Na/K pump, moves K into epithelial cells and diffusion into tubules
2.Reduces leakage of intracellular K to the interstitium
3.stimulates aldosterone secretion and K secretion