Renal physiology Flashcards
What is the kidneys job?
To maintain normal balance of fluids, electrolytes minerals and acid base.
What three principles does the kidney use to function?
Selective reabsorption
What are the three stages of an acute kidney injury?
Intra renal
Post renal
What is prerenal and it causes?
Were kidneys are insufficiently perfused (reduced flow):
1. Hypervolaemia (haemorrhage, trauma, burns).
2. Pump failure (MI or large PE)
3. Renal vascular damage (AAA cross clamping)
4. Dehydration
5. Liver cirrhosis, sepsis, anaphylaxis
What is intra renal and its causes?
Where the renal tubules (acute tubular necrosis ATN) or renal bed (parenchyma) damaged and cannot function.
Due to:
1. Infection ( Glomerulonephritis)
2. Blood vessel damage (vasculitis)
3. Toxins (nephrotoxic agents) gentamycin/CT contrast.
4. Rhabdomyolysis (muscle tissue breakdown)
What is post renal and its causes?
Obstruction of outflow of urine (blockage preventing urine from leaving body)
Due to:
1. Kidney stones
2. Enlarged prostate gland
3. Tumour
Stages of AKI
Stage 1: UO <0.5ml/kg hrly >6hr
Stage 2: UO <0.5ml/kg hrly >12hr
Stage 3: UO <0.3ml/kg hrly >24hr
Or Anuric >12hrs
Signs and symptoms of AKI
Neuro: confusion, reduced GCS, agitation
Cardio: hypertensive, tachy, low Hb
Resp: tachyapneic, pulmonary oedema
Gastro: nausea & vomiting, malnourishment
Skin: dry, jaundice
Management of AKI using ABCDEFG PROCESS
A - address drugs & remove causative agents
B - boost blood pressure (fluid challenge/inotropes)
C- chart UO hrly
D- dipstick urine, consider diuretic therapy
E- electrolytes, correct hyperkalaemia
F - full blood count, consider transfusions Hb >7g/l or >10 in active bleeding
G - gastrointestinal, Mon blood glucose 4hrly