Renal Physiology Flashcards
What is the normal GFR and hOW DOES IT CHANGE OVER TIME. What is the definiton of clearance and what is the link between GFR and clearance.(109)
For Insensible Water Loss ,Fluid Overload Hypernatraemia,Hyponatraemia: What are the possible causes?(109)
What is the gold strandard measure for GFR . Is it used in Clninical practice, explain answer.(110)
Name an endogenous marker that is used in clinical practice to measure renal function, and how explain the ways it is used for this.(110)
State the different ways to examine urine, and where relevant, state what different examination results could indicate.(NPR)(110)
How is AKI defined. What are the characteristics of the different types of AKI and what are the indications for dialysis in AKI(NPR content).(110)
edit”Defined as any of the following”
What are the different stages for CKD and what are their thresholds(NPR)(111)
The word “decrease” is missing from answer(e.g. “mild gfr” should be “mild decrease in gfr”
What are the commonest causes of CKD(111)
What are the consequences of CKD(NPR)(111)
Discuss the different tyes of Renal replacement therapy(111)