Renal pathology Flashcards
Anatomical classification of renal pathology
Renal pathology flowchart
Nephrotic syndrome key features
Primary causes of nephrotic syndrome
Secondary causes of renal failure
Nephrotic syndrome Dx
Key features of nephritic syndrome
Summarise acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis
Summarise IgA nephropathy
Summarise rapidly progressing crescentic glomerulonephritis
Summarise hereditary nephritis
Summarise thin basement membrane disease
Summarise asymptomatic haematuria
Summarise acute tubular injury and acute tubular necrosis
Summarise tubulointerstitial nephritis
Compare HUS and ITP
Summarise acute renal failure
Summarise chronic renal failure
Summarise adult polycystic kidney disease
Summarise lupus nephritis
Summarise renal cell carcinoma