Cardiac Pathology Flashcards
Steps of atherogenesis
What is atherosclerosis?
Components of athersclerotic plaques
Which part of the aorta is more affected by atherosclerosis
Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis
Describe Ischaemic heart disease
Differentiate the 3 different anginas: stable, unstable and prinzmetal
MI pathogenesis
MI complications
Evolution of an MI histologically
What are preload and afterload
Common causes of heart failure
Complications of heart failure
Pathophysiology of heart failure
Effect of cardiac damage on stroke volume and cardiac output
LV failure pathophysiology
RV failure pathophysiology
Compare cardiomyopathies
Summarise hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
What is ARVC
peak age of acute rheumatic fever
Systems affected by acute rheumatic fever
Clinical features of acute rheumatic fever
Acute rheumatic fever histology
Aschoff bodies, Anitschov monocytes
Acute rheumatic fever treatment
Compare vegetative endocarditides
Causes of bacterial endocarditis
Compare acute and subacute endocarditis
Unusual causes of bacterial endocarditis
Clinical featues of endocarditis
What valves are most commonly affected in bacterial endocarditis?
Duke’s criteria
Compare the pathophysiology, causes and murmur in main valvular diseases
Summarise chronic rheumatic valve disease
Summarise mitral valve prolapse
Pericarditis types
Summarise pericardial effusion
Summarise haemopericardium