Renal Failure Flashcards
Assessment of Renal Disease must include?
Cause and Severity
Pre/Post renal or intrinsic
Acute (hrs/days)/Chronic (months/yrs)
Renal Dz UA:
Blood/RBC Casts/Mild Protein?
High Protein/Lipids?
WBC/WBC Casts/Mild Protein?
WBC Casts?
Blood/RBC Casts/Mild Protein = (P) glomerulonephritis
High Protein/Lipids = (P) nephrotic synd
WBC/WBC Casts/Mild Protein = (P) interstitial nephritis
WBC Casts = (P) pyelonephritis
Pyuria = (P) UTI
Proteinuria caused by?
1) Fxnl, benign result of illness/exercise
2) Overprdxn of plasma proteins (i.e. Bence Jones in MM)
3) Abnormal glomerular basement memb (U high albumin spike)
4) Proximal Tubule damage (drugs, metabolic disord)
Proteinuria best test?
24 hr collection
Cr clearance eqn?
Ccr = (140 - age) x weight kg / Pcr x 72
Cr clearance elevated by?
ketoacidosis drugs (asprin, tagamet, bactrim)
Cr clearance decreased by?
old age
wasting from dz
liver dz
BUN/Cr ratio should be?
BUN/Cr increased by?
dehydration, GI bleed, steroids, CHF
BUN.Cr decreased by?
liver dz
Renal US used for?
polycystic kidney dz
kidney size
postvoid residule
Renal IVP (intravenous pyelogram) used for?
contrast xray of entire urinary tract
DM w/ high Cr
Chronic renal fail
Mult Myeloma
Renal CT used for?
retroperitoneal space
Renal MRI used for?
loss of corticomedullary fxn
Renal arterio/venography used for?
stenotic lesions
renal vein thromb
Renal bx used when?
unexplained acute renal failure,
Acute Renal Failure presentation?
SUDDEN ↑ BUN or serum Cr Oliguria N/V, malaise Altered sensory Pericard effus/Heart friction rub
Acute Renal Failure labs findings?
Tall T
Anemia (from ↓ erythrop)
Most common cause of Acute Renal Fail?
Prerenal Azotemia from renal HYPOperfusion
leads to ischemia -> intrinsic renal fail
↓ Renal Perfusion caused by?
↓ intravascular volume (GI loss/pancreatitis/Burns)
Δ in vascular resistance (sepsis, ACE, NSAID, Epi)
↓ CO (CHF, PE, arrhy)
Prerenal Azotemia assessment must involve?
Volume status
Cardiac fxn
Prerenal Azotemia lab results?
UA = vol depletion, tubular casts
BUN/Cr = high
Urine Na+ = low if vol depl, high if acute tub necrosis
Postrenal Azotemia caused by?
urinary flow obstruction
(BPH, antichol meds, stones, etc)
Postrenal Azotemia presentation?
low abd pain
distended bladder