Renal Embryology Flashcards
What is DHEA and what is its importance?
secreted by fetal cortex –> converted by placenta to estradiol = essential for normal pregnancy
When do the metanephros arise?
during 5th week
When does the suprarenal gland develop in utero? how?
5th week: coelomic epithelium delaminates and enters surrounding mesoderm –> cortical cells –> NC cells migrate to medulla –> chromaffin cells
What are the major regions of the ventral cloaca?
What separates them?
urogenital sinus and anorectal canal are separated by urorectal septum
How do the major and minor calices form?
cranial part of ureteric bud branches –> collecting tubules first generations (4) of tubules –> major calices 2nd generations –> minor calices
How does the nephron form?
arched collecting tubules –> induce surrounding blastema to form metanephric vesicles –> elongate to form metanephric tubules –> proximal end = glomerular capsule; distal end differentiates into other tubules
What is a urachal fistula?
entire urachus remains patent and allows urine to leak out of umbilical hole
What are accessory renal vessels?
multiple renal arteries
~25% of adults
2x common as accessory veins
can obstruct the ureter –> hydronephrosis
What are the 3 sets of early nephric structures?
pronephros = first, rudimentary mesonephros = middle metanephros = permanent kidneys
What structures for from the ureteric bud? (4)
renal pelvis
major and minor calyces
collecting ducts
When do the mesonephros appear? When do they degenerate?
appear late 4th week function as interim kidneys from week 6-10 degenerate by week 12
How does the blood supply to the kidneys change in utero?
as kidneys ascend, renal arteries form, degenerate, and reform
first branch from common iliacs; definitive renal arteries are from abdominal aorta
What makes up the trigone?
residual mesonephric duct as it moves inferiorly and the ureteric duct
on posterior wall of bladder
What are the 2 types of kidney duplication?
caused by abnormal division of ureteric bud
incomplete division = divided kidney and bifed ureter
complete division = double didney and bifed ureter or separate ureters
What is a urachal sinus?
end of urachus remains open into pladder or umbilicus
body fluid can leak out of umbilicus
What is exstrophy of the bladder?
abnormality of body folding in 4th week –> defective closure of ventral abdominal wall = mucosa of posterior bladder wall is exposed to outside