Renal Chapter 2: Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration Flashcards
Describe the blood flow the kidneys receive and where it goes.
receives more than 1L/min …about 20 percent of CO
all blood flows through glomeruli in the cortex
-vast majority continues on via efferent arterioles to peritubular capillaries in the cortex and then into renal venous system
much smaller fraction like 5-10% flows from efferent arterioles down into the medulla.
What is normal hematocrit? Plasma?
What is typical renal blood flow (RBF)? What is renal plasma flow (RPF)?
What is typical glomular filtration rate (GFR)?
So of the plasma that enters the glomeruli (provide number), describe how much filters into Bowman’s space. Where does the rest go?
What is filtration fraction?
Normal hematocrit is 45% of blood so 55% is plasma …
typical renal blood flow (RBF) is 1.1 L/min…renal plasma flow (RPF) = 0.55 x 1.1L/min =605mL/min
typical glomular filtration (GFR) rate is about 125mL/min
so of the 605mL of plasma that enters the glomeruli via afferent arterioles, 125mL or 20% filters into Bowman’s space. The rest, 480mL passes via efferent arterioles into peritubular capillaries.
GFR/RPF =filtration fraction
(Bc freely filtered substances are passing into Bowman’s space along with water, about 20% of all freely filtered substances (eg sodium) that enter the kidney also move into Bowman’s space
What is the basic equation for flow?
Q= P/R (R= total vascular resistance...R=8Lviscosity/pi r^4) (P= mean pressure in artery supplying the organ minus mean pressure in the vein draining that organ)
What makes the vasculature of the cortex unusual?
2 sets of arterioles (afferent and efferent)
2 sets of capillaries (glomerular and peritubular)
Describe the hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular/glomerular capillaries. What is the significance of these pressures?
peritubular capillaries are downstream from the efferent arteriole and have lower hydrostatic pressure… t
typica glomerular pressures are near 60mmHg in normal individual, peritubular pressures are closer to 20mmHg
high glomerular pressure is crucial for glomerular filtration whereas the low peritubular capillary pressure is equally crucial for tubular reabsoption of fluid
How will a change in arteriolar resistance effect RBF if the change occurs in afferent or efferent arterioles?
A change in arteriolar resistance produces the same effect on RBF regardless of
whether it occurs in the afferent arteriole or efferent arteriole. Because these vessels are in series, a change in either one has the same effect on the total.
When the 2 resistances both change in the same direction, the most common state of affairs, their effects on RBF will be additive. When they change in different directions— one resistance increasing and the other decreasing—they exert opposing effects on
Describe the glomerular filtration barrier (separates blood from urinary space that topologically connects to the outside world via renal tubules, ureter, bladder, and urethra)… describe the route that filtered substances take from the blood through the filtration barrier of a renal corpuscle into Bowman’s space.
3 step process:
- through fenestrae in the glomerular-capillary endothelial layer
- through the basement membrane
- finally through slit diaphragms between podocyte foot processes
(slit diaphragms essential to prevent excessive leak of plasma protein (albumin))
What is selectivity of the barrier to filtered solute based upon?
Describe selection criteria.
Which molecules can/can’t get through?
Selectivity based upon molecular size and electrical charge
no hindrance to movement of molecules with molecular weights less than 7000 Da (all freely filtered when this small)
(includes all small ions, glucose, urea, amino acids, and many hormones)
-electrical charge (negatively charged macromolecules filter to lesser extend and positively charged filter to greater extent than neutral)
completely excludes plasma albumin (66,000 Da) …but extremely small quantities on order of 10mg/L or less (0.02% of concentration of albumin in plasma) can get through
for molecules with molecular weight ranging from 7000 to 70,000 Da, amount filtered becomes progressively smaller as molecule becomes larger.
In disease what proteins might appear in the filtrate that doesn’t normally?
certain small proteins not normally present in the plasma appear bc of disease (Hb released from damaged erythrocytes or myoglobin released from damaged muscles)…considerable filtration of these can occur
Electrical charge plays a role in determining which molecules can cross the glomerular barrier: negatively charged macromolecules filter to lesser extend and positively charged filter to greater extent than neutral. Why is this?
surfaces of all components of filtration barrier (cell coats of the endothelium, the basement membrane, and the cell coats of podocytes) contain fixed polyanions which repel negatively charged macromolecules during filtration
Because almost all plasma proteins bear net negative
charges, this electrical repulsion plays a very important restrictive role , enhancing that of purely size hindrance.
Certain diseases that cause glomerular capillaries to
become “leaky” to protein do so by eliminating negative charges in the membranes.
the negative charges in the filtration membranes act as a hindrance only to macromolecules, not to mineral ions or low-molecularweight
organic solutes. Thus, chloride and bicarbonate ions, despite their negative charge, are freely filtered.
What does a higher GFR rate signify?
higher GFR means greater excretion of salt and water
What is the rate of filtration in any of the body’s capillaries, including the glomeruli, determined by?
What is the equation for rate of filtration?
det. by hydraulic permeability of the capillaries, their surface area, and the net filtration pressure (NFP) acting across them
rate of filtration = hydraulic permeability x surface area x NFP
How do you calculate the net filtration pressure (NFP) and GFR?
NFP= (PGC- piGC) - (PBC-piBC)
PGC- glomerular capillary hydrostaic pressure
PBC- hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule
pi BC- oncotic pressure of fluid in Bowman’s capsule
pi GC- oncotic pressure in glomerular capillary plasma
its the algebraic sum of hydrostatic pressures and the osmotic pressures resulting from protein –the oncotic or colloid osmotic pressures, on the 2 sides of the capillary wall
4 pressures to contend with (2 hydrostatic, 2 oncotic pressures) …Starling forces
bc there is normally v little protein in Bowman’s capsule, pi BC can be taken as zero so…
GFR = Kf (PGC-PBC-pi GC)
(Kf is filtration coefficient)
Which forces favor filtration and oppose filtration normally?
glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure
hydraulic pressure in Bowman’s capsule
oncotic pressure in glomerular capillary
How do hydrostatic and oncotic pressure change along the length of the glomerular capillaries?
How does net filtration pressure change from beginning of glomerular capillaries to the end?
What is the average?
hydraulic pressure changes only slightly along glomeruli bc the very large total cross sectional area of the glomeruli collectively provides only small resistance to flow
oncotic pressure does change a lot… water is moving out of the vascular space and leaving protein behind, thereby raising protein concentration and hence the oncotic pressure of the unfiltered plasma remaining in the glomerular capillaries
mainly bc of this large increase in oncotic pressure, the net filtration pressure decreases from the beginning of glomerular capillaries to the end
(average NFP is 17mmHg) -this is higher than most nonrenal capillary beds
What will result from an increase in glomerular surface area (bc of relaxation of glomerular mesangial cells)?
What determinant of GFR is affected and how does GFR change?
Kf affected
increase in GFR