Pulmonary 4: Ventilation Flashcards
Describe Boyle’s Law.
Pressure volume law
volume of a given amount of gas varies inversely with the applied pressure when temperature and mass are constant.
V is proportional to 1/P …V1P1=V2P2
What is Charles’ Law?
temperature-volume law
Volume of a given amount of gas held at constant pressure is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature.
V proportional to T
Describe Gay- Lussac’s Law.
(pressure-temperature law)
The pressure of a given amount of gas at constant volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature
P is proportional to T
Describe Avogadro’s Law.
(volume-amount law)
If the amount of gas in a container is increased, the volume increases
Describe the combined gas law.
The ratio between pressure-volume product and the temperature remains constant.
V is proportional to T/P
(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2
Describe the ideal gas law.
The state of an amount of gas is determined by its pressure, volume and temperature.
Describe Dalton’s Law of Partial pressures.
the total pressure of a mixture of non-reacting gases is the sum of their individual partial pressures
Describe Amagat’s Law of Partial volumes
The volume of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the component volumes of each individual component.
Describe Henry’s Law of gas solubility.
The concentration of a solute gas in a solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the solution.
Describe the composition of air in the airways:
ambient air:
N2, O2, water vapor, argon, CO2
atmospheric/barometric pressure at sea level
79% N2 21% O2 1% water vapor .1% argon .04% CO2
N2>O2»>CO2, argon…
atmospheric pressure at sea level: 760mmHg
What are gas fractions? Partial pressures? Provide partial pressure values for N2 and O2 in atmospheric air.
gas fractions: sum of individual gas fractions =1
(1=FN2 +FO2 +…)
Partial pressure:
sum of partial pressures is equal to total pressure
(Patm= 760mmHg= PN2 +PO2 +…)
Pgas=Fgas xPatm
79% N2, partial pressure of N2= 600mmHg
P(N2)= 760mmHg x .79= 600mmHg.
Partial pressure of O2 in atmospheric air:
P(O2)=760mmHg x .21=160mmHg
Describe what happens when air enters the respiratory system by ventilation.
What is the value of water vapor pressure?
When air enters respiratory system by ventilation, besides being filtered of airborne particles and dust, it is warmed to body temperature (37 degrees C) and completely humidified (100%).
Water vapor pressure is 47mmHg at 37 degrees C and “dilutes” the other gases.
What is ventilation? (equation)
What is V in adults and children?
V= f x Vt
=15/min x 500mL =7.5L/min
children (3-5 mL/kg)
Ambient air has 79% N2, P(N2)= 600mmHg
21% O2 =P(O2)=160mmHg.
When inhaled, describe Ptrachea(O2) and Ptrachea(N2). Do the calculations.
Ptrachea(O2)= (Patm-Pwater)xF(O2)
What is the alveolar gas equation?
What is R?
Normally? fatty acid? carbohydrate?
What are the average PA(O2), PA(CO2) and PA(N2) values?
= (Patm-Pwater) x FiO2 -PA(CO2)/R
R= respiratory quotient= excreted CO2/O2 taken up
Normal =.8
(fatty acid: 0.7/carbohydrate:1)
on average PA(O2)=102mmHg
PA(CO2)=40-45mmHg. (these fluctuate with respiratory cycle a bit but P(N2) is always 563mmHg bc human body neither produces or consumes nitrogen gas.
What is the alveolar PO2 (PAO2) if you breath 100% oxygen and PA(CO2) is 45mmHg (R=0.8)?
PIO2= (760-47mmHg) x 1 (100% oxygen)= 713 mmHg
PAO2= 713mmHg-45mmHg/.8=657mmHg
What is the PAO2 if you breath 40% oxygen
and the PACO2 is 60 mmHg (R = 0.8)?
PIO2= (760 mmHg – 47 mmHg) x 0.4
= 285 mmHg
PAO2 = 285 mmHg – 60 mmHg/0.8
= 210 mmHg
How is the fraction of alveolar CO2 determined?
by metabolism and rate of elimination (alveolar ventilation)
CO2 production (VCO2)= alveolar ventilation (VA) x FA(CO2)
alveolar PCO2 is inversely proportional to alveolar ventilation and direclty proportional to CO2 production.
PA(CO2) proportional to 1/VA
PA(CO2) proportional to V(CO2)
(slide 12 for additional eq.)
In the resting state what is the body’s production rate of CO2?
How is alveolar ventilation adjusted to keep alveolar PACO2 near 40mmHg?
If someone hyperventilates to 10L/min what will occur to PACO2?
resting state body has CO2 production of about 250mL/min
Alveolar ventilation is adjusted to 5L/min to keep alveolar PACO2 near 40mmHg.
If hyperventilate to 10L/min, the increased alveolar ventilation will blow off excess CO2 and reduce PACO2 to 20mmHg
How will a 50 percent decrease in ventilation at rest (5L/min to 2.5) affect alveolar PCO2?
Show this on a graph of alveolar ventilation to alveolar PCO2. Label hypoventilation and hyperventilation. show resting/mild exercise.
(What two main things determine alveolar CO2?)
50 percent decrease in ventilation at rest will result in doubling of PCO2.
During exercise, CO2 production is increased and to maintain a normal PCO2, ventilation must increase.
Slide 13.
alveolar CO2 is determined by metabolism and ventilation (rate of elimination)
Describe the distribution of inspired air into the vertical lung (based on radioactive xenon studies of inhaled Xe133).
How would this look in a graph (distance on horizontal axis lower zone-upper zone) and ventilation/unit volume on vertical axis).
from studies, inhaled Xe133 is distributed more to the base of the lung (near the diaphragm) than the apex of the lung (near the clavicle)
What are the two reasons for inspired air being preferentially shunted to lung base?
First, the 5 lobes of the lung form a triangular structure with the widest part at the base and the narrowest part at the apex. Thus anatomically the base of lung has more alveoli to receive more air.
Second, at FRC the base of the lung is more compliant than the apex of the lung. Thus, physiologically, equal changes in intrapleural pressure at both the base and apex produces a greater volume change in the base (more compliant) than apex (stiffer).
How does suspension of the lung in upright position affect pleural pressure and translung pressure?
Where is this effect greatest and least between TLC, RV, and FRC?
(How is inspired air distributed differentially to lung units?
(Slide 16)
Bc of suspension of the lung in the upright position, the pleural pressure (Ppl) and translung pressure (PL) of units at the apex will be greater (more negative than those at the base…
These lung units will be larger at any lung volume than units at the base. The effect is greatest at residual volume, less at functional residual capacity (FRC), and disappears totally at TLC.
(Also bc of their location on the pressure volume curve, inspired air will be differentially distributed to these lung units; the lung units at the apex are less compliant (=smaller increase in volume at any given pressure change) and thus will receive a smaller proportion of the inspired air than the lung units at the base, which are more compliant (reside at a steeper part of the pressure-volume curve, =larger increase in volume at any given pressure change)
Describe the regional differences in ventilation due to gravitational effects at tidal volume and residual volume by two graphs. (draw graph comparing intrapleural pressure to volume and show where on curve is Vt and RV)
Is intrapleural pressure more or less negative at the base of lung? What are the implications therefore for its resting state and inspiration as compared to apex.
What is the situation at very low lung volumes?
Slide 15.
(Explanation of the regional differences of ventilation down the lung.)
Because of the weight of the lung, the intrapleural pressure is less negative at the base
than at the apex. As a consequence, the basal lung is relatively compressed in its resting state but expands more on inspiration than the apex.
Situation at very low lung volumes. Now intrapleural pressures are less
negative, and the pressure at the base actually exceeds airway (atmospheric) pressure.
As a consequence, airway closure occurs in this region, and no gas enters with small