Renal Anatomy Flashcards
region where kidneys are located
layers around kidney
pararenal fat then perirenal fat, renal gerotas fascia in b/w
renal veins drain into…
trace flow of urine in kidney
glomerulus- PCT-loop- DCT -CD -papilla of pyramids- minor calyx- major calyx- renal pelvis- ureter
what is brodels line
avascular region that is accessed by surgeons to collecting system
describe branching of renal vessels
renal artery- 5 segmental arteries- interlobar (b/w pyramids)- arcuate- interlobular
origin/fn of renal sympathetic
splanchnic nerbes from T10-T12- synapse at aorticorenal ganglia
vasoconstricts renal artery, reduces blood flow
3 landmarks of the ureter descent
crosses gonadal vessels in abdomen as it goes along psoas
crsss pelvic brim to enter pelvis near common iliac artery
enters bladder ureto vesical junction
3 constriction sites of ureter
near hilum- uretero pelvic junction
passes over iliac vessels
uretero vesical junction as it traverses the bladder wall
main type of kidney stone
calcium oxalate
location and covering of bladder
posterior to pubic symphysis
covered by peritoneum on superior surface
what is the trigone
internal surface of bladder- smooth triangle region
urerter blood supply
segmentally as they descend: renal, gonadal, aorta, iliacs, vesical