Potassium Balance Flashcards
body response to increase in serum K
uptake into cells via insulin and epinephrine for storage, followed by secretion by the kidney
short term reservoir for K+
skeletal muscle- stim by aldo, epi,insulin via increased Na/K ATPase activity
what is the hormonal response to higher K
acute increases cause insulin release from pancreas and aldo and epi release from adrenal gland, causing cellular uptake
met alkalosis effect on K handling
H+ moves out of cell to raise serum pH, exchanged w/ K+ causing hypokalemia
met acidosis effect on K handling
excess H+ move into cells in exchange for K moving out, hyperkalemia results
segment responsible for K secretion
DCT and CD- principal cells and alpha intercalated responsive to aldo
describe K reabsorption in PCT
solvent drag- follows water thru AQPs
K reabsorption by thick ascending limb
depends on NKCC cotransporter, needs tubular K+ present
K+ is recycled back somewhat into lumen by apical ROMK, resulting positivity drives cations like Mg and Ca thru tight junctions
describe K handling in the CCD
principal cells: secrete K via ROMK, dependent on lumen negativity generated by Na reabsorption from ENaC (aldo dependent)
alpha intercalated: rabsorb K from H/K ATPase antiporter (secretes H), upregulated when K+ falls
list 5 stimulants of K secretion
- plasma K increases- stimulate Na/K ATPase on basolateral (increases cellular K, higher gradient)
- aldo: stimulates ENaC and Na/K ATPase and ROMK
- dietary intake of K- increased ROMK
- higher tubular flow rate- higher K gradient as lumen K is washed out past channels (as in osmotic diuresis)
- tubular negativity
2 inhibs of K secretion
ACE inhibs or ang blockers- decrease aldo, can cause hyperkalemia
tubular damage- can reduce K secretion