Renal Flashcards
What is the equation for plasma osmolality?
2Na + Glu/18 + BUN/2.8 = plasma osmolality
What is the equation for FEna?
(Pcr x Una) / (Pna x Ucr)
What does ADAMTS13 do?
Cleaves vWF. Anti-clotting agent. Absence of this can lead to TTP.
What things shift K out of cells?
Digitalis Osmolarity increase Insulin Lysis of cells Acidosis B-adrenergic antagonists (increase Na/K ATPase)
What are the most important steps in hyperK management?
- Stabilize heart w/ calcium gluconate
- Send K into cells: insulin + glucose, B2 Agonists, NaCO3
- Loop diuretics, cation resins, or hemodialysis
What are the symptoms associated w/ cryoglobulinemia?
palpable purpura
What is the difference in time frame for AIN vs. renal tubular obstruction.
Both are related to medicine:
AIN: 7-10 days post Rx
Renal Tube Obstruction: 24-48hrs post exposure
What are the characteristics of cystinuria?
- family Hx w/ recurrent stones
- hexagonal crystals
- urinary cyanide nitroprusside +
What are some drugs that commonly cause DI?
- Lithium: treats bipolar
- Demeclocycline: treats acne
- Foscarnet: CMV (fast car net) and herpes
- Cidofovir: eye infxns in CMV
- Amphotericin: fungal infxns