Renal Flashcards
Treat asymptomatic bacteriuria due to dilated renal tract (progesterone and compression related).
Risks on CKD
- Renal function decline
- HTN in pregnancy
- Worsening proteinuria
- Flare of glomerulonephritis
Effect of CKD on preg
- Risk of miscarriage, PET, PTB, IUGR, SB
Severe CKD eGFR <15 recommended against pregnancy
Maternal urea >10mmol/L can cause polyhydramnios and PTB, fetal death above 20mmol/L
Diabetic nephropathy doubles the risk of women with diabetes and no nephropathy. Nephrotic SND can predispose to pulmonary oedema and thrombosis
Reflux nephropathy
Similar risks
Less irreversible renal impairment
Reflux can be an AD condition and increases the risk of FGR.
AD or AR disorder
Associated with PLD, SAH
50% mortality rate for fetus - possibly better now
Extra things needed are increased dialysis to maintain urea <15mmol/L, increased heparinisation.
Renal transplant
Reminder that ovulation will return likely quickly after transplant but waiting 1 year is a good idea.
Pregnancy outcome is based on HTN and Cr.
Effect on transplant: none if Cr <100
Drugs to continue: pred, azathiopurine, tacrolimus, ciclosporin
Drugs to avoid MMF, Sirolimus
Cover delivery with abx and stress steroids