Heart disease Flashcards
Considerations with heart disease
NYHA functional class (1-4)
Haemodynamic signficance
Hx of HF, TIAs, arrhythmias
Left heart obstruction: MS <2cm, AS <1.5c
LVEF <40%
Marfans: risk of aortic dissection and death
MS: pul oedema 10-25%
Pul HTN: death
Mechanical valves: thrombosis
Pulmonary HTN Management
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (continue)
Endothelin receptor antagonists (teratogenic - discontinue)
If sx: electively admit, bedrest, O2
MDT team
Tertiary centre
No evidence for CS but often performed
Maintaining pre-load
Avoiding systemic vasodilation eg syntocinon and regional anaesthetics
Congenital HD
Risks maternal: Heart failure, arrhythmias, angina, HTN, thrombocytopenia, aortic dissection, death
Risks fetal: SB, IUGR, PTB, miscarriage, congenital heart defect
Concerning ones: AS (often bicuspid valve) if <1cm, coarctation of aorta, Marfans aortic root >4-4.5cm, pulmonary atresia, TOF, HCM
Acquired heart disease
RHF resulting MS (diastolic murmur)
- Treat tachycardia and arrhythmias with digoxin and B blockers
- Avoid overload
- Avoid supine positions
- Treat Pulmonary oedema with O, diamorphine and diuretics
- Balloon valvotomy
HCM: avoid hypovolaemia and stay on B blockers
Peripartum: Mg: delivery, VTE, convential HF tx (duiretics, vasodilators, b blockers, digoxin, ACEi)
Consider myocarditis
Counsel against further pregnancy if LVEF does not return to normal
Artificial heart valves
- Mechanical heart valves require anticoagulation
- Grafted tissue deterioration can accelerate by pregnancy
MI - increasing incidence, PCI preferred from thrombolysis given bleeding risk
Aortic dissection (Marfans, turners, EDS type IV, coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve)
Warfarin: FWS, miscarriage, SB, intra-cerebral bleeding
Clexane: higher risk of thrombosis for woman (can add aspirin and monitor antiXa levels)
Need to discontinue warfarin for delivery to protect infant
Consider abx
Arrhythmias managemetn
Digoxin, b blockers, adenosine
Avoid amiodarone
Flecainide for baby