Renal Flashcards
What makes up the glomerular filtration barrier?
- Fenestrated capillary endothelium
- Glomerular basement membrane (double thickness) - negatively charged
- Podocyte foot processes (which form filtration slits- in between foot processes)
How many percent of the cardiac output does the kidney receive?
20% = 1litre
What are the functions of the kidney?
To maintain balance of salt, water and pH
Removal of waste products
Removal of excess fluid
Endocrine function (secreting hormones) - Erythropoietin which stimulates red blood cell production
Calcitriol - calcium and phosphate regulation
Control of blood pressure
Removal of drugs from the body
What makes up the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
- Juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent glomerular arteriole
- Macula densa (of the distal convoluted tubule)
Why is creatinine used as a marker for glomerular filtration rate? What is the gold standard marker?
- It is not metabolised
- Slight secretion by renal tubules (not absorbed)
- It is freely filtered
But Inulin is the gold standard - but not easy to use
Function of mesangial cells
They provide structural support to the glomerular tuft.
What are some factors affecting glomerular filtration rate?
- Blood pressure – increased blood pressure - increased glomerular blood flow (and hydrostatic pressure)– increased GFR
- Fluid pressure in Bowman’s space (increased hydrostatic pressure decreases glomerular filtration rate)
- Oncotic pressure in the capillary due to albumin (increased oncotic pressure decreases GFR)
- Size of molecules –> Molecules up to 10kda in size have a higher filtration rate (e.g. Glucose, amino acids, sodium and potassium, urea, creatining, HCO3-, Cl-)
- Charge of molecules –> The glomerular basement membrane has a net negative charge and thus repels negatively charged molecules
- Afferent and efferent arteriole diameter.
Name 3 hormones the kidney produces
1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3
What is urine flow rate and what is the value of it?
The actual amount of urine generated by the kidney
What is the order of blood vessels from the aorta to the IVC? in terms of kidneys
Abdominal aorta –> Renal artery –> Interlobar artery –> Arcuate artery –> Interlobular artery –> Afferent arteriole –> Glomerular capillary –> Efferent arteriole –> Peritubular capillaries –> Vasa Recta –> Interlobular vein –> Arcuate vein –> Interlobar vein –> Renal vein –> IVC
What are the two mechanisms of intrinsic autoregulation in the kidneys?
What is their purpose?
- They function to maintain a constant GFR and excretion of water and waste products
1) Myogenic mechanism
2) Tubuloglomerular feedback
(Extrinsic - sympathetic stimulation, hormones)
Explain the myogenic mechanism of instrinsic autoregulation (when bp is high) - of glomerular filtration rate
Higher blood pressure → exerts force and stretches the smooth muscle cells of the afferent arteriole → sodium channels open and moves into the cell making the inside of the cell more positive→ stimulating the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium into the smooth muscle cell → increasing contraction of smooth muscles (vasoconstriction) → vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles lead to a lower glomerular blood flow → lower glomerular filtration rate
Explain the tubuloglomerular feedback
Higher blood pressure → higher glomerular hydrostatic pressure → higher glomerular filtration rate → more solutes and more sodium chloride are filtered into the bowman’s capsule and proximal convoluted tubule (most sodium chloride is absorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule)→ more sodium chloride makes it to the distal convoluted tubule (as channels in the PCT can’t cope) → macula densa cells detect the high levels of sodium and chloride and release adenosine→ adenosine can act on the afferent arterioles resulting in vasoconstriction (resulting in lower glomerular blood flow and lower GFR) → adenosine can also act on the juxtaglomerular cells (which contain granules of renin) to inhibit the release of renin and thus RAAS. → overall reduced the glomerular hydrostatic pressure and GFR.
(Macula densa cells release Prostaglandins and nitric oxide when blood pressure is low- triggering vasodilation of afferent arteriole AND release of renin)
Functions of angiotensin 2 (in increasing GFR)
What is the antagonist of angiotensin 2?
- Angiotensin 2 stimulates the hypothalamus to stimulate the posterior pituitary to release ADH (vasopressin) → (ADH increases blood volume, increasing blood pressure, increasing GFR)
- Angiotensin 2 can stimulate your thirst centre to increase consumption of water → increasing blood volume and increasing blood pressure → increasing GFR
- Angiotensin 2 acts on the adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa) to stimulate the release of aldosterone (mineralocorticoid) → aldosterone acts on principal cells of the collecting ducts and increases the expression of Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) → to reabsorb sodium and water → increasing blood volume and blood pressure → increasing GFR
- Angiotensin 2 can act on the proximal convoluted tubule to increase sodium and water reabsorption → increase blood volume → increase blood pressure and GFR
Atrial natriuretic peptide is the antagonist of these functions.
What is the normal glomerular filtration rate?
How much plasma is filtered a day?
180l of fluid passes through the kidney per day.
What is renal clearance? What is the normal renal clearance?
A measure of how much of a substance can be completely removed by the kidney per unit time
A substance with a normal renal clearance of 125ml/min would indicate that the molecule is filtered and passes unchanged into the urine
A molecule with a low renal clearance e.g. 80ml/min would indicate that the molecule is filtered and reabsorbed (glucose- completely reabsorbed)
A molecule with a high renal clearance 250++ would indicate that it is filtered and actively secreted
How does a dilation/constriction in the afferent/efferent arterioles of the kidneys affect GFR?
Dilate Afferent arteriole= increase GFR
Constrict Efferent arteriole= increase GFR
Due to increased blood at renal corpuscle
Constrict afferent arteriole= decrease GFR
Dilate efferent arteriole= decrease GFR
Due to decreased blood at renal corpuscle
Definition of glomerular filtration rate
What is the formula for it?
A measure of the volume of fluid filtered by the glomeruli of the kidneys per unit time.
GFR= Kf (pressure in glomerular capillary - pressure in bowman’s space) - (pi x pressure in glomerular capillary)
Kf= filtration coefficient
How does sympathetic stimulus affect GFR?
Increased sympathetic stimulus –> afferent arterioles constrict –> decreased renal blood flow –> decreased glomerular filtration rate
So adrenaline and noradrenaline decrease GFR
What is filtration fraction? What is the formula?
The portion of plasma that is filtered across the glomerulus relative to the renal plasma flow
Filtration fraction = GFR/renal plasma flow
Figures for renal blood flow, renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate and urine flow rate
Renal blood flow- 1250ml/min
Renal plasma flow- 700ml/min
Glomerular filtration rate- 120ml/min
Urine flow rate- 1ml/min
Figures for renal blood flow, renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate and urine flow rate
Renal blood flow- 1250ml/min
Renal plasma flow- 700ml/min
Glomerular filtration rate- 120ml/min
Urine flow rate- 1ml/min
Where does the bulk of reabsorption in the kidney occur?
Proximal convoluted tubule
What happens in the PCT?
- Bulk of reabsorption in the kidneys takes place here
1) Na+ K+ ATPase - pumps 3 Na+ out and 2K+ in basolaterally
2) With the low sodium concentration in the cells, Na+ co transports glucose, amino acids, Cl- and lactate for reabsorption
3) Na+ is antiported with H+ (Na+ in, H+ out of PCT cell) (from carbonic anhydrase reaction, where CO2 enters PCT cells from the blood) - HCO3- IS REABSORBED basolaterally into the blood –> maintains electrical charge
4) Water follows sodium ions so they are reabsorbed also
5) Paracellular transport (between PCT cells) – reabsorption of Cl-, K+, Ca2+, etc
What happens in the loop of henle?
How is hypertonicity affected as you descend and ascend the loop of henle?
The thick ascending limb is permeable to ions and not to water so when ions are reabsorbed, it generates a hypertonic medullary interstitium (NKCC 2 channels, Sodium and 2 chlorides are absorbed and potassium is recycled)
This hypertonic medulla causes the reabsorption of water in the thin descending limb (which is only permeable to water and not ions)
Thus the further you descend in the loop of henle, the higher the osmolality. The further you ascend, the more lower the osmolality (low osmolality=hypotonic)
Function of the vasa recta
They contain hairpin loops which run parallel to the loop of henle. They run in opposite directions to the loops of henle.
- They supply oxygen and nutrients to the renal medulla
- It has a counter current exchange mechanism which allows the maintenance of the concentration gradient in the renal medulla
- It reabsorbs water and solutes back into the blood stream.
What happens in the DCT?
- Sodium and chloride reabsorption via sodium chloride symporter
- PTH can promote calcium reabsorption (via cyclic AMP, protein kinase –> calcium channels)
- Aldosterone can increase sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion
- ADH can upregulate aquaporins, increasing water reabsorption.
What happens in the collecting duct?
Intercalated cells
- Are involved in secreting H+ in exchange for K+ (the HCO3- is reabsorbed from the carbonic anhydrase reaction)
Principal cells
- ADH upregulates aquaporin channels which increases water reabsorption
- Aldosterone acts on ENaC channels which reabsorbs sodium and excretes potassium
Where is ADH made and secreted?
ADH is made by the hypothalamus but released by the posterior pituitary.
What kind of hormone is aldosterone?
Steroid hormone- made from lipid cholesterol
What are the functions of aldosterone?
- Acts on the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to increase sodium reabsorption (and thus water reabsorption) and potassium excretion
What is the difference between acidosis and acidemia? Alkalosis and alkalemia also
Acidosis is a disorder tending to make blood more acidic than normal
Acidemia means low blood pH (pH <7.35)
Alkalosis is a disorder tending to make blood more alkaline than normal
Alkalemia means high blood pH (pH > 7.45
What nerves innervate the bladder? Are they parasympathetic or sympathetic?
What muscles does it have?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4)
Parasympathetic nerves
It has detrusor muscles
What nerves innervate the internal urethral sphincter? Are they parasympathetic or sympathetic?
What muscles does it have?
Innervated by sympathetic fibres from the hypogastric nerve T10 - L2
It has smooth muscle
What nerves innervate the external urethral sphincter? Are they parasympathetic or sympathetic?
What muscles does it have?
Innervated by somatic pudendal nerve S2-S4
It has skeletal muscle
What is happening with the sympathetic and somatic motor neurones when the bladder is empty?
- Sympathetic motor neurone are stimulated to cause the detrusor muscle of the bladder to relax and the internal urethral sphincter to constrict for STORAGE OF URINE.
- Somatic motor neurones keep the external urethral sphincter constricted
What is the bladder stretch reflex?
As the bladder fills, stretch of the bladder wall is detected and this is relayed to the sacral spinal cord via visceral afferent fibres. In the sacral spinal cord, they synapse directly onto motor neurons which via parasympathetic fibres of the pelvic splanchnic nerves, cause bladder contraction and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter.
Referred to as the reflex arc
After ‘potty training’ this reflex arc can be inhibited by inputs from the cerebral cortex (in older children and adults)– we learn to consciously recognise bladder filling and develop descending pathways that inhibit the reflex when it is not convenient to urinate.
What bladder dysfunction happens when a patient suffers an injury to their spinal cord above the sacral level (at the level of T10)?
2 pathways are interrupted
Ascending pathways conveying the sensation of bladder filling to the brain (patient no longer aware of bladder filling) are interrupted
Descending pathways that exert voluntary, inhibitory control over the external urethral sphincter (so external sphincter is permanently relaxed) are interrupted
So the reflex arc still functions below the injury but the patient no longer has control over it. (the patient does not realise they need to pass urine and the bladder automatically empties as it fills - the patient is incontinent of urine)- urinary incontinence
What bladder dysfunction happens when a patient suffers an injury to the spinal cord or cauda equina at or below the level of sacral micturition centres?
The reflex arc is disrupted and the bladder fills with urine without emptying. The internal urethral sphincter is permanently contracted
So as the bladder continues to fill, the pressure in the bladder eventually exceeds the strength of the internal urethral sphincter and urination will occur. Referred to as overflow incontinence
However if the pressure in the bladder does not overcome the strength of the internal sphincter, the patient develops urinary retention→ eventually urine may back up to the ureters and kidneys if a urinary catheter is not placed.
What level is the sacral micturition centres?
What are the effects of somatic, parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation on the bladder. Where do they arise from?
Somatic- Via branches of the pudendal nerve (S2-S4) → this allows for conscious control of the external urethral sphincter
Sympathetic- Via branches of the hypogastric nerve (T12-L2- sympathetic chain) → it causes relaxation of the detrusor and contraction of the internal urethral sphincter, allowing storage of urine.
Parasympathetic- Via the pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4) → It causes contraction of the detrusor and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter, allowing initiation of micturition