Renaissance Flash Cards
The era after the middle ages in Western Europe. A “Rebirth” in trade, learning, and Greco-Roman ideas.
A “Holy War”. The events that increased the demand for luxury goods from Asia. (Lasted 300 years.)
The most important Italian city. Where wealth from trade sparked the Renaissance.
They began meeting the demand for trade in Europe. Known today as “Small Business Owners”. A middle class was formed because of them.
Loyalty to where you are from.
Hundred Years War
Conflict between England and France. (1337 - 1453.)
A military weapon created after the discovery of gunpowder. Used to help armies penetrate castles.
Long Bow
A military weapon that decreased the importance of knights on horseback. Allowed soldiers to shoot accurately for up to 300 yards.
An important religious figure to Christians.
Catholic Church
A religious building for Christians. Lost some of its influence as a result of the losses to Muslim armies, though it was still a vital part of a persons life.
Bubonic Plague
A disease transferred by rats. Caused the decline of the manorial system, a labor shortage, and killed 25 million people in 5 years. (1/3 of Europe’s population.)
A new way of thinking. People who followed this new way studied the “classical” ideas of Greece and Rome. They believed Education could make the world a better place.
Renaissance Man
The ideal image of a male during the Renaissance. He was well educated, smart, could dance, write poetry and play music. They were expected to be very talented.
The exchange of goods. The rise of this during the Renaissance gave individuals options to leave their former manors and move to cities to work jobs.