Renaissance Flash Cards
An Era where western Europe experienced a rebirth developing new things like art, gun, money ect.
A series of military expeditions of 3 different holy religions fighting during the middle ages.
The most important Italian city where wealth from trade sparked the Renaissance witch then became the most artistic city in Italy.
People who were apart of the middle class that gained lots of power and became wealthy
A time where king’s started to rise and people started to trust them and be loyal to them more then their feudal lord
Hundred years war
A massive war which new military weapons decreased the power of feudal lords and knight and the discovery of gunpowder led to cannons that could penetrate castles.
massive weapons that used gunpowder to blow up the big castle walls
Long Bow
wooden sticks with a string that gave knights the ability to shoot up to 300 yards accurately witch took away the importance of knights on horseback
a man of god that had equal if not more power then the king
Catholic Church
A holy place that was one of the most important things in people lives back then.
Bubonic Plague
A horrible sickness that killed 1/3 of Europe’s population in 5 years.
A new way of thinking during the renaissance that were classical ideas of Rome and Greece.
Renaissance Man
A well educated, smart man, who can dance, write poetry, and play music
The event of 2 or more people exchanges items with one another for no money.