Renaissance Flash Cards
Learning Stuff
What was the Renaissance?
An era Western Europe went through during 1300-1600 when Western Europe experienced a rebirth in trade, learning, art, government, and human potential.
What were the Crusades, how long did they last, and why were they caused?
They were holy wars that were caused to take back the “holy land” (Jerusalem), and they lasted 300 years.
What is Florence, and why was it well recognized?
The most important Italian city that was the most artistic.
Who were merchants, and what did they do?
People who traded for supplies and money.
What is Nationalism?
Pride and loyalty in your country.
What was the Hundred Years War?
A long period with nonstop wars and fighting between the countries France and England.
What was the cannon, and what was its purpose
An extremely powerful weapon that was used to break down walls and castles.
What was the long bow, and why was it so useful?
A very good long ranged weapon that could launch up to 100 feet.
What is the Pope?
The leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
What was the Catholic Church?
The Church for the religion, Roman Catholic
What was the Bubonic Plague, how was it caused, why was it so dangerous?
The disease that killed more than 1/3 of Europe’s population (25 million people) that was caused by infected rats.
What was Humanism?
The belief that education would make the world much better, and that every human had the potential to help the world in some way.
What was a Renaissance Man
A person who was well educated, smart, can dance, write poetry, and play music (Basically anything).
What was trade, and why did people do it?
The exchanging of items, that was performed in order to exchange goods with one another to get different items and supplies.