renaissance and reformation Flashcards
galileo galilei and his discoveries
inventions: early thermometer and telescope
- observed jupiter’s moon
-found milky way is made of stars
-heavenly bodies of matter exist throughout space
Scientific Method
a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence that was crucial to the evolution of science in the modern world
- created by francis bacon
95 Theses
luther wrote arguments and posted them which sparked the reformation
relating to the Church of England
pope leo x
former head of catholic church
- that used the sale of indulgences to rebuild a basilica and he - challenged Martin Luther and had him excommunicated
Banishment from the church
council of trent
A meeting of Roman Catholic leaders was called by Pope Paul III to rule on doctrines criticized by the Protestant reformers.
-reaffirmed the catholic doctrine
-faith/good work is necessary for salvation
-7 sacraments upheld
- can’t sell indulgences
-changes with papacy
diet of worms
Assembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in Worms, Germany. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw
the counter reformation
Catholic Church’s attempt to stop the protestant movement and to strengthen the Catholic Church
scientific revolution
a major change in European thought in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs. (went against catholic beliefs of creation)
causes: humanists, technological advancements, math
copernicus and universal model
determined universe was heliocentric
- sun being at center of solar system rather than the earth
issac newton and the mathematical principle of natural philosophy
- created universal laws of motion
- produced law of gravitation
-tied together everyone’s ideas
emilie du chatelet
- published 3 volume work
- translated newtons principia into french; proves she understood and explained his complex mathematics
reflecting telescope
A telescope that uses a curved mirror to collect and focus light
-invented by issac newton
johannes kepler
-found orbit of planets were elliptical (not perfectly circular)
-confirmed heliocentric model
-had a lot of astronomical data to prove his laws of planetary model
martin luther
german monk, theologian, and priest who began the protestant reformation with the publication of the 95 theses
a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation
a pardon releasing a person from punishments due for a sin (pay money to remove sins)
religious movement that’s objective was to reform the roman catholic church; which established protestant churches
office or authority of the pope
“rebirth”; a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome after the dark ages
printing press and johann gutenberg
he invented world’s first printing press; which was one of the greatest inventions at the time because it increased how quickly, easily and cheaply new ideas could spread (via written word)
the idea/belief that challened humans to learn and become good at many things; humanities- literature, history, moral philosophy
the literature of ancient Greece and Rome
someone who employs artists to create art
the wealthiest/most powerful family in italy during the renaissance
the medicis ran the city of florence; which the birthplace of the renaissance
byzantine empire
Eastern half of the Roman Empire that survived the fall of the Western half; but was weakened by the 4th crusade because they were trading to western europe
ottoman empire
islamic empire that conquered the byzantine empire, many christian europeans migrated to italy which helped rebirth because of trade
The eastern Mediterranean region from western Greece to western Egypt.
northern renaissance
An extension of the Italian Renaissance to the nations Germany, Flanders, France, and England; it took on a more religious nature than the Italian Renaissance
st. peter’s basilica
Largest Christian church in the world. Located in the Vatican City in Italy. The dome was created by Michelangelo.
leonardo da vinci
italian polymath of the renaissance
- first to believe art was connected to science/nature
-mona lisa
An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect.
- his work demonstrated a blend of psychological insight, physical realism, and intensity
-sistine chapel
jan van eyk
Flemish painter who was very important to northern renaissance art and entire renaissance; developed oil-glazing technique