final Flashcards
spatial reorganization and relations
how some objects are located in space to other objects
the distribution of human population group
- characteristics of a population are age, race, gender, etc.
prime mederianian
0 degree longitude (middle north to south wise)
0 degrees latitude (middle east to west)
a description of surface features of land.
absolute location
is the exact place where something is found (coordinates)
relative location
is the description of a place in relation to another place
the large landmass that includes both Europe and Asia
afro eurasia
the vast region made up of Africa, Europe, and Asia
latin america
Spanish or Portuguese-speaking nations south of the U.S.; area where vulnerable new republics tempted European monarchies to intervene
a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia
Abbasid Dynasty
(750- 1258) conquered the umayyad dynasty after it got too big, so other sub-dynasties were created
Arabic word for God
middle eastern market that organizes trade
a nomadic Arab tribe of the desert.
the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler; successor of Muhammad.
someone ruled by caliph
a major monotheistic religion found in the Middle East and Asia focusing on the worship of Allah
a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam.
The most sacred temple of Islam, located in the middle of Mecca
spiritual center of islam where muhammad received first revelations
arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam.
“hajj” trip to the holy city of mecca by foot (once in a lifetime)
the 5 pillars of islam
Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, Pilgrimage
muhammad in islam (a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.)
The holy book of Islam
law of the islamic traditions
an arab leader, chief/head of an arab tribe, family, or village
community of muslims
umayyad dynasty
(661-750) dynasty that spread their islamic empire which brought great wealth and ethnic groups
a Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of the Umayyads as the true rulers of Islam (because muhammad died without appointing a successor to lead the communities and they followed abu bakr after he was elected)
group of Muslims who believe that Ali and his descendants are part of a divine order (for Muhammad)
arabian peninsula
the largest peninsula in the world in- between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf
abrahamic religions
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
center of caliphate during golden age and center for learning and trade
belief in only one god
belief in more than one god or many gods
byzantine empire
the eastern half of the Roman Empire that survived the fall of the Western half at the end of the 5th century (330-1453_
Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (life 280-337)
the city was founded as the 2nd capital of the roman empire; later became the capital of the byzantine empire
hagia sophia
the cathedral of holy wisdom in constantinople, was built by the byzantine emperor justinian
emperor justinian
byzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruler by Rome. He initiated an ambitious building program, including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code.
an ancient greek stadium used for horse racing and chariot racing
Justinan’s Code of law
a law code created by the byzantine emperor justinian around 520 c.e. it was a revision of the old roman law system
Eastern Orthodox Church
a christian religion that developed out of early christianity in the byzantine empire
roman catholicism
A branch of Christianity that developed in the western Roman Empire and that recognized the Pope as its supreme head; was central to medieval europeans lives
the pope
Head of the Roman Catholic Church; had a lot of power in europe especially in the middle ages
a person who attacks cherished beliefs and traditional institutions (based on error or superstition)
The taking away of a person’s right of membership in a Christian church (banishment from the church)
the middle ages/medieval period
the time between the collapse of the roman empire in the 5th century (a.d) and beginning of the renaissance in the 14th century
men who devoted their lives to the church by praying, meditating and running institutions (univerisities)
Charlemagne (Charles the Great)
frankish ruler who united christian (catholic) europe under the holy roman empire
A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land (ranking system)
someone who promised to support a lord in exchange for land (vassal)
ranking/pyramid of the types of citizens
(pope to king to lord to knight to serf/peasant)
land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices.
feudal contract
under feudalism, the unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal
hanseatic league
an organization of north German and Scandinavian cities for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance.
Association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests
magna carta
an english document, in 1215, drawn up by nobles under king john that limited the power of the king; it later influenced constitutional documents
rule of law
principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
the lawmaking body of British government
the religious between western catholic europe and the islamic turks over the holy land in jerusalem (1095-1291)
one who does not accept a particular faith; an unbeliever
Black Plague
the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe
Hundred Years War
War between France and Britain, lasted 116 years, mostly a time of peace, but it was punctuated by times of brutal violence (1337 to 1453)
han dynasty
2nd dynasty in imperial china that was founded by emperor gaozu; civil service dynasty
sui dynasty
a short ruling period between the han and the tang but unified under one emperor; built the grand canal which linked the yangtze and yang river, but cruel emperor led to the end of the dynasty
tang dynasty
dynasty that established a stable economy that divided powers fairer and restored the civil service exam; rulers expanded china’s territory but corruption led to rebellion which led to fall of dynasty
song dynasty
dynasty that had prosperity and cultural achievements but they lost control over tibet and fell due to mongol threats from the north
a belief system that focuses on personal ethics and morality
order to the universe:
- people are born into a role
-ruler must set a good example
-humans are good
civil service
work for/or in the government
civil service exam
test men took at the end of their civil service education
civil service system
system of training/educating men in confucianism ideas so that they may work in important government offices
mix of cast iron and wrought iron in a blast furnace
explosive powder consisting of a mixture of elements
empress wu zetian
1st female empress in china that ruled for 50 years and proved women could be powerful, successful rulers
philosophy that created order in society and ran an efficient economy; established punishment for bad behavior and rewarded good behavior (QIN OPERATED UNDER THIS)
chinese philosophy to obtain an equal balance between nature and humanity
mandate of heaven
each dynasty claimed to have gained and kept power due to a divine source of authority; and believed god gave them the right to be in power
dynastic cycle
the pattern of the rising and falling of Chinese dynasties; describes the flow of Chinese history
centralized government
one group or individual that controls a large territory directly through various means
de-centralized government
groups or individuals in charge of a smaller territory that may be part of a larger state
yangtze river
the longest river in china (south one)
yellow river
second longest river in china (north one)
shi huang di
ruler/founder of the qin dynasty (used legalism)
xia dynasty
first dynasty/government in china; adopted the policy of dynastic succession
zhou dynasty
most culturally significant of the early dynasties and the longest lasting; warring states during last 300 years of this dynasty
qin dynasty
first dynasty of imperial china that united seperate states
warring states period
describes the last 3 centuries when various rival chinese states battled for territorial advantage/dominance
most important decisions are made by state officials rather than elected representatives
one who works for a department or agency of the government—civil servant
temujin/genghis khan
First leader of the unified Mongol people in 1206. Brilliant organizer and strategist.
a large area of flat unforested grassland found in a temperate climate
someone who lives by traveling from place to place
a relationship based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption
a large area of flat unforested grassland found in a temperate climate (in eastern central Asia)
the secret history of the mongols
written by a member of genghis khan’s family. tells the story of genghis’s life; primary source
khanate of the golden horde
russia, took over steppes north of the black sea, didn’t occupy russia because it was too forested
ilkhanate of persia
hulegu overthrew the abbasid empire, captured baghdad
chagatai khanate
established by chagatai, first khanate who stayed true to it’s nomadic roots; this developed less in economic/cultural terms, but promoted the islamic religion constantly at war
khanate of the great khan
promoted buddhism, khan=kublai khan, who conquered china and made the yuan dynasty; practiced confucian idea in the yuan dynasty
yuan dynasty
made by khubilai khan and lasts until 1368; dynasty of the khanate of the great khan
kublai khan
made yuan dynasty, proclaimed mandate of heaven, emperor of china; genghis khan’s grandson, most talented of the great conquerors descendants
khubilais’s brother, khan of ilkhanate of persia; took over abbasid
abbasid empire (mongols)
ilkhanate of persia captured baghdad
pax mongolia
a period of stability in eurasia “mongol peace”
zhu chongba drove out mongols in beijing and created a new dynasty: ming
baghdad (relating to mongols)
ilkhanate of persia captured the city of baghdad, looted it, executed the caliph, and mascaraed more of the city’s population
mongol local who overthrew the ilkhanate of persia, made turmid empire and the 1st ruler of empire, one of the greatest military leaders in history
black death
the bubonic plague that had a serious toll on the golden horde, hurt the economy a lot and Mongols spread it through the silk road killing 1/3 of the population in Europe
silk road
mongols re-established the silk road because their empire was so big they needed a way to trade and get things from one place to another; silk road collapsed when the mongols/black death happened and he mongols fell
people who viewed the natural world as a connection ti the gods (mongols were animist)
believed to have a connection with the spiritual world (mongols were shamans)
ming dynasty
made by zhu chongba- he drove out mongols in the great khan (china) and made the ming dynasty