Renaissance Flashcards
What reduced the influence of the Catholic church in medicine?
Protestant Christianity spread to Britain in the 16th century, and therefore the Catholic Church no longer had so much control over medical teaching (dissections take place, Galen challenged)
what did Vesalius believe about surgery?
successful surgery could only be acheived if doctors had a proper understanding of anatomy
Why else (apart from a decrease in Church’s influence) were people in renaissance more focused on direct observation and experientation?
many books found from classical Greek and Roman times said anatomy and dissections were important - encouraged people to do own dissections and come to their own conclusions about disease
When was Fabric of Human body written? (by who?
1543 (Vesalius)
give two examples of one of Galen’s mistakes corrected by Vesalius?
no holes in septum of heart
jawbone made of two separate bones, not one
How did Vesalius correcting some of Galen’s mistakes influence other doctors?
doctors realised there was more to discover about the body due to Vesalius’ questioning attitude
At first Pare’s ideas were resisted by doctors as they didn’t trust a lowly surgeon. How did Pares ideas become more supported?
Pare became surgeon to King of France - with the King’s support he began to be accepted
Why did peope in Renaissance use both old and new treatments (link to development of printing press)
many people couldn’t read or write/ couldn’t afford the books. Because of this, ideas were only shared within a small part of society and so many treatments from Middle ages remained
Who did people visit for the ‘King’s touch’?
King Charles 1
what was quakery?
medicines that didn’t work and often did more harm than good
who were quacks?
sold quakery medicine at fairs and markets
had no medical knowledge
How was quackery attempted to be stopped?
from 1600, College of Physicians started to license doctors
when did Great Plague strike London?
when was College of Physicians set up?
What was the College of the Physicians later called?
Royal college of Physicians
What happened to doctors who trained at the College of Physicians?
gained a licence - separated them from the numbers of quack doctors
What was the College of the Physicians?
School for doctors to train - they read books by Galen and studied recent medical developments
Name 2 drugs brought back to England during Renaissance?
what was the drug guaiacum used for?
believed to cure syphillis
what was the drug quinine used for?
a drug for malaria from the bark of Cinchona
In what period did dissections become a key part of medical training?
renaissance - 1700’s
When was the London College of Surgeons created?
what was London College of Surgeons later called?
Royal College of Surgeons
how did London/Royal College of Surgeons contribute to medicine?
set training standards for surgeons for the first time